Page 1 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, March 2021
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Vol. 14, No. 3 Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base March 2021
Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News and on
INSIDE CSAF visits base, recognizes Airmen
by Staff Sgt. From left to right:
GiovANNi SiMS Air Force Chief of
StorIES Staff Gen. Charles Q.
A-10 pilots awarded for 355th Wing Public Affairs Brown, Jr., Airman
1st Class Jacori Er-
‘most meritorious flight,’ 2 U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
Charles Q. Brown, Jr. visited Airmen at vin, 355th Logistics
F-15EX completes first Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Feb. 18. Readiness Squadron
flight, 3 During Brown’s time at Davis- aviation deployment
Monthan, Airmen were able to explain specialist, and Maj.
355th Medical Group ways the 355th Wing pioneers agile Heather Higley, 355th
reorganization ceremony, 4 combat employment through the Dy- LRS commander,
D-M Airmen become namic Wing concept, as well as reaffirm pose for a photo at
their actions to support his Accelerate
Davis-Monthan Air
Guardians, 5 Change or Lose strategic guidance. Force Base, Feb. 18.
KC-135 Stratotanker, 6/7 “It’s the mindset of the multi-capable Brown thanked and
Airmen and how the exercises have coined Ervin for the
D-M holds annual load been demonstrating how agile com- hard work and dedi-
crew competition, 8 bat employment can be utilized and cation he has demon-
the value it adds to our Air Force; strated over the past
D-M opens new lodging
facility, 9 See CSAf, Page 2 Staff Sgt. Sergio A. Gamboa year at his unit.
Next phase of vaccine distribution begins
by Senior Airman frontline essential workers. Essential work-
Continue to get Davis-Monthan CheYeNNe A. PoweRS ers included the Child Development Cen-
Air Force Base latest news and ter’s staff, food handlers at the 355th Force
information from these sources: 355th Wing Public Affairs Support Squadron facilities, commissary
http://www.aerotechnews. The 355th Medical Group has advanced and postal workers, and teachers on base.
com/davis-monthanafb further into the Phase 1 distribution of the The next tier will be Phase 1C, which
and social media COVID-19 vaccine and has begun to admin- is for authorized persons between 65 and
Desert Lightning News ister it to the next tiers, per Department of 74 years old, 16 through 64 year olds with
Date of publication Defense guidelines. increased risk for severe illness and other
essential workers not listed in Phase 1A
“Moving further into the tiers allows a
First Friday broader patient population to become eli- or 1B.
of the month gible for the vaccine,” said Capt. Jonathan All persons older than 16 not previously
Submission deadline Mandabach, 355th MDG Immunization recommended for vaccination in a sepa-
15th day of the month Clinic medical director. “Currently we are rate tier will be included in Phase 2 of the
vaccine distribution. This will include all
in 1A and 1B. Next, will be 1C.”
prior to date of publication Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers The DoD Phase 1A tier began on Jan. healthy uniformed personnel that are au-
Veterans Capt. Jasmine Lerma, 355th Medical 6, and was dedicated to first responders, thorized to receive vaccines from the DoD.
Prioritized DoD personnel are highly
healthcare providers and medical support
Group clinical nurse, receives the
COVID-19 vaccine at Davis-Monthan personnel. These personnel are receiving encouraged to take the voluntary vaccine
Tell us Your Story Air Force Base, Feb. 5. The 355th MDG their second dose and Phase 1B personnel to protect their health, their families, their
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees has advanced into the Phase 1B dis- received their first dose mid-February. community and lower the public health risks
All military branches are included tribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and Phase 1B distribution is for personnel associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Email name, phone number and a continues to administer it to the base preparing to deploy to locations outside the For more information on the COVID-19
brief description of your service to populace in tiers, per Department of U.S., a select few mission critical personnel, vaccine distribution at Davis-Monthan:
Defense guidelines. beneficiaries 75 years old and older, and
AlwAys free Access!
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