Page 12 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, November 2020
P. 12

12     High Desert Warrior                                                                                                                                                                      High Desert Warrior         9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     April 2020
          November 2020
    News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  COVID-19 Resources

   Living with Wildlife: Bobcats

                    By David H. Davis                                                                    • No Repellents, Fumigants, and Toxicants. No chemical
                 Certi ed Wildlife Biologist                                                           repellents, fumigants or toxicants are currently registered for
                 Directorate of Public Works                                                           bobcats.
     FORT IRWIN, Calif. —  e bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a                                                    • Removing wildlife involved in a human-wildlife conflict
   medium-sized member of the North American wild cat family.                                          is a temporary solution. Food attractants (food, water, den site
                                                                                                       and cover) or access to attractants must be eliminated to get to
   Bobcats can be distinguished at a distance by a short “bobbed”
   tail (4 to 6-inches long), round face and pointed ears. Typi-                                       the root of the problem. When possible, coexisting with wildlife
   cally, bobcats go unseen due to their quiet and solitary ways.                                      is the more sustainable option.
   However, bobcat sightings are increasing as they appear to be                                         • Translocation. Trapping and relocating wildlife causing
   using urban and suburban settings more often. Bobcats are only                                      property damage may seem like a good idea and an ideal solu-
   one-quarter to less than one-half the size of mountain lion.  ey                                    tion. However, this is not a legal option. Bobcats preying upon
   are generally two or three times as large as a domestic housecat                                    pets and livestock may be trapped but only under the authority
   and more muscular and full in the body.                                                             of a depredation permit ( living-with-
     Bobcats are largely carnivorous but will consume a wide                                           wildlife). However, they may not be relocated to a di erent
   variety of food sources, even some vegetation such as fruits                                        area and released (they must be released on site or euthanized
   and grasses. Domestic animals can become bobcat prey if left                                        immediately).
   unsecured at night including domestic cats, small dogs, poultry,   • Feed dogs and cats indoors and clean up after them. If you   • Aside from not being a legal option, it is not a sustainable
   piglets, small goats and lambs. Because the National Training  must feed pets outside, do so during daylight hours. Collect   solution. Bobcats often return to their original territories after
   Center and Fort Irwin are in a rural relatively wild area, it is  food and water bowls, leftovers and any spilled food as soon as  being relocated – putting them at risk for vehicle strikes while
   likely that humans and wildlife will cross paths.   pets have  nished eating. Water, pet food and pet droppings can  crossing highways and busy roads while making their way back.
   Preventing Con icts                               attract small mammals and other wildlife, including bobcats.   Moving a bobcat into a strange territory puts the animal at a
     • Do not feed wildlife: This includes deer, raccoons and other   • Keep unattended dogs and cats indoors, especially from  disadvantage as they do not yet know where to hunt for food.
   small mammals. Predators follow prey. Bobcats can also be at-  dusk to dawn. Left outside at night, smaller dogs and domestic  It may also create disputes with the resident bobcat that could
   tracted to the many birds and rodents that visit bird feeders.  cats may become prey for bobcats. If a dog is small enough to  result in death.
   Prevent the buildup of seeds and other organic debris that can  squeeze through a fence, they should not be left outside.  e   For questions or concerns, contact DPW at 760-380-6435
   collect under bird feeders.                       owner is responsible for their pets’ safety.      or Redhorse Biology at 619-288-8883.

