Page 9 - March ARB Beacon 1-8-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb January 8, 2016 9
Receive your 1095 IRS
From BRIEFS page 8 style cardio intervals with resistance tax form electronically
training circuits and muscle isolation
tion on these programs. work Under the Affordable Care
Class descriptions: Act (ACA), the federal gov-
Circuit Training – a high in- REV – an indoor cycling class ernment, state governments,
that combines sprints, climbs, in- insurers, employers, and
tensity interval training class that tervals, drills, terrain, and technique individuals are given shared
integrated cardio and muscular en- training responsibility to reform and
durance exercises improve the availability, qual-
Stomp – a total body, cardio- ity, and affordability of health
Core – various classes from our driven step class as it was originally insurance coverage in the United States.
WellBeats system that focus entire- meant to be taught
ly on working out your core For the 2015 tax year, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) is required to
TKO – a blend of martial arts furnish a Form 1095 to each employee that worked any full time hours. MyPay has been
Fit for Duty – a high-energy, disciplines that includes a combina- updated to allow you to elect to receive this tax form electronically. Civilian employees are
extreme, conditioning workout led tion of punches, kicks, and strikes highly encouraged to log into myPay to turn on electronic delivery. Go to myPay and from
by service members with expertise the main menu of myPay, select “Turn On/Off Hard Copy of IRS Form 1095.”
in fitness training TRX – introductory class that
teaches basic exercises to strengthen Electronic delivery is the fastest and most secure method to receive your 1095 once it
Functional Fitness – A type core and transition into more ad- becomes available in January of 2016. Please opt in to receive an electronic copy no later
of high-intensity interval training vanced techniques on the TRX sus- than December 31, 2015.
combining cardio and weight train- pension system
ing into one short but intense class Vvisit for more information on the ACA and
with mobility drills, mountain V.I.B.E. – multi-dimensional tax reporting. For additional details on the tax information you will be receiving from
climbers, lunges, push-up, kettle- dance exercises ranging from Latin DFAS, visit
bells, goblet squats duck walk, run. to urban, hip-hop and more
If you have questions about logging into myPay and/or making changes to your elec-
Fusion – an integration of yoga Zumba/Zumbathon – well- tronic elections in myPay, contact the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit at 1-888-
and Pilates exercises with attention known dancing class featuring exot- DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411.
to breath, form, flow and body bal- ic rhythms set to high-energy Latin
ance. and international beats (Zumbathon
is a two-hour Zumba class in which
Kinetics – a total body, multi- participants can win prizes.)
activity class that includes sports-
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