Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-22-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS April 22, 2016 7
Talk. Test. Treat. STUDY (from Page 1) operational imperative that says we’re at a risk of failing as an Air
we have to do this and if we don’t Force and a joint force.”
by Staff Sgt. colonel compared the current ac-
TAKIAH CHRISTENSEN quisition process to the way his
team sees agile acquisition hap-
56th Aerospace Medicine Squadron pening in the future in order to
maintain air superiority. In the
Many of us have heard the phrase “April Showers bring May past, the Air Force has pushed
Flowers.” Along with providing rain, the month of April also serves for “generational” technologi-
as the designated month to bring awareness to Sexually Transmit- cal advances equivalent to the
ted Diseases. transition from flip phones to
smartphones, he said. It should
STDs are infectious diseases that spread from person to person instead be pursuing incremen-
through intimate contact including oral and anal sex. STDs can affect tal advances like the upgrades
men and women of all ages, ranks and backgrounds. However, STDs provided by newer and newer
are usually reported amongst adolescents and adults under the age versions of smart phones and
of 25, gay or bisexual men and some racial and ethnic minorities. continuing to upgrade along the
way instead of waiting for a rev-
Every year, there are an estimated 20 million new STD infections olutionary jump in technology.
in the United States. Some of the most common STDs include chla-
mydia and gonorrhea. Although both infections can be cured with “What we hope to lay out is
antibiotic treatment, some STDs such as HIV/AIDS and genital a way to prototype and experi-
herpes cannot be cured. ment with a number of concepts,”
Grynkewich said. “You can start
The good news is STDs are 100 percent preventable, and pre- building and then move forward
vention starts with you. If you are sexually active, or thinking of if experimental capabilities are
becoming sexually active, it is important that you ‘Talk. Test. Treat.’ determined to make enough of
to prevent STDs. a difference in highly contested
environments of the future.”
Talk openly and honestly with your partner about your sexual
health and use condoms correctly. In order to achieve air superi-
ority in the future, bringing agil-
Get Tested for STDs as it is the only way to know for sure if you ity to multidomain acquisitions
have been affected. Many people with an STD do not display any vis- is crucial.
ible symptoms, therefore, getting tested is one of the most important
things you can do to protect your health. “We’ve talked about acquisi-
tion agility a number of times
Lastly, seek Treatment promptly if you test positive for an STD. in terms of, ‘How do we save
Delayed treatment can cause other health effects and also increase money’ and not wasting taxpayer
your chance of passing it along to your partner. dollars is absolutely important,”
Grynkewich said. “But there’s an
For more information on how you can Talk. Test. Treat., visit: http://
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