Page 7 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 7

May 22, 2015                                                                                                                                                                           Desert Wings 7


  The 412th Medical Group is dedicated to meeting the                                               appointment so that another appointment can be made avail-      by using
health care needs of you and your family by providing ac-                                           able to someone else.                                             The 412th MDG strongly advocates MiCare secure
cess to its services and the best possible medical care.
                                                                                                      Please note that the appointment reminder system uses         messaging because it’s another way to cancel an appoint-
  No shows are a costly problem for the 412th MDG and                                               the phone numbers listed in the Defense Enrollment Eligi-       ment. MiCare also allows patients to interact with their
the patients they serve. In order to provide the appointments                                       bility Reporting System (DEERS). It is critical that patients   health care team and can very well prevent a clinic vis-
needed for patients, the medical group needs your help in                                           XSGDWHWKHLULQIRUPDWLRQE\YLVLWLQJWKH'((56RI¿FHLQ        it. MiCare registration forms are available at any 412th
preventing no-shows.                                                                                Bldg. 3000.                                                     MDG clinic desk.

  The average cost of an appointment is $91. Since May                                                ,QRUGHUWREHHIIHFWLYHLQSURYLGLQJEHQH¿FLDULHVZLWKWKH    As the medical group improves its processes, they wel-
2014, there have been 1,791 missed appointments, valued                                             best medical care and access to services, the 412th MDG         come patient feedback. The 412th MDG thanks you for
at $163,000. In addition to the monetary cost, no-shows                                             asks that patients simply cancel or reschedule their appoint-   helping it take care of you and your family.
DIIHFWDFFHVVWRPHGLFDOFDUHFOLQLFVWDI¿QJDQGWKHWK                                        ments at least two hours in advance to allow adequate time
MDG’s productivity.                                                                                 to re-book the appointment for another patient.                   To provide feedback, contact 1st Lt. Michael Estacion,
                                                                                                                                                                    412th MDG Group Practice manager at 661-275-2743, or
  In regards to access, every no show appointment prevents                                            To cancel an appointment, call the appointment desk at        email
another patient from getting a much needed appointment.                                             661-277-7118. You can also cancel an appointment on-line
Conversely, the situation may arise where another patient
fails to cancel and the 412th MDG is unable to schedule
you for a visit, due to a seemingly “full” schedule. Often,
with an urgent medical issue is forced to seek care down-
town, causing more time away from one’s unit and im-
and productivity, missed appointments can create a false
perception of a shrinking need for care by 412th MDG ben-
and resources. Again, this would result in longer wait times
and perhaps the inability to effectively provide service to
all patients.

  In an effort to decrease no shows, the 412th MDG ap-
pointment reminder system calls patients two days prior to
their scheduled appointment. If you receive this call and
you no longer need the appointment, please cancel your

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