Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, December2019
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4  December 2019  spotlight  Thunderbolt          news                                       5
                                                                                                                                           December 2019
 69th FS thwarts attack, saves base during WWII  AETC announces

 by    Squadron would have their chance to shine.  excellence awards
 JESSICA JOHNSON  On Dec. 26, 1944, the 69th FS inter-
 cepted a Japanese strike force team that   The following individual and unit   Luke AFB Chapel Holiday Schedule 2019e AFB Chapel Holiday Schedule 2019
 944th Fighter Wing historian
 was heading to attack the Allied air base   received Air Education and Training
 After the attack on Pearl Harbor,   on the Philippine island of Mindoro. Only   Command 2019 Public Affairs Com-
 America found itself plunged into another   a week and a half before, this island was   munication Excellence Awards:
 world war. This time, the war would quite   under Imperial Japanese control. Whether   Team – Best Crisis
 literally be a world war, as it would be   the Japanese were there to try to reclaim   Communication: 56th Fighter Wing
 fought not just in the European theater   the island or just attack the airfield is   Public Affairs for
 but also in the Pacific as well. The war in   unknown, but that night the 69th Fighter    “Investigation of PFOS/PFOA in   Catholic  Protestant
 the Pacific encompassed the ocean and the   Squadron thwarted this attack by destroy-  drinking water surrounding Luke
 islands from Hawaii to the Philippines.   ing the strike force. This decisive action   AFB”
 The need for capable and efficient fighter   saved the base at Mindoro.  • Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception, Weekend Schedule  • Sunday Advent Services (Beginning Dec. 1)
 squadrons was crucial to the war effort   The location would eventually become   Individual – Outstanding   • 6 p.m. Dec. 17: Advent Penance Service  • 9 a.m. Traditional, Chapel on the Mall
 against Imperial Japan.  the jumping off point for the U.S. Army   Communication Airman: Senior   • 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Gospel, Main Chapel
 The 69th Fighter Squadron was acti-  Air Forces, the U.S. Navy, and their allies   Airman Alexander Cook, 56th FW/PA  • 5 p.m. Dec. 24 Family Christmas Mass
 vated on Jan. 15, 1941, as the 69th Pursuit   to attack and reclaim the island of Luzon   • Combined Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
 Group. They, like so many other squadrons   in the northern Philippines. The liberation   • 11:30 a.m. Dec. 24: Christmas Caroling  • 6:30 p.m. Dec. 24, Main Chapel
 at the time, were originally a training   of Mindoro would allow the allies to take   • Midnight Dec. 25: Midnight Mass
 squadron. For the first two years, the 69th   back the capital city of Manila.  Luke names new chiefs
 trained elite pilots to send to the fronts,   This round of island hopping was able   • 9 a.m. Dec. 25: Christmas Morning Mass
 both in Europe and the Pacific. However,   to clear the path for the Allied naval and   The following senior master ser-  Questions?
 in November 1943, they received their   ground forces to stage the largest am-  geants at Luke Air Force Base have   • 9 a.m. Jan. 1: Solemnity of Mary Mass
 mobilization orders to the Pacific Theater.   phibious assault in the Pacific theater. The   been selected for chief:  Call the Luke Air Force Base Chapel
 The squadron was transferred to Brisbane,   Battle for Okinawa was fought over an 82-  Courtesy photo  Hugo Caballero,
 Australia, under the command of the 58th   day period and after the island was taken,   Photographs from WWII depicting pilots   607th Air Control Squadron  623-856-6211
 Fighter Group in 5th Air Force.  the 69th Fighter Squadron was relocated   assigned to the 69th Fighter Squadron.
 Their original mission was to escort   to  Kadena Air  Base,  Okinawa,  to  begin   Brandon Layton,
 56th Communications Squadron
 bombers over New Guinea and sea convoys   preparations for the planned invasion of   Today the 69th Fighter Squadron, has
 that were headed to the Admiralty Islands.   the home islands of Japan. This invasion   returned to its roots by training the world’s   Frederick Littles, 56th Equipment
 Soon, however, they were tasked with at-  never happened on the full scale it was   greatest fighter pilots while keeping with   Maintenance Squadron
 tacking Japanese airfields as the 5th Air   planned. With the creation of the atomic   their traditions of honor, bravery and, above   Benjamin Vanderpuy,
 Force began the trek north, toward the   bomb, the war ended with a conclusive   all, the adventuring spirit of the Fighting   56th Maintenance Group
 Philippines. This is where the 69th Fighter   Allied victory.  69th.

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