Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, December2019
P. 9

8  December 2019  news  Thunderbolt               news                                       9
                                                                                                                                           December 2019
 Code talker honored at veterans luncheon  Veteran suicide rate complicated – solution shouldn’t be

 by    learning the Morse Code and how   by                                                                              answers. In fact, figures show that the
 STEPHEN DELGADO  to hook telephone wires to trees,    LISA SMITH MOLINARI  “It’s time to stop trying, and simply        rate of suicide in VA medical centers is
 but the highlight of what these 29                                                                                      lower than the private sector. After the VA
 Thunderbolt staff writer
 recruits achieved was the develop-                                                                                      made prevention its top clinical priority,
 There are fewer and fewer World   ment of a military code.  Last month, another U.S. military  start doing.”            the rate of suicide in VA hospitals has
 War II veterans as the years roll   “The code was subject to memory   veteran took his own life on a Veteran’s          dropped more than 80 percent and 419
 along. The same plight is true of   only, and we would be the only ones   Administration campus. This is the sixth      of 466 suicide attempts in 2019 on VA
 the Navajo Code Talkers whose   who knew the code,” MacDonald   veteran suicide in the public areas of   first year after separation, and an in-  pointed fingers at the VA before pointing   campuses were stopped.
 living survivors are in single digits.   said. “Navajo wasn’t a written   Florida’s Bay Pines VA facility in the last   teragency task force was established in   weapons at themselves.      However, of the 17 veterans who kill
 One of the last surviving code   language, so we had to come up   six years. This latest incident is also part   March to tackle the issue — the fact re-  Army veteran John Toombs posted, “I   themselves every day, 10.4 don’t use VHA
 talkers delivered the keynote   with our own words for the alpha-  of the ever-growing rate of veteran sui-  mains that 17 “Title 38 Veterans” and four   dared to dream again. Then you showed   services at all.
 address at the Veterans Medical   bet. Navajo words were selected to   cides each year, and part of a nationwide   active-duty, Reserve and Guard members   me the door faster than last night’s gar-  So far, promising improvements in VA
 Leadership Council’s 17th Annual   represent each letter in the English   increase in suicides among all adults.   kill themselves every day. That’s one death   bage,” before hanging himself outside the   care have not resulted in real progress in
 Heroes Patriotic Luncheon Nov. 8   alphabet. Easy to remember words   Is the increase in veteran suicides a di-  every minute and eight seconds.   Murfreesboro, Tennessee, VA  hospital,   the overall crisis. No matter how many
 at the Arizona Biltmore Resort in   were chosen.”  rect result of the surge in the U.S.’s overall   In news stories about the rash of vet-  where he had been kicked out of treatment   experts weigh in, no matter how many
 Phoenix.  However, he said another prob-  adult suicide rate? Unfortunately, it’s not   eran suicides on VA campuses across   for not following instructions.   task forces are created, no matter how
 Peter MacDonald, 90, a larger   lem had to be solved and that was   Courtesy photo  that simple.  the U.S., experts postulated that suicide   Two years later, investigators found a   many variables are studied, no matter
 than life figure, took the audience   punctuation. Terms for punctua-  Navajo Code Talker Peter MacDonald at Monument Valley on the Navajo National Reservation on the   The suicide rates announced in the lat-  victims blame the VA.   suicide note near the uniformed body of   how many veterans kill themselves on VA
 on a trip of the origins of the Na-  tion were developed.  Utah-Arizona border.    est Veterans’ Administration report are   Eric Caine, director of the Injury Con-  Marine Col. Jim Tuner outside Florida’s   campuses, no one can make any sense of
 vajo Code Talkers and how they   In August 1942, 13 code talkers   the result of a complex evaluation of age,   trol Research Center for Suicide Preven-  Bay Pines VA facility.   this complex trend.
 helped to win some of the fiercest   were part of the landing that took   gender, finances, U.S. population increase,   tion at the University of Rochester, told   “I bet if you look at the 22 suicides a   Instead of putting any more resources
 and bloodiest battles in military   place at Guadalcanal. The code   veteran population decrease, military duty   the Washington Post after a series of VA   day you will see VA screwed up in 90%,”   toward unraveling the impossible tangle
 history.   worked. More code talkers were   status, treatment status, changes in study   parking lot suicides last year, “These sui-  Turner wrote before turning a rifle on   of causes and variables, perhaps the
 Not only that, he and his fellow   recruited, and the Navajo code   criteria and other variables. The rising   cides are sentinel events. It’s very impor-  himself.   government should fund simple, common-
 code talkers were a secret weapon   became the official code for the rest   veteran suicide rates must be analyzed   tant for the VA to recognize that the place   The following April, three more veter-  sense preventive measures: Standardize
 that was an instrumental part of   of the war, MacDonald said.  in context with so many other factors; it’s   of a suicide can have great meaning. There   ans killed themselves at VA campuses.   VA quality control and bring low-rated fa-
 winning the war in the Pacific.  The Navajo code talkers per-  almost impossible to draw meaningful   is a real moral imperative and invitation   One victim shot himself in the crowded   cilities up to par. Institute more outreach
 He began his speech by thanking   formed their mission with skill,   conclusions from the data.   here to take a close inspection of the qual-  lobby of a Texas VA  outpatient clinic,   to at-risk veterans who do not use VHA.
 everyone who has served in the   speed and accuracy, he said.   Despite sincere efforts to address the   ity of services at the facility level.”  which was seen by most as an obvious   Give VA staff better training in suicide
 military. MacDonald served with   He noted that Maj. Howard Con-  crisis — Trump signed an executive order   Caine’s theory might be a desperate   message.   prevention strategies.
 the 6th Marine Division in World   nor, 5th Marine Division signal of-  in 2018 allowing all veterans to receive   shot at simplifying the veteran suicide   Despite the blame some have placed   It may not be that simple, but it’s time
 War II.  ficer, had six code talkers working   mental health care during the high-risk   conundrum; however, veterans themselves   squarely on the VA, there are no easy   to stop trying, and simply start doing.
