Page 6 - Wings 5-22-15
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6 Desert Wings                                                                                                                       May 22, 2015


by Debbie Gildea                             Airmen in undermanned specialties such       not eligible to apply for an HYT exten-    HYT must apply at least 120 days before
JB San Antonio-Randolph, Texas               as intelligence, surveillance and recon-     sion.                                      their HYT separation date.
                                             naissance, maintenance, nuclear, cyber
  Eligible senior airmen, staff sergeants,   and special operations.                        The HYT extension application win-         Airmen approved for an extension must
technical sergeants and master sergeants                                                  dow will be open June 1, 2015-May 31,      get required retainability within 30 days
in 35 Air Force specialties will be able to    A matrix of eligible Air Force specialty   2016.                                      RIEHLQJQRWL¿HGRUWKH\ZLOOIRUIHLWWKH
apply for a high year of tenure extension    codes and eligible grades has been posted                                               opportunity for an HYT extension.
and, if approved, will be able to extend     to myPers. Eligibility is based on an Air-     ‡$LUPHQZLWKD6HSWRUHDU-
between 12 and 24 months past their cur-     man’s core AFSC as of May 11, 2015,          lier HYT must apply for an extension at      For complete eligibility criteria and ap-
rent HYT.                                    and Airmen must have a Sept. 30, 2016,       least 30 days before their current HYT     plication information, go to the myPers
                                             or earlier HYT.                              separation date, unless they are already   website, select “Any” from the search
  The Air Force is introducing several                                                    within 30 days as of the program an-       drop down options and enter “FY15/16
personnel and manpower initiatives to          Eligible Airmen who apply for an ex-       nouncement.                                High Year of Tenure Extension Program”
meet increased mission requirements out-     tension must be approved by their unit                                                  in the search window.
OLQHGLQWKHSUHVLGHQW¶V¿VFDO\HDU    commander or civilian leader, and must         ‡$LUPHQZLWKDQ2FW'HF
budget. This voluntary extension oppor-      meet regular reenlistment criteria as well.                                               For more information about Air Force
tunity is focused on retaining experienced   Airmen with a reenlistment restriction are   HYT must apply at least 60 days before     personnel programs go to myPers at
                                                                                          their HYT separation date.       


        Technical Technical sergeant promotion selection results, origi-                                                          ³%HFDXVHFKDQJHVWRWKHSURFHVVDUHVLJQL¿FDQWZHDUH
                                                                   nally scheduled for release May 28, will be delayed to       testing every aspect of the system to ensure accuracy,”
         VHUJHDQW enable the Air Force to continue to validate extensive sys-                                                  said Lt. Gen. Sam Cox, Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff
                                                                   tem changes to the Weighted Airman Promotion System,         for Manpower, Personnel and Services. “Anticipated sew-
                                                                   RI¿FLDOVDQQRXQFHG                                         on dates for this list will begin in August and therefore the
                                                                      7KH(WHFKQLFDOVHUJHDQWSURPRWLRQF\FOHLVWKH¿UVW  delay will not affect actual promotion dates. Airmen who
                                                                                                                                are selected for technical sergeant will still sew on based
       promotion to incorporate recent changes in the enlisted evaluation                                                       on their line number and in sync with the normal cycle.”
                                                                   and promotion system. Recent alterations affecting this
                                                                   promotion cycle include changes in the WAPS calcula-           2QFHWKHYDOLGDWLRQLVFRPSOHWH$LU)RUFHRI¿FLDOVZLOO
                                                                                                                                announce the promotion results release date on www.
release delayed tion, revised points for time in service and time in grade,                                            and In addition, Airmen can
                                                                   EPR point value of 250 points, and the inclusion of up to    monitor myPers for updates at
to allow system the last three enlisted performance reports of personnel
                                                                   with weighted factors since becoming TIS/TIG eligible
                                                                   for promotion.


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