Page 10 - Wings 5-22-15
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10 Desert Wings                                                                                                                     May 22, 2015

$ORKD$$3,PRQWKVHH\RXQH[W\HDU                                                                                              Airman 1st
                                                                                                                                 Class Dora Pulu,
by Rebecca Amber                                                                        Air Force photographs by Rebecca Amber   412th Aircraft
Staff writer                                                                                                                     Maintenance
                                     A traditional folklore dance is performed by members                                        Squadron, performs
  7KH$VLDQ$PHULFDQ3DFL¿F,V-      RIWKH0HJXPL.DLGXULQJWKH$VLDQ$PHULFDQ3DFL¿F                                         a traditional
lander Month celebration came to     Islander Month Cultural Show and Food Tasting May 20.                                       Samoan dance.
a close May 20 at the 8th Annual
Cultural Show and Food Tasting.      Above: The Airman and Family Readiness Center was                                          The Edwards AFB
                                     packed with people trying food from China, Guam,                                           Warriors performed
  The Airman and Family Readi-       Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, the Philippines and                                         a Haka that was so
QHVV&HQWHUZDV¿OOHGZLWKWKH      Samoa. Right: 7KHWK$QQXDO$VLDQ$PHULFDQ3DFL¿F                                        popular that they
aroma of hot dishes from China,      Islander Month Cultural Show and Food Tasting                                              were asked to do an
Guam, Hawaii, Japan, Korea,          included many traditional songs and dances.                                                encore at the end of
Myanmar, the Philippines and                                                                                                    the program. Haka is
Samoa.                                                                                                                          a traditional ancestral
                                                                                                                                war cry, dance, or
  Throughout the ceremony, live                                                                                                 challenge from the
entertainment was provided in                                                                                                   Maori people of New
the form of traditional songs and                                                                                               Zealand.

  The heritage month has been
May since 1977.

  In 1992 the celebration was
extended to last the whole month.
The month of May marks the
dates including the arrival of the
United States May 7, 1843, and
the anniversary of the completion
of the transcontinental railroad
May 10, 1869. The tracks were
laid primarily by Chinese immi-

  This year’s theme was “Many
Cultures, One Voice: Promote
Equality and Inclusion.”


by Rebecca Amber
Staff writer

  In keeping with Ancient Chinese traditions, the Asian       7KH$VLDQ$PHULFDQ3DFL¿F,VODQGHU+HULWDJH0RQWK'UDJRQ
$PHULFDQ3DFL¿F,VODQGHU+HULWDJH0RQWK&RPPLWWHHKRVWHG     Land Race was open to any non-motorized vehicles.
a dragon land race May 1 at the Arnold Park BMX track.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Air Force photographs by Rebecca Amber
  The race and burger burn was an adaptation of the histori-
cal Chinese dragon boat races that have been held for more                                                                      Above: Sgt. David Christie, 412th Logistics Test Squadron,
than 2,000 years as a symbol of pride for each participating                                                                    and the “Ugly Babies” took the prize for fastest vehicle in the
Chinese province.                                                                                                               AAPI Heritage Month Dragon Land Race May 14. The 412th
                                                                                                                                Logistics Test Squadron spent about a week designing and
  Winning teams received a plaque and free admission to the                                                                     building their entry. Left: Airman 1st Class Jeffery Lerma,
AAPI closing ceremony.                                                                                                          412th Maintenance Squadron, and his daughter Ziva, wave
  Fastest Vehicle went to the “Ugly Babies” designed by                                                                         the award for most creative entry.
the 412th Logistics Test Squadron and ridden by Sgt. David
Christie, 412th Logistics Test Squadron.

  The Most Creative award went to “The Blasters” designed
by Airman 1st Class Jeffery Lerma, 412th Maintenance
Squadron and his children Ziva, 4 and Tovi, 8. The wagon
was pulled by Lerma with Ziva riding inside.

  Also participating was the “Panda Express” designed by
the 412th Medical Group and ridden by Senior Airman Rich-
ard Rasmussen and Airman 1st Class Giovanni McLawhorn.

  Team Edwards wrapped up AAPI Heritage Month with
a closing ceremony and an International Taste Festival at
the Airman and Family Readiness Center May 20. Attendees
sampled cuisines from all over the world.
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