Page 2 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 2
2 Desert Wings Memorial Day 2015 May 22, 2015
412th TW commander This Memorial Day,
Team Edwards, Also, remember your deployed Air-
Thank you for the outstanding wel- man, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines who It was nearly 150 years ago
come! These past two months have continue to serve in harm’s way and can- that our nation first observed a
been dynamic and exciting and I am not be home this holiday weekend. day of remembrance for those
honored to work with each and every who died in service to the United
one of you. I truly appreciate your ded- Memorial Day also marks the unof- States of America.
icated service and tireless efforts spent ¿FLDOEHJLQQLQJRIVXPPHU3OHDVHFHO-
developing the needed capabilities for ebrate the holiday safely with your fam- Over the years, more than one
our Air Force and joint partners. This ily and friends, and enjoy your summer million American Soldiers, Sail-
is my third assignment here and I hon- activities safely throughout. I need every ors, Coast Guardsmen, Marines
estly call Edwards home. member of the Test Wing to safely return and Airmen have given their
Gen. John Logan, Commander-in- to work after every weekend! lives in defense of our great na-
Chief of the Grand Army of the Re- tion. We owe our freedom and a
public, proclaimed on May 5, 1868, I am honored to serve this amazing true debt of gratitude to the ser-
that Decoration Day should be ob- team. Have a great Memorial Day week- YLFHDQGVDFUL¿FHRIWKRVHZKR
served annually across the nation to end and thank you for your service to our have come before us.
commemorate all the soldiers who great nation!
GLHGLQWKH&LYLO:DU,WZDV¿UVWRE- Because Memorial Day has
were placed on the graves of both 412th Test Wing commander off to summer, the original intent
Union and Confederate soldiers at Ar- of the day is sometimes dimin-
lington National Cemetery. By 1882, ished amid backyard barbecues.
Decoration Day had gradually changed Regardless of what you have
to Memorial Day. planned this weekend, I ask that
This Memorial Day weekend, spend you take a moment to honor all
time with family and friends, enjoy a $PHULFDQVZKRPDGHWKHXOWLPDWHVDFUL¿FH
hobby or just relax.
7DNHVRPHWLPHWRUHÀHFWRQWKHLQ- Thank you for your service. Wolf and I wish you all a safe and enjoyable
to shape the nation we have today. Re-
member those Soldiers, Sailors, Air- Gen. Janet Wolfenbarger
men and Marines who came before Air Force Materiel Command Commander
us, who they were, what they fought
for, the values they represented and
the legacy they have left for us. They
have fought our wars and preserved
our peace.
Action Line
The Commander’s Action Line gives all Airmen, re-
tirees, families and community members a direct link to
Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing commander.
The Action Line can be used to express constructive
points of view on the policies and procedures of the
base; discuss safety and security issues; and address
problems, concerns, or suggestions after traditional
methods have been exhausted.
The Commander’s Action Line should not be the
Action Line queries may be submitted by sending an
e-mail to with Commander’s
Action Line as the subject heading or by calling (661)
277-7325. Action Line submissions must be written in
a courteous and professional tone, and must include a
name, an e-mail address or an alternative method of
contact. The requestor’s contact information will not be
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Any messages received without contact information will
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