                                                                                                                                   From  COMMUNITY, Page 1

     “I just ask all of us to remain cautious,” he said. “Although  been a long time coming,” Lesperance said. “So, there’s going to  and a new youth center.
   many businesses and facilities remain cautious and following  be a process for all of the food truck operators to get re-certi ed   “All of these things are a part of that $500 million Quality of
   guidelines, some are not, so continue to wear your mask, wash  to do business on the installation. Please talk to your AAFES  Life commitment that the Army has made to the installation,”
   your hands frequently and practice physical distancing.”  point of contact.”                        Lesperance said. “We have listened to you and we recognize
      e new Order delegates authority for leave and non-  “Right now, the vet and preventative medicine team will  that there are things that we can do.”
   essential travel outside the local area to the brigade/O-6 level,  inspect the food trucks before they operate on post,” Garrison  Race Talks
   which can be delegated even further down for both leave forms  Commander, Col. Jeanette Martin said.  Lesperance rounded out his Oct. 28 update by letting the
   and passes.  ere’s no longer an exception to policy process, as  NTC Upcoming Updates               community know that talks surrounding the civil unrest in the
   soldiers can now submit passes or leave forms as appropriate   During Lesperance’s Sept. 30 live community update, he   country, as it relates to the military, were still ongoing.
   through their chain of command.                   highlighted all of the new additions headed to NTC over the   He referenced the Department of the Army’s response and
      e new Order also restated the authority that the Secretary  next, few years.                     mandates involving George Floyd’s death and all the conversa-
   of the Army extended out to brigade-level commanders across   “If I look at between now and the end of ’26, the Army is   tions that have occurred on the installation since June 2020.
   the Army, so there’s also no longer a requirement for NTC  going to commit about $500 million to Fort Irwin in a variety   “Gen. (Michael) Garrett (FORSCOM commander) had
   headquarters/NTC’s Commanding General to approve excep-  of di erent projects and programs to improve the quality of life.”  us take a look at how to create more time for leaders to spend
   tions to permanent change of station (PCS) moves. PCSs and   During the short term, there will be a community services   with their soldiers— it’s called Foundational Training— and it’s
   temporary duty (TDY) travel are now approved at the brigade  update within the next two to three years.  giving leaders time back to know their soldiers and have mean-
   level across the Army.                              “Some early wins are going to be small things with a high   ingful conversations to understand what’s going on in soldiers’
     Lesperance reminded viewers that all installation processes in  impact; for example getting the dog park with grass for our pets
   response to COVID-19 situations with the rotational training  in a way that is di erent than what we’ve done in the past,”   lives, get to know one another and connect,” Lesperance said.
   unit and installation are still in operation.     Lesperance said. “Our new theater will be opening up by the   He said there’s new training guidance that is a priority in
     “Our COVID crisis action team is still up and running.”  end of the year.  e kennel is another one that will be coming   between rotations to give more time to the lowest-level leaders,
    ere are representatives/a task force that can react however  down the line by the end of the year.”  as well as a leader-development program for squad and team
   needed to care for soldiers.                         ere’s also updates coming to AAFES.            leaders.
   Events/Activities on Post                           “ e next things you’ll see in the coming year are a modern-  “To generate the types of conversations, the types of trust
     Across the installation, many restrictive measures have been  ized Exchange with healthier food options in the food court,”   and relationships that are absolutely necessary for us to continue
   reduced and most activities and facilities have opened, although  Lesperance said. “In a year to 18 months, we’ll see a new 24-  to carry the  ght to the Army but allow us in a much more
   not to full capacity.                             hour AAFES Express.”                              harmonious way to coexist in the Army together and model
     “Across post, all agencies have upped their game as far as    e new Express will be located between CID and the new   the right behavior for our local community partners and to our
   events and activities for our community members and I encour-  multifunctional  tness tent at the intersection of Barstow and   nation at large,” Lesperance said.
   age all to take advantage of our on-post o erings, particularly  Inter Loop Roads.                     e next live update from Brig. Gen. Lesperance is Nov.
   as we approach the holiday season,” Lesperance said.  Longer term, beginning in 2022, renovation of barracks is  12 at 4:30 p.m., streamed on
      e Splash Park has closed due to weather and dining op-  budgeted, then again and in 2024, the plan is to build three,  Updates occur on RSOI 3.
   tions will remain outdoors.                       new barracks for nearly 500 soldiers by 2026.        e Garrison Command Team conducts a live Facebook
     Also, there’s good news for those missing the food trucks.   e MWR commitment includes a multi-sports indoor com-  Round-up each Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. on
     “We know that the food trucks are popular on Irwin and it’s  plex, community activities center, outdoor recreation complex  FtIrwin and KNTC 88.5  e Heat FM radio.

     For more information go to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For more information go to
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