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May 22, 2015                                                         News                                                                                             Desert Wings 3

      Briefs                                    First quarter TW winners named

North Gate safety alert                         30 Years of Government Service Pin
                                                  Jerry Nichols, 912th Aircraft Mainte-
  SAFETY ALERT! Due to mechani-
cal issues with the North Gate, there           nance Squadron
have been large metal plates installed            Marlon Scott, 912th AMXS
over gaps in the roadway while repair             Jose Lugo, 412th Maintenance Squad-
operations are being scheduled. Driv-
ers should exercise caution and reduce          ron
speeds in these areas. In inclement               Jeanette White, 412th Civil Engineer-
weather and blowing dust, the plates
may become slippery and vehicles,               ing Group
especially motorcycles, should use
extreme caution as they could lose              Supervision/Management
control. For more information, call               William D. Gamboa, 412th Mission
                                                Support Group
15th Annual Chief’s 5K
Fun Run/Walk                                    Scientific/Engineering
                                                  Malcolm Cotting, U.S. Air Force Test
  The 15th Annual Chief’s 5K Fun
Run/Walk is June 5 at the Base Ex-              Pilot School
change parking lot. Registration runs
6:30-7:30 a.m., when the run begins.            Technician Category                                                                                                                                                          Air Force photograph by Chris Higgins
There are three trophies/medals for               David J. Blount, 412th MSG
each age group—Men and Women: 25                                                          Brig. Gen. Carl E. Schaefer, 412th Test Wing commander, watches Jeanette White, 412th
and Under; 26 to 35; 36 and up and to           Trades and Labor                          Civil Engineering Group, absolutely smash a foam baseball into the audience after accepting
the fastest walker for men and women.             Stacy Hutchings, 412th Civil Engi-      KHU \HDU JRYHUQPHQW VHUYLFH DZDUG 0D\  GXULQJ WKH WK7HVW :LQJ¶V VW 4XDUWHU
Awards will also be given to the top                                                      Awards ceremony.
fundraiser and the unit with the most           neering Group
participants. Contact your chief for                                                      ical Group                              Staff Sgt. James M. Clippinger, 412th
registration and pledge sheets. Regis-          Secretarial/Clerical                                                            AMXS
trations and pledges will be collected            Lovette D. Chatmon, 412th CEG           Honor Guard
on day of registration and run.                                                             Staff Sgt. Kenneth Jubala, Mainte-  2014 Maintenance Awards
                                                Staff Specialist/Analyst Staff                                                    Category 1 Small Aircraft Maintenance
May Fitness Month                                 Bridgett L. Amis, 412th Medical Group   nance Group                             912th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

  The Rosburg Fitness Center is host-           Program Management                        Volunteer of the Quarter              Category 2 Medium Aircraft Mainte-
ing some special events for May Fit-              James Cook, 412th Test Management         Zoe E. Pflum                        nance
ness Month. Join the gym staff and
have some fun getting in shape. Pick            Division                                  2014 Air Force Aviation Resource        412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
up your May Fitness Punch Cards                                                           Management Award
and try to get 20 workouts during the           Airman of the Quarter                                                           2014 National Defense Industrial As-
month and receive a special prize. All            Senior Airman Jesse C. Ralls, 412th       Outstanding NCO, Tech. Sgt. Amy     sociation Tester of the Year
the special events are worth two                                                          Pringle, 412th Operations Group
punches on your card.                           CEG                                                                               Maj. Casey E. Richardson, 416th
                                                                                           2014 Air Force Materiel Command      Flight Test Squadron
  Swing by and do the Rower Chal-               Non Commissioned Officer                                  Media Awards
lenge. The challenge can be completed             Staff Sgt. Jacob A. Cumbo, 412th CEG                                          General John P. Jumper Award
once anytime during the month.                                                            Best Digital Presence                   Maj. Jonathan Orso, 412th OG
                                                Senior Non Commissioned Officer             412th Test Wing Public Affairs
  Schedule of special events:                     Master Sgt. Tiffany L. F. Hutchins,                                            2015 Air Force Test and Evaluation
  May 26-29: Lunchtime singles rac-                                                       Best Website                                               Awards
quetball tournament                             412th MDG
  May 29: Tug-O-War, 7:30 a.m.                                                            Best Feature Article; Best Pictorial  Lt. Gen. Bobby Bonds Memorial Avia-
  Call the Rosburg Fitness Center               Company Grade Officer                     Photography; Best Feature Photogra-   tor Award
front counter at 661-275-4961 with                Capt. David F. Jacobs, 412th Test       phy; and 2014 AFMC Civilian Photog-
any questions about these events.                                                         rapher of the Year                      Major Patrick Killingsworth, 411th
                                                Wing Wing Staff Agencies                                                        Flight Test Squadron
                                                                                            Jet Fabara, 412th TW/PA
                                                Field Grade Officer                                                               Daniel Osburn, 412th Test Engineer-
                                                  Maj. Nathan C. Jordan, 412th Opera-     2014 AFMC Civilian Print Journalist   ing Group
                                                                                          of the Year
                                                tions Group                                                                     AFMC First Quarter Outstanding Mu-
                                                                                            Kenji Thuloweit, 412th TW/PA        nitions/Weapons Civilian
                                                Team of the Quarter
                                                  Joint Strike Fighter Range Control Of-  2014 Chief Master Sgt. Thomas N.        Steven P. Trekas, 412th TW SEA
                                                                                          Barnes Crew Chief of the Year           SNCO Master Sgt. Nathaniel L. Ogles-
                                                ficer DT&E Support, Test Engineering                                            by, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

                                                Dorm of the Quarter
                                                  Airman 1st Class Patricia Riddle, Med-

The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Re-                                                                          Fax: (661) 277-2732.

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   Contents of the Desert WingsDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRI¿FLDO                                                                (661) 945-5634. Submitting false or misleading advertisements
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The appearance of advertising in the publication, including Commander, 412th TW …........................ Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer members are encouraged to submit news stories or story ideas

inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by Command Chief, 412th TW ........... Chief Master Sgt. David Smith through their Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) or
the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, Director, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs ................. Elizabeth Doss HPDLOWKH3XEOLF$IIDLUV2I¿

or Aerotech News and Review, of the products or services ad- Editor .......………….............................................….. Kenji Thuloweit Letters to the editor are encouraged. Also send to: news-
vertised.                                                            Production Staff ............................ Jet Fabara and Rebecca Amber

Everything advertised in this publication shall be made Layout and graphic design ………........................… Stuart Ibberson
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