 MacDonald said there was a seri-  continuously throughout the first
 ous problem with communications   two days of the Battle of Iwo Jima.
 at the beginning of the war, and   They sent more than 800 messages,
 that the Japanese were breaking   all without error.   u.S. Marine Corps
 all details of every code. It would   Connor later said, “Were it not   Cpl. Henry Bahe Jr., left, and Pvt. 1st Class George Kirk, Navajo
 take awhile to persuade Marine   for the Navajos, the Marines would   Code Talkers serving with a Marine Signal Unit, operate a portable   ®  HONORING  OUR
 officials that Navajo Code Talkers   never have taken Iwo Jima.”  radio set in a jungle clearing, close behind the front lines on the
 could  profoundly  help solve the   MacDonald finished his tour   island of Bougainville in New Guines, (present-day Papua New
 The VMLC was founded
 communications dilemma.  with the Marines in North China   Guinea) in December 1943.  in 1999 to support veteran
 Philip Johnson, a World War I   and would have  a plethora of                                HEROES
 veteran and son of a missionary   accomplishments in civilian life   advocacy with its primary
 couple, was raised on the Navajo   including being awarded the Con-  mission being to ensure
 reservation and spoke the Navajo   gressional Silver Medal and earn-  quality medical and men-
 language fluently. He proposed the   ing an engineering degree from   tal health care for Marico-
 pa County veterans and to
 use of the language to the Marines   the University of Oklahoma. He   encourage initiatives that
 at the start of the war, MacDonald   also served as the Chairman of
 said.  the Navajo Nation Council from   honor the contributions                                 the military, or as a firefighter, police officer, teacher, or
 Unfortunately, at the time Ma-  1970 to 1989.  made to the city, state and
 rine officials knew nothing of Nava-  In all, he summed up the legacy   nation by veterans and the   medical professional, we'd like to give you a special discount
 men and women serving in
 jo life and were afraid the Marines   the code talkers have in history.  the military.                          on a brand new home!
 could be embarrassed. Finally, in   “The Navajo code is a unique
 April 1942 the idea was given the   World War II legacy. It was used in   The  VMLC is strongly   Apply 1% of the base price of a new home from Woodside
 green light, and the formation of a   all Pacific battles to transmit top   committed to providing   Homes Arizona toward the home options of your choice.
 code talker platoon became a top-  secret and confidential messages.   a much-needed financial
 safety net for those veter-
 secret project, he said.  The Navajo code, commissioned by   ans needing a hand up, not
 There were initially 29 Navajo   the United States Marines Corps,                               Choose from hundreds of upgrades and create your own
 recruits who attended basic train-  saved hundreds of thousands of   a handout, during their dif-    wonderful place to call home – because you've
 ing in May 1942. They were part   lives and helped to shorten the   ficult transition back into                  done the same for us.
 of a separate platoon and were the   war in the Pacific. It is the only   society. This  assistance
 helps provide housing,
 number one platoon.   military code in modern history,   food and transportation
 Part of the platoon’s training was   never broken by the enemy.”
 to medical appointments,
 rehabilitation, job training                                                                     FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT OUR ONLINE
 and interviews.                                                                                           SALES PROFESSIONALS BELOW
 During the early months of World War II, American military   The VMLC president is
 leaders were confounded by how quickly Japanese cryptologists   Sam Young, who retired in          Vito Simplicio      Stephanie Derendal
 were breaking the secret codes of the U.S. Armed Forces. An enter-  1994 from Luke Air Force
 prising engineer, who had grown up on the Navajo Reservation,   Base as the Mission Sup-                            623-469-0153
 persuaded Marine Corps commanders in San Diego to recruit   port Group commander,
 Navajos to develop an unbreakable code for communications in the   with the rank of colonel.
 Pacific campaign. The unwritten Navajo language was unknown   For more information
 to the Japanese. The Marines recruited and trained 421 Navajos   on the  Veterans Medical
 to serve in all six Marine divisions fighting in the Pacific, and the   Leadership Council, e-mail   provides a credit towards home options in the amount of 1% of the base price of the new home. This discount program is available for active and retired military, and currently full-time employed
 Code Talkers’ transmissions are credited as one of the key reasons   National Archives  them at info@arizonavmlc.
 the United States defeated the Japanese in World War II.  The first 29 Navajo Code Talker recruits being sworn in 1942 at   org.   personal residence. The program is valid for sales contracts signed from 6/1/2018 to 12/31/2019. The program may be discontinued at any time without notice. If you are working with a REALTOR,
 Fort Wingate, New Mexico.
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