Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-22-16
P. 12
12 April 22, 2016 Thunderbolt b
Exchange kicks off 2016 Because of STREET BEAT
You Program with gift card giveaway
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is “April, being the Month of the Military Child, The 56th Security Forces Squadron April 16: Security forces respond-
celebrating the Month of the Military Child is the perfect time to unveil the Exchange’s year- handled the following incidents April ed to a report of an assault in base
in April by kicking off its first Because of You long campaign to celebrate military families,” 11 through 17 at Luke Air Force Base: housing. A security forces’ investi-
sweepstakes for 2016, giving authorized shop- said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Sean Apple- gation determined an assault had
pers a chance at $10,000 in gift cards. gate, the Exchange’s senior enlisted advisor. 7LFNHWV occurred. Glendale police arrived
“Military families — especially children — face and took control.
With the worldwide $10K Shopping Spree unique challenges. It’s a privilege to recognize Security forces issued citations
Giveaway, one grand-prize winner will take the dedication of these families along with the for six moving violations and one 1RQHPHUJHQF\
home a $5,000 Exchange gift card. Five runners- sacrifices of active-duty service members.” nonmoving violation. UHVSRQVHV
up will each win $1,000 gift cards. The Exchange
is teaming up with Oberto to offer the prizes. Authorized shoppers 18 and older can enter 7UDIILFUHODWHG April 13: Security forces identified
the $10K Shopping Spree Giveaway online LQFLGHQWV an individual with an outstanding
The sweepstakes is part of the Exchange’s through April 30 at warrant for aggravated assault at
Because of You program, which has expanded becauseofyou. Winners will be chosen at random April 11: Security forces respond- the Lightning Gate. The individual
in 2016 to celebrate military families as well and notified no later than May 19. No purchase ed to a report of a minor vehicle was detained until Surprise police
as honor active-duty troops, allowing the Ex- is necessary to enter or win. collision near Bldg. 460. There were arrived and took control.
change to express gratitude for their service no injuries.
and sacrifice. Courtesy of AAFES $ODUPDFWLYDWLRQV
April 15: Security forces respond-
Exchange offers chance to win Demetrios bridal gown ed to a report of a minor vehicle col- Security forces responded to three
lision near the dorm management alarm activations on base.
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service will egance and beauty,” said Air Force Chief Master office. There were no injuries.
make tying the knot extra special for two lucky Sgt. Sean Applegate, Exchange senior enlisted 7LSRIWKHZHHN
couples this summer with the Demetrios Bridal advisor. “Now, two lucky winners will have the (PHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHV
Gown Sweepstakes. chance to walk down the aisle in a dress with all Online communities can be fun,
that ‘wow’ factor and then some – free of charge.” April 11: Security forces respond- but know the risks involved and
Through June 30, brides, grooms and any Ex- ed to a report of a medical emer- the importance of protecting your
change shopper can enter for a chance to win one Authorized shoppers 18 and older may enter gency in base housing. An individual privacy while using social network-
of two Demetrios bridal gowns courtesy of Deme- the Demetrios Bridal Gown Sweepstakes at www. was transported to a local hospital. ing Internet sites like
trios Bridal, Asia Pacific and The Exchange. No purchase and
is necessary. April 15: Security forces respond-
“Almost every bride wants a dress that will ed to a report of a medical emer- &RXUWHV\RI6WD௺6JW&KULVWRSKHU:DVKEXUQ
take everyone’s breath away with its class, el- Courtesy of AAFES gency in base housing. An individual 56th SFS
was transported to a local hospital.
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