Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-22-16
P. 15

Thunderbolt                                                NEWS                                                                                                15April 22, 2016

Exchange shoppers can                                                                                                                             JOB  (from Page 2)                      ties. Likewise, as subordinates, we
                                                                                                                                                                                          have to inform our leadership so
show mom they mean it                                       Chaplain’s thoughts ...                                                               happen. A few days later, I found       they understand the true costs of
                                                                                                                                                  out other facility improvement          the priorities they set.
with Mother’s Day flowers                                  7KH3LOODURI6SLULWXDOLW\                                                             projects, some mission critical,
                                                                                                                                                  had come to a standstill while our         Think about your own experi-
   The Army & Air Force Exchange Service                      We all talk to ourselves, don’t                                                     team focused on the front office        ence. Has your supervisor ever as-
is giving military families an opportunity to              we? Someone once quipped: “That                                                        redesign. I informed him of these       signed you a hot task that impacted
show mom how much they care this year with                 is because we like the answers                                                         impacts and he immediately clari-       your ability to accomplish another
fresh-cut Mother’s Day flowers.                            we get.”                                                                               fied the front office redesign did not  key project or task? Did you explain
                                                                                                                                                  “out-prioritize” our mission critical   these impacts to your supervisor?
   From May 4 through Mother’s Day, May                       Funny as that might be (it is                                                       projects.                               Did you just assume the hot task
8, authorized shoppers can purchase floral                 true enough), there is more to this                                                                                            was now your No. 1 priority and
bouquets and roses just for mom at the Luke                phenomenon than that.                                                                     What I found interesting and         assume your supervisor accepted
Air Force Base main store and Express.                                                                                                            alarming, was several members           the impacts? Rarely do we take
                                                              More often than not, what we                                                        of our squadron understood the          the time to ask these questions or
   Two choices of Loving Mom Bouquets, each                are really doing is talking with God, aren’t we? Time and                              mission critical project delays but     engage in this dialogue with our
containing a dozen flowers, will be available              again, this conversation boosts our confidence, helps us to                            did not inform him. Likewise, his       leadership, but we should.
for $9.99 each. Additionally, roses are avail-             do what is right and just. Likewise, this internal conversa-                           expectation was that the front
able by the dozen, half-dozen or as singles.               tion with God, this praying, can bring us peace in times of                            office redesign would not impact           Perhaps your supervisor isn’t
                                                           personal turmoil.                                                                      our mission-critical projects and       aware that your key project will
   “Whether raising children while their                                                                                                          assumed squadron members would          be delayed. Had he understood this
spouse serves in the military, pursuing a                     Sometimes, though, the personal upheaval may be so                                  inform him if it did. We see this       impact, perhaps he would have as-
military career of their own while managing                strong that just “mulling it over in our mind” may not be                              quite often; the boss asks us to do     signed the hot task to someone else
a family or raising the next generation of                 enough to bring us some sort of peace.                                                 something and we do it without          or decided the hot task wasn’t so
fighters committed to protecting American                                                                                                         hesitation. After all, the boss sets    hot.Alternatively, they may simply
freedoms,military moms deserve a big thanks                   It is in those times that we can turn to chaplains for                              the priorities. We’re all wired this    thank you for informing them but
this Mother’s Day,” said Aileen Rivenburg,                 help. Why?                                                                             way, we just figure out how to get      decide to proceed with the hot task
Exchange general manager. “Picking up a                                                                                                           it done.                                anyway.
batch of these premium, fresh-cut flowers is                  The Lord has said to us, “Come to me all you who are
a great start to saying ‘thank you’ for all the            burdened and I will give you peace.”                                                      In our increasingly resource-con-       Either way, it’s your responsibil-
sacrifices military moms make every day.”                                                                                                         strained environment, that “get ‘er     ity to help your chain of command
                                                              Chaplains and chaplain assistants are often the most                                done” mentality is not always suf-      make fully informed decisions. If
   For more information, call the Luke Ex-                 direct source of the peace we are seeking from God.                                    ficient.As leaders and supervisors,     we embrace this mindset, we’ll
change at 623-935-2671.                                                                                                                           we have to clearly define the priori-   more effectively accomplish our
                                                              In the final analysis, living in God’s peace is what the                                                                    mission, vision and priorities.
                                        Courtesy of AAFES  Pillar of Spirituality is all about, isn’t it?

                                                                                         Courtesy of Chaplain 1st Lt Derek C. VanderMolen

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