Page 8 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, November 2020
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8       High Desert Warrior                                                                                                                                                                     High Desert Warrior         9
           November 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             November 2020
     News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             News

       Learning from Joshua in the High Desert                                                               Chaplain’s                                                 WACH holds Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month event

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “I always compared my loss to other people who had a
                                                                                                                                                                                     By Kimberly Hackbarth
                                                                                                                                                                          Public A airs Specialist, Weed Army Community Hospital                                       loss maybe at birth or in the third trimester and it was like
                                          the mid-19th century named the tree after  people but also the dangers of           Corner
                                          a biblical story in which Joshua reaches his  desert scorpions, rattle snakes,                                                  FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Weed Army Community                                                     my pain wasn’t as great as them …I don’t need to make it
                                          hands up to the sky in prayer.  en, who is  and extreme weather condi-  his God. Remembering Moses’s charges, he              Hospital hosted Light the Night, a Pregnancy and Infant                                        that big of a deal,” she said. “But now looking back, I realize
                                          this man Joshua? Joshua was son of Nun, and  tions. Can you imagine thirst, hunger, and                                       Loss Awareness Month remembrance event on Oct. 15 at                                           I shouldn’t have done that.”
                                          he lived as a Soldier most of his adult life in  scorching heat of the day as well as icy cold   resiliently remained strong and courageous   Fort Irwin.                                                                      Her pain re-emerged 16 years later when she started work-
                                          the desert’s harsh environment.     wind that penetrated the people’s skins in   even in the stormy days of his life. He hum-   Sgt. Monique Knox, a preventive medicine noncommis-                                          ing at WACH and cared for someone in a similar situation.
                                             Some biblical scholars believe that  the night? How could Joshua emerge as a   bly obeyed God’s Word in all circumstances   sioned o cer with WACH, spearheaded the planning for                                            “As a nurse I found myself caring for a young mother in
                                          Joshua probably started his Army career as  leader, especially a strong warrior amid these   of his life, and “the Lord made Joshua a great   the event and said it’s important to acknowledge pregnancy                     her  rst trimester who had lost her  rst pregnancy,” she said.
                                          an Egyptian Army o cer before Moses ap-  extreme circumstances?         leader in the eyes of all the Israelites and for      and infant loss awareness events because it isn’t healthy for
                                          pointed him as his aide. Ever since Joshua   It is because Joshua was a man of faith.   the rest of his life they revered him as much   families to su er in silence.                                                        “ ose feelings didn’t really come back until then, when I
                                          met Moses, his life was forever changed.  But what does faith really mean? When I   as they revered Moses (Joshua 4:14).”       “It is strong and brave to be vulnerable and release that                                    saw her in the spot that I was in 16 years ago.”
                                          Joshua constantly remembered what Moses  used to live in San Diego, I once visited   Let me tell you the good news, that is,   pressure and pain of your little loved one’s life lost before it                                Mendez empathized with the grieving parents who
        By Chaplain (Col.) Daniel S. Oh, Senior   charged him: “Have I not commanded you?  the Port of San Diego Shipyards.  ere, I   Joshua was no di erent from us. He had the   eats away at you until you are no good to help anyone else.”                        thanked her for sharing her story with them.
                    Chaplain              Be strong and courageous. Do not be terri-  wondered how huge ships could stay in one   same nature as us and he was no super man.   WACH sta  set up a table with educational resources for                                   “I realized how powerful that was just to face it and share
              NTC/Ft. Irwin, California    ed; do not be discouraged, for the LORD  place not colliding with one another. Well, I   He put his version of OCP pants just as we   families and a memorial frame where parents could write the  Kimberly Hackbarth - Fort Irwin community members   my story and that was important,” said Mendez.
                                                                                                                                                                        name of their baby on a little, wooden heart and place it in  attend a remembrance ceremony Oct. 15 at Weed Army
                                          your God will be with you wherever you  was told that each ship was securely anchored   do: one leg at a time. But his faith made all
         As we serve in the California’s High   go (Joshua 1:9).” He followed Moses and  to the ocean  oor. You see, faith is like an  the di erence. And today, the same God is   the frame that will be displayed at the hospital entrance the  Community Hospital at Fort Irwin, Calif. during a Pregnancy    e WACH event where Mendez spoke about her experi-
       Desert, I bet you want to be a successful   faithfully served the people of Israel for 40  anchor, linking us to the object of our faith,  with you and He is more than willing to do   rest of the month.     and Infant Loss Awareness month event.           ence gave families an opportunity to share their grief with
       warrior and leader. My recent trip to Joshua   years in the desert.    our God. Just as an anchor secures a ship  powerful work in your life. I hope and pray      During the event, 1st Lt. Ti any Mendez, a registered   her husband received the news that no parent wants to hear.  others who had similar loss and create a safe environment
       Tree National Park reminds me of the story   In his 40 years of journey in the desert  to the ocean  oor, so does our faith link us  that you may enjoy the same success that   nurse with WACH, shared her story of loss.  “ e ultrasound technician informed us there was no   to remember those lost.
                                                                                                                                                                          Mendez had just arrived at her  rst duty station in
       of Joshua’s life in the Old Testament, which  with the Israelites, however, Joshua had to  securely to God.   Joshua had enjoyed as you work, live, and          Germany when she found out she was pregnant with her   longer a heartbeat,” she said.            “ is is the  rst [a pregnancy and infant loss awareness]
       inspires us to be successful. According to the  endure arduous hardships, continually fac-   at was the secret of Joshua’s success.  play in the high desert. May His perfect    rst child.                        After that, Mendez said she buried her emotions and tried  event I’ve ever been to,” Mendez said. “It took me 16 years
       National Park Service, Mormon pioneers in  ing not only nagging complaints of his own  By faith, Joshua was securely anchored to  peace and grace be with your always!
                                                                                                                                                                          However, at one of the  rst routine checkups, she and  to rationalize why she didn’t deserve to feel so sad.  to acknowledge it and I think it’s about time.”

