Page 6 - March ARB Beacon 1-22-16
P. 6
Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Cody answers6 January 22, 2016
questions on promotions, EPRs and more

from                       velopmental special duties like military                                                                           Daniel Woolfolk/ Air Force Times Staff
                                             training instructors? In a unit where all
   Few enlisted leaders in recent de-        airmen are intended to be the best of        Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Cody speaks to the Air Force Times
cades have had as great an impact on         the best, will restricting how many can      Stephen Losey at the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, Dec. 15, 2015.
airmen as Chief Master Sergeant of the       get the top promotion recommenda-
Air Force James Cody.                        tions leave some at a disadvantage?          of experience. It’s part of what we        degree. We’ll continue to look at prop-
                                                                                          are required to look at in promotion       er development [of career fields]. By
   Since becoming the top enlisted              That’s certainly a question that has      boards. So I’m 100 percent confident        the end of 2016, all the career fields
leader three years ago, Cody has shep-       come up with many of our airmen,             it will have a positive impact on those    in the Air Force will have done a com-
herded the biggest reform to how air-        particularly airmen [nominated to be]        that do a good job.                        plete scrub of their key billets to en-
men are evaluated and promoted in            in those special duties. They are great                                                 sure that they have a strategy where
decades. This includes “forced distri-       airmen. They’re really great airmen.            Going into 2016, what is the Air        they are developing the right amount
bution” quotas that limit how many           That doesn’t mean that they, racked and      Force going to be working on for en-       of airmen to have the prerequisites to
airmen can get top promotion recom-          stacked against all airmen in the Air        listed airmen?                             fill those key billets.
mendations.                                  Force, are the best at any given time.
                                             It’s impossible to do that unless you put       We’re going to have to keep our air-       We’re trying like heck to grow some
   As he enters his last full year as        them all in the same room and have the       men focused on the mission. We have        airmen in the areas that we had signifi-
chief — his four-year tenure will end        same person doing the evaluation.            stretched resources across the board.      cant deficits. So right now we’re trying
in early 2017 — Cody’s attention is fo-                                                   You’ve heard our chief of staff, Gen.      to increase the capacity of our pipe-
cused on finishing the job on the new            But this is not a new dynamic, let’s      [Mark] Welsh, talk about the shortages in  lines. We’re trying to bring some addi-
enlisted performance system. He’s also       be honest. We didn’t create any new          manning. That is concerning to us, given   tional resources there so we can recruit
concerned about the steep operations         special duties. These are jobs that have     the tempo of our force. So we’re going to  and access airmen into the areas where
tempo the Air Force faces.                   been around in our Air Force for a long      have to balance that. We’re going to have  we need them.
                                             time and we’ve always had really high-       to continually, aggressively look at what
   Cody recently spoke with Air Force        quality airmen doing great work in them      we shouldn’t be doing anymore as an Air       What’s the biggest challenge in try-
Times Staff Writer Stephen Losey in          every day. And they’ve always had to         Force so we can keep up with this, and     ing to bring in 4,000 new airmen — in
his Pentagon office                           compete for promotion against the peo-       it will be reasonable and sustainable for  fields such as maintenance; cyber op-
                                             ple that were in those duties with them.     airmen and their families.                 erations; intelligence, surveillance and
   The overhaul of the enlisted evalua-                                                                                              reconnaissance; and nuclear missile
tion system has been a massive under-           So it’s like any other unit. We recog-       We will continue to transition our      enterprises — in 2016?
taking. What remains to be done?             nize and reward sustained performance        professional military education. We’ll
                                             over time. And there’s a great airman        continue to transition the blended            Getting the pipeline prepared to
   It’s the end of the beginning for at      in that unit, [but] it can be a little bit   learning approach to the [noncommis-       handle additional accessions. Some of
least the active-duty side of the house.     presumptuous to think that that airman       sioned officer] academy [using more         those pipelines take time to get people
We still have some rolling out to do on      would have been the one who would            Web-based instruction], with the Inter-    qualified. So when you have this de-
the reserve side because their promo-        have received that [promotion] in an-        mediate Leadership Experience com-         mand signal that exceeds your capac-
tions are handled differently than the       other unit. It’s easy to say it, but it’s a  ing into play in full effect.              ity in personnel it takes time [five to
active duty.                                 little harder to prove it.                                                              seven years] to get people qualified to
                                                                                             We’ll continue to look at the Com-      the 5 level [and] the 7 level. We’ll have
   But for the active duty, the first itera-     Forced distribution just says in ev-      munity College of the Air Force and        to monitor retention as we always do
tion of forced distribution [for techni-     ery unit that you’re in, there’s going to    how we can expand that opportunity         in these career fields. It’s not that we
cal sergeants] is out there. We will go      be a lineup of those that we feel have       so our airmen can bring in more of
through the next two with senior air-        the highest potential to serve at the        their earned credits into earning that                               See CHIEF page 7
man and staff sergeant [in January and       next higher grade, and there’s an ability
March], but it’s the same philosophy.        for a commander to give a significant
The form’s there, the policy’s there. I      promotion advantage to those airmen.
think everybody’s getting themselves         There will be plenty of airmen that get
immersed in it and asking lots of ques-      promoted with a “promote” [recom-
tions, as you would expect with any          mendation, the third-highest on the
new policy. This one just has more           list of five possible recommendations].
questions because there are more peo-        And over time, airmen that go do these
ple that it impacts.                         different duties that you described, if
                                             they’re successful, that’s going to be in-
   Our airmen are handling it well.          dicated in their record. If you look his-
   What’s still to come for reservists?      torically, they have a higher percentage
   The forms are being rolled out, but       rate of being promoted to the highest
their implementation is at a different       grades in our Air Force.
pace than ours. They’re already using
the chief [master sergeant]’s [enlisted         Is that to say that if you’re in one of
performance report] forms, but they’re       these high-performing units and don’t
not using all the other forms yet.           get one of those highest promotion rec-
They’re going to incrementally get that.     ommendations because the competi-
At the end state, they’ll be about 18        tion is so stiff, then further down the
months behind the active-duty side of        line, because you’ve been an MTI or in
the house for full implementation. But       the Thunderbirds, that will help you?
they’re implementing the same way.
   How might the forced distribution            No question about it. The data sup-
quotas affect airmen in high-perform-        ports that. We value breadth and depth
ing fields like the Thunderbirds and de-
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