Page 13 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 13

May 22, 2015                                                                                                                                                                 Desert Wings 13

ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12                                          Towing Service Available through Auto Hobby: Tuesday-           Education and Training
                                                              Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $50. Towing is available on- and off-
from the research of the Myers Briggs’ Personality Type       base although a $5 per mile charge past any of the gates. For       140 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2453, 661-277-2713
instrument in his book, Please Understand Me. Call Maria                                                                          Complete Your CCAF Degree: The Education Center has
at 661-277-7618 to schedule a 4 Lenses™ assessment for        Club Muroc                                                        CCAF advisers available to assist you with completion of
your organization/team.                                                                                                         your CCAF degree. Call (661) 277-2713, or stop by Bldg.
                                                                275 Doolittle Parkway, 661-275-CLUB                             2435, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Don’t procrastinate, it’s easier
  Hearts Apart: This is a support group and social network                                                                      than you think!
for families of deployed members and an opportunity to meet     Harleys @ Club Muroc: Tuesday–Friday, 5-8 p.m. Join us
with leadership. Sign-up is required. For more information,   for table dining service, all new menus with many options.          Webster University, an ACBSP regionally accredited uni-
call 661-277-0723.                                            To avoid waiting, call 661-277-2830 to place your order!          versity, is looking for potential faculty to teach graduate-
                                                              Check our upcoming specials and events on Facebook, Ed-           OHYHO¿QDQFHRUKXPDQUHVRXUFHFRXUVHVDWRXU(GZDUGV$)%
Arts and Crafts Center/Auto Hobby                             wards Club Muroc.                                                 FDPSXV0LQLPXPTXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQFOXGHDPDVWHU¶VGHJUHH
  200 Methusa Rd., 661-275-ARTS/661-275-AUTO                  Daily Lunch Specials                                              experience, and preferably experience teaching at the gradu-
                                                                Monday: Hot Plate Special (rotating menu). Cost is $5.95        ate level. Applicants please send resume/vita to edwards@
  Smog Testing: Edwards Auto Hobby performs smog                                                                       For more information, call Karen Fudala at
checks 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, and 9 a.m.-6 p.m.,      for members, $9.25 for non-members.                               (661) 258-8501.
Saturday. Call ahead to see what times are available.           Tuesday: Chicken alfredo or meatloaf with mashed pota-
                                                                                                                                Family Child Care
  Frame Shop: We have the Best prices in the Antelope         toes and string beans. Cost is $8.25 for members, $9.25 for
Valley when it comes to custom framing—are prices can’t       non-members.                                                        Conference Center, Farrell Drive, Bldg. 5620, 661-275-
be beat and remember there is NO SALES TAX!                                                                                     4322
                                                                Wednesday: Pork chops or beef pot roast with au gratin
  Wood Shop: Available 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Tuesday through         potatoes and tarragon carrots. Cost is $8.25 for members,           Family Child Care is seeking dedicated people who love
Saturday. For the wood working hobbyist, the Arts and Crafts  $9.25 for non-members.                                            working with children: If you live on-base and want to care
Center provides a variety of equipment that includes band                                                                       for children in your home or you are a military dependent
saws, table saws, a drill press and much more, for a minimal    Thursday: Tri-tip with roasted rosemary potatoes and            and live off-base, you may be eligible to be a licensed or
cost of $2 per hour. A safety course is required to use the   corn; and eight-crunchy breaded chicken wings with fries.         DI¿OLDWHGSURYLGHU0DNHDSRVLWLYHGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHOLYHV
Wood Shop. For more information, call 661-275-2787 or         Cost is $8.25 for members, $9.25 for non-members. New:            of children! Most materials and training are provided free
stop by the Arts and Crafts Center in Bldg. 2440.             Eight crunchy breaded chicken wings with fries. Cost is           of charge!
                                                              $8.25 for members, $9.25 for non-members.
  Auto Hobby: Your Auto Hobby Center is new and im-                                                                               Extended Duty Care: The Air Force offers the Extended
SURYHG:HQRZRIIHURLORLO¿OWHUVZLSHUEODGHVDQGDYD-    Friday: Grilled steak with baked potato and barbecue            Duty Care Program to assist parents who need additional
riety of accessories—you can purchase these items to use      beans. Cost is $10.95 for members, $11.95 for non-members.        child care beyond their normal arrangements due to mission
yourself or Auto Hobby can do the work for you! We will       Or, breaded tilapia with rice pilaf and Italian vegetable blend.  related requirements. Children must already be enrolled in
match or beat any maintenance and repair prices (except for   Cost is $8.25 for members, $9.25 for non-members.                 the Child Development Center, the School Age Program or
warranty work). We can also take care of special orders on                                                                      the Family Child Care Program to qualify. To enroll in this
parts.                                                          Members Birthday Month Coupon: Pick up Tuesday-
                                                              Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Happy Birthday from Club Muroc!                                            See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 14
  Engraving: New and improved laser-engraver—the qual-        Stop by the club during your birthday month and we’ll give
ity of our product will exceed your expectations! Our new     you a coupon for a free meal! Offer valid for Edwards club
machine can engrave on a variety of materials—lass, plastic,  members only.
wood, metal, etc. We will match any price within the local
AV community.

                                                              For Active Duty Military, Firefighter & Law Enforcement Personnel*
                                                                                    During the Month of May!

                                                                                 All Day Pass is available Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

                                                                  *Must show valid current ID. Not Valid with any other offer or discount. Offer expires May 31, 2015.

                                                                                Purchase Additional All Day Passes for $10 each. Limit 4.

                                                                                                                                       TORRANCE               MURRIETA          PALMDALE
                                                                                                                                1351 W. Sepulveda Blvd.  24950 Madison Ave.  525 West Ave. P-4
                                                                                                                                                          Ph: 951-696-9696   Ph: 661-273-1407
                                                                                                                                   Ph: 310-325-3950
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