Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-22-16
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8 April 22, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt b
PEOPLE If you or someone you know requires trophy, Goldfein shared why she was re- move the families to their desired home
FIRST mental health care, get help. If you believe ceiving this award. destinations.
emergency care is required, you can get
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is emergency psychiatric care without pre-
compiled from information from the Air Force authorization. Article/722612/operation-homefront-recognizes- Article/721200/nearly-650-family-members-
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- reach-us-from-turkey-within-74-hours.aspx
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness af-military-child-of-the-year.aspx
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel Article/737529/tricare-improves-mental-health- :HOVKVSHDNVDWWKH
office and armed forces news services. For the care-treatment.aspx 1HDUO\IDPLO\PHPEHUV &KDSODLQ&RUSV6XPPLW
complete story, go to the web address listed at UHDFK86IURP7XUNH\ZLWKLQ
the end of the story. 2SHUDWLRQ+RPHIURQWUHFRJ KRXUV More than 200 chaplains and chaplain
QL]HV$)0LOLWDU\&KLOGRIWKH assistants gathered for the U.S. Air Force
75,&$5(LPSURYHVPHQWDO <HDU Minutes after an ordered departure Chaplain Corps Summit in Alexandria,
KHDOWKFDUHWUHDWPHQW of Defense Department family members Virginia, April 12 through 14.
Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David and civilians assigned to locations in Tur-
People in distress may hesitate to reach Goldfein presented the Operation Home- key, mobility Airmen sprang into action The summit marked the first time in four
out for help due to perceived stigma associ- front 2016 Air Force Military Child of the around the world, preparing to execute years that Chaplain Corps Airmen have
ated with seeking mental health treatment. Year award to Madeleine Morlino, 17, missions that would ensure a safe and gathered to exchange ideas, develop solutions
This perception and the belief that care may during a ceremony April 14, in Pentagon speedy airlift for them and their pets. and plan the future for the corps. Chaplain
be hard to get may prevent some people who City, Virginia. (Maj. Gen.) Dondi Costin, the Air Force chief
need care from getting it. TRICARE has The combined mission effort was ac- of chaplains, simply called it a family reunion.
worked hard to eliminate potential barri- Madeleine, of Moorestown, New Jersey, complished within 74 hours following the
ers to mental health care by removing day is the daughter of retired Master Sgt. initial order on March 29. Around 650 Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh
limits for certain mental health services. Leonard and Kerry Morlino. She was passengers and 70 pets were moved using III kicked off the event addressing the
selected as the Air Force military child three contracted commercial aircraft and chaplains and sharing his gratitude for
When a mental health condition requires recipient along with five other children six C-17 Globemaster III aircraft assigned their service.
more intensive treatment than outpatient from each of the services including the to Air Mobility Command, according to
care, partial or full-time hospitalization National Guard. The award honors resil- data compiled by the 618th Air Operations The summit was the brainchild of Costin
may be required. The inpatient psychiat- iency, strength of character in the face of Center at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. and Chaplain (Brig. Gen.) Steven Schaick,
ric hospitalization benefit was limited to the challenges associated with military the deputy chief of chaplains. They came
30 days per benefit year for adults and 45 life, and selfless service to others within The mandatory departure came at the up with the idea in one of their after-hours
days for children or adolescents. You could their families and communities. recommendation of Gen. Philip Breed- discussions on how to improve communica-
request a waiver for additional treatment love, the commander of U.S. European tions in the corps.
days if needed. Operation Homefront received more Command. In a press conference held
than 500 nominations for this year’s com- March 29, Peter Cook, the Pentagon press Besides talks from Welsh, Costin, and
However, inpatient mental health hospi- petition. secretary, said the decision to move de- Schaik, Chief Master Sgt. Dale McGavran,
tal services, regardless of length or quantity, pendents was made “out of an abundance the career field manager for the Chaplain
may be covered as long as the care is consid- “As we celebrate our honorees tonight, of caution.” Corps, spoke about the inspiration he took
ered medically or psychologically necessary we do so knowing that there are many, from history and from other chaplain as-
and appropriate. Likewise, the psychiatric many more military kids making good The DOD spokesman also emphasized sistants. He quoted Napoleon Bonaparte’s
partial hospitalization benefit previously things happen in their homes and in their that the decision was not triggered by a definition of a leader, “a dealer in hope,” and
had a 60 day per benefit year limitation communities,” said retired Brig. Gen. John specific threat, but rather the broader a chaplain assistant’s summation of her job:
that could be extended with a waiver. This I. Pray Jr., the president and CEO of Op- scope of security threats playing out in “We’re the ninjas of networking.”
60-day limitation has been removed to en- eration Homefront. “Tonight’s honorees the region.
sure that beneficiaries receive care for as follow 28 other military child of the year Other Air Force leaders who addressed
long as needed. award winners since 2009, each one a shin- “This decision allows for the deliberate the summit for the next two days included
ing example of promise and hope.” safe return of family members from these Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David
In addition, the 150-day limit on residen- areas due to continued security concerns in Goldfein; Maj. Gen. Garrett Herancak, the
tial treatment care for beneficiaries under Madeleine said she was motivated by the region,” he said. “It in no way signifies commander of the Air Force Recruiting Ser-
21 years old has been removed. Although the challenges her family faced as her a permanent decision to end accompanied vice; Chaplain (Col.) Gary Califf, the com-
medical determination is still required, father transitioned from military to civil- tours at these facilities and is specifically mand chaplain for the Air Force Reserve
there is no day limit. ian life and wanted to ease the transition intended to mitigate the risk to DOD ele- Command; Chaplain (Col.) Bill Yates, the
for other service members. She conceived, ments and personnel, including family.” director of the Air National Guard Chaplain
organized and led a job expo for veterans in Corps; and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air
her hometown and successfully attracted After the passenger movement was vali- Force James Cody, who told the crowd, “You
national and local businesses poised to dated by U.S. Transportation Command, go anywhere we send an Airman.”
offer veterans meaningful employment. Special Assignment Airlift Mission and
Global Channel planners at the 618th AOC
Before presenting Madeline with her worked together to phase the required air- Article/722627/welsh-speaks-at-the-chaplain-
craft through normal en route bases and corps-summit.aspx
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