   What’s new in the Legal Assistance O ce?

                    Cinnamon Merritt                 that military families may encounter and how the law applies  with a parent and child if requested.  Our attorneys will advo-
                                                     to the special education process.  Parents often struggle when  cate to ensure plans and decisions are in the best interest of the
              NTC/Fort Irwin Paralegal Specialistt
                                                     moving to a new duty station while also trying to meet the  parent and child; giving them the right to a free, appropriate
      FORT IRWIN, Calif. —  e Fort Irwin Legal Assistance   special education needs of their children.   ere are countless  public education and free disability evaluations at the school
   O ce currently provides a variety of services to all active duty   resources to help parents who have children with learning or  or through military resources.
   service members, retirees and their eligible family members.     other diagnosed disabilities that impact their school education,   COVID-19 has impacted many o ces and operational
    ese services include legal advice on family law, landlord/tenant   but sometimes having a knowledgeable attorney can better help  procedures, including ours.  We assure you that our current
   disputes, SCRA protections, immigration, consumer transac-  to move along the process.              remote services and precautions to safeguarding the con dential-
   tions, debt collections,  nancial fraud alerts/transactions, tort    e special education system was designed to ensure that a  ity of all privileged communications during the attorney-client
   claims, and income tax returns, among other services. Notaries,  child with a disability has an opportunity to succeed in his or  relationship is taken seriously for all legal services provided.
   Powers of Attorney, medical directives and wills are also some  her education just as a child without a disability.  A mechanism  Prior to appointments requiring legal advice, we will need
   of our common and most requested services.   ese services are  was established to measure education progress.  Schools and  more information and documents.  For an appointment, leave
   provided at no cost to those eligible. So what’s new?  parents are expected to work together to create a team-based  a message at 760-380-5321 or email us at usarmy.irwin.imcom.
      We are proud to announce that the Fort Irwin Legal As-  approach to meet each child’s unique education needs.  If all and your call or email
   sistance O ce now o ers legal assistance to military families  goes well, the child will progress, but that is not always the case.  will be promptly returned. Our hours of operation are Monday

   with special education needs.   is new legal service o ers   We are here to educate and advocate for parents and children  through Wednesday, and Friday 8a.m. -4p.m. and  ursdays
   advice and assistance on education and school related issues  with special education needs, to include attending a meeting  from 1p.m. – 4p.m.
   Events, upgrades discussed at monthly Community Service Council meeting

            By Janell J. Lewis Ford      COVID-safe activities were able to return amid    e Villages at Fort Irwin housing con-
                                         the  rst Opportunity Leave of 2020.   rmed the following upgrades:
           NTC/Garrison Public A airs
                                           Events surrounding Domestic Violence   • Completed 45 upgraded kitchens in Bit-
      FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Community     Month, Breast Cancer Awareness, Pregnancy  ter Springs
   events, COVID-19 updates, housing renova-  and Infant Loss Awareness Month and Hal-  • The Outer Loop Super Playground moved
   tions and the tenant bill of rights were among   loween were discussed, in addition to new  up to the 2021 budget (previously planned
   the topics discussed at the last, monthly Com-  hours for the Outdoor Recreation Center, the  for 2023)
   munity Service Council meeting on Sept. 29.  Box and Memorial Fitness Centers, the Warrior   • Calico Estates Exterior: Paint, LED light-
       e event was held with limited capacity   Zone, Samuel Adams and the Desert Winds  ing, fences, address plates will all be completed
   at the Sandy Basin Community Center and  Bowling Center.                   by Oct. 27
   streamed live on the NTC and Fort Irwin Gar-  The Outreach Services Director said   The next Community Service Council    David Dupree, Fort Irwin Garrison Public A air
   rison Facebook pages. More than 100 people  Child and Youth Services are still reserved for  meeting is scheduled for Nov. 17 at 10a.m.  slides for each CSC or Town Hall can be found
   tuned in live and more than 4,000 have viewed  mission-essential personnel due to the HP Con   ere is limited seating at the Sandy Basin  on the main NTC website at
   it since the event occurred.          Charlie status but changes to the veri cation  Community Center and it will be streamed  irwin under the “Town Hall Slides” tab inside
      October was the  rst month that more  process have been implemented.    on  e informational  the “Menu.”

     For more information go to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For more information go to
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