Page 7 - March ARB Beacon 1-8-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb January 8, 2016 7
U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. Perry Covington U.S. Air Force photo/Capt. Perry Covington
Family members scream with delight as the bus carrying their returning Soldier Marv Tucker, director, 452nd Emergency Management, briefs a Team March
arrives Nov. 5 at the Army National Guard Armory, March Air Reserve Base. Sgt. member Nov. 19, 2015, as the Airman processes through the Point of Distribu-
DeLeon surprised his girlfriend of two years (brunette holding the sign) with an tion (POD) on March Air Reserve Base. Team March members worked in concert
engagement ring at the celebration. She said yes! More than 60 Soldiers from the to establish and facilitate a POD for a statewide exercise that included Riverside
California National Guard’s, 315th Engineer Vertical Construction Company here, &RXQW\+HDOWKRI¿FLDOVDQGRWKHUFLYLOLDQHQWLWLHV7KH32'DOORZVWHDPPHPEHUV
returned home to their families after serving in Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordan. to receive “medication” (candy during the exercise) for themselves and their fami-
lies to treat the effects of a simulated outbreak of Anthrax in the region.
U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Neil Ballecer U.S. Air Force photo/Linda Welz
Master Sgt. Miguel Gonzalez, 452nd Financial Management superintendent, won Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy, commander, 452nd Air Mobility Wing, March Air
<HDUDQGWKHQG)LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV2I¿FHZRQWKH$)5&)LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV rennovated, historic building dating back nearly 100 years. Muncy, recently pro-
2I¿FHRIWKH<HDU7KHZLQJ¶V)LQDQFLDO6HUYLFH2I¿FH¿HOGHGPRUHWKDQ moted, is slated to continue his command of the Air Force Reserve’s largest wing,
FXVWRPHULQTXLULHVDQGWKHQG)0RI¿FHHDUQHGDµ%HVW3UDFWLFH¶RQWKHUH- which is also unit-equipped and the base’s host unit.
cent Unit Effectivness Inspection.
From BRIEFS page 1 In-processing (technical school): Then come join the interactive and infor- Mind
lows: Monday – Friday from 2 – 3 p.m. in mational series of one-hour classes based
Bldg. 441, main office on the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind -Yin andYang of Resiliency
CCAF briefing: For more information, contact Master Body Medicine’s Resilient Warrior. Classes
UTA Sundays from 10 to 10:30 a.m. in Sgt. Brown at 951-655-4442. are scheduled on the A and B Unit Training -Yoga & Journaling
Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 Assemblies through September 2016. Top-
Tuition Assistance briefing: SARC HOSTS FREE MIND ics for the six-part series include - Social Connections & Communication
UTA Sundays from 1 to 1:45 p.m. in BODY RESILIENCY CLASSES
Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 - Stress Reactions and Relaxation Re- Time and Location:
GI Bill briefing: Are you interested in learning more sponse
UTA Sundays from 2 to 22:45 p.m. in about the Mind and Body connection and UTA Sundays, 11 a.m. - noon
Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 how this can promote better overall health? - Getting Good Sleep
- Mindfulness and a Positive State of Bldg. 470, room 205
Contact or 655-
4551 for more information. No reservation
See BRIEFS page 8