Page 3 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, November 2020
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2  High Desert Warrior                                  High Desert Warrior        3
 November 2020
                                                                                                                                   November 2020
 Community  WHO WE ARE                                                                                                   Community

 Brig. Gen. David Lesperance
 Commanding General
 Stop the Violence, Break the Silence: Fort   Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice  November’s AUSA Corner
 Post CSM
 Col. Jeanette Martin
 Irwin Walks to End Domestic Violence  Garrison Commander
 Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Fedorisin
                                                                                     hours before a person becomes symptomatic. It
 Garrison CSM                   The Association of the U.S. Army Notes               hours before a person becomes symptomatic. It
                                                                                     measures 165 biomarkers, sending information
                                                                                     measures 165 biomarkers, sending information
 Story and Photos by: Jason Miller  Darryl Darden  1. AUSA Annual Conference         to a central location that can provide hourly
                                                                                     to a central location that can provide hourly
 Fort Irwin/NTC PAO  Public A airs Director  AUSA held its annual conference this year virtually from Oct. 13 – 16 and you can still  reports. The early warning system could
 FORT IRWIN, Calif. — U.S. Army Soldiers, families and   High Desert Warrior Sta   access all of the recorded content from this year’s conference. In order to view the recorded  reduce the spread of the disease.
 civilians gathered at the Fort Irwin Blue Track for the Walk to End   Janell J. Lewis Ford, Editor  events from AUSA Now, all you have to do is register and use the log-in details you receive    e devices have been used in the Pen-

 Domestic Violence observance on Oct. 13.  e event began with   (760) 380-3450  in your con rmation.  ere were more than 20,000 registrants from 70 countries, 500  tagon and at U.S. Northern Command and
                                                                                     tagon and at U.S. Northern Command and

 the signing of a proclamation to take a  rm stance against domestic   Jason Miller, Sta  Writer/Photographer  exhibitors, 450 speakers and 138 sessions.  were tested on U.S. Military Academy cadets
                                                                                     were tested on U.S. Military Academy cadets
 violence and to remind victims that assistance is always available.  (760) 380-3073  in October.
 Garrison Commander, Col. Jeanette Martin, said the signing of   Renita Wickes, Sta  Writer/Photographer  2. Reducing Training Rotations  4. ID Card Extension
 (760) 380-3078
 the proclamation was, “To let the survivors know we stand to stop   David Dupree, Sta  Writer/Photographer  During the 2020 AUSA Virtual Meeting, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said the Army   In April, DoD announced that expiring dependent
                                                                                       In April, DoD announced that expiring dependent
 the violence, to break the silence. Whether you’re walking, or run-  (760) 380-8917  has a new focus on readiness that places more emphasis on squads and small units and less on  and retiree identi  cation cards would be extended through
                                                                                     and retiree identi cation cards would be extended through

 ning, please remember those survivors and know that here at Fort   Casey Slusser, Sta  Writer/Photographer  large-scale exercises, a continued push towards modernization, and is taking “rapid, positive  the end of September because of COVID-19 precautions.
 Irwin, we will not tolerate the violence.”  (760) 380-3076  and meaningful steps” on diversity, equity and inclusion.  ID cards didn’t expire that week. Current cardholders can use existing cards through
 After signing the proclamation by the Garrison Command Team,

 Brig. Gen. David Lesperance, Commanding General of the National   Aerotech News   Chief of Sta  Gen. James McConville agreed, saying the Army must transform how it  March 31 for base access and through June 30, 2021, for medical care.

 Training Center and Fort Irwin, opened his remarks by introducing   protective orders and establishes the monthly domestic violence   Emma Uribe, Graphic Designer  takes care of its people.  ere is a plan to minimized gated Combat Training Center (CTC)   5. Museum Opening

 a new installation policy that will continue to provide the neces-  review board.   HIGH DESERT WARRIOR   rotations and eliminate the requirement to conduct brigade and battalion live  re exercises    e National Museum of the United States Army, a 185,000-square-foot steel-clad building

 sary care for victims, in addition to instituting a monthly domestic   In his closing comments, Lesperance said although the installation   and  eld training exercises prior to a CTC rotation.   at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, will open to the public on Nov. 11. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy
 violence review board.   High Desert Warrior, a civilian enterprise newspaper, is an   To further reduce the demands of training for and supporting CTC rotations, not all  said the museum, “Will be a place for members of the Total Army family to gather and share

 According to Lesperance, the review board was established to not   has good programs in place to provide necessary care for victims, there   authorized publication for members of the United States   Brigade Combat Teams will deploy all of their battalions into “ e Box.” Additionally, units  stories while also creating an opportunity for visitors to connect with our nation’s history
 Army and Fort Irwin community.  Contents of this newspaper
 only provide good programs in place for victims, but to hold people   is always room for improvement in preventing domestic violence.  are not necessarily o cial view of, or endorsed by, the U.S.   scheduled for non-combat rotational deployments may not require a CTC rotation, especially  through the eyes and voices of individual soldiers.”
 accountable for their actions by ensuring, “legal investigations are   “Domestic violence is that silent enemy. In order to get left of   Government, Department of Defense, Department of the   those units deploying to theaters where they can conduct similar collective training.  A small ceremony will be held for the opening, livestreamed on the museum’s website:
 Army or Fort Irwin and the National Training Center.  High
 closed and in commanders’ hands for ultimate decision,” he said.  the boom, it takes engaged leaders who are involved in making a   Desert Warrior is prepared weekly by the Public A airs O ce,   3. Early Warning
  e new policy outlines reporting requirements for restricted  di erence in our Soldier’s lives,” said Lesperance. “Domestic violence   National  Training Center and Fort Irwin, P.O. Box 105067,     A wearable device has been developed that could predict COVID-19 infection up to 48  j6xKJYOXYlp0U5sdaIRsoo
 Fort Irwin, CA, 92310-5067.  Telephone: 380-4511 or DSN
 and unrestricted domestic abuse cases, rights for victims, military  has no place on Fort Irwin, or in our Army, the buck stops here.”  470-4511. FAX: 380-3075.
 High Desert Warrior is a digital publication, distributed monthly
 on Facebook, as
 well as emailed to base personnel  It is produced at Aerotech
 Chaplains provide blended families,    News and Review, 220 East Avenue K-4 Suite 7, Lancaster, CA   Weed Army Community Hospital hosts breast cancer awareness event
 93535,  (661) 945-5634.
 Aerotech News and Review is a private  rm in no way
 connected with the Department of the Army and is   Story and Photos by Kimberly Hackbarth  ing education, screening, detection, and treatment for breast
 co-parenting support to military couples  responsible for the commercial advertising found in this   Weed Army Community Hospital Public A airs  cancer,” she said.

 publication. Everything advertised in this  publication  will
                                                              Col. Nancy Parson, the WACH commander, spoke at the
 be made available for purchase, use or patronage without
 regard to race, color, religion, sex, national orientation, age,   FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Weed Army Community Hospital   event about the importance of the observance.
 marital status, physical handicap or political a liation of   hosted a Breast Cancer Awareness 5k Run/Walk and Com-
 By Janell J. Lewis Ford  “I would approach a blended family by   the purchaser, user or patron. A con rmed violation of this   munity Health Fair Oct. 24 in observance of Breast Cancer   “National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to
 learning about the relationships between all   policy of equal  opportunity by an advertiser will result in   raise awareness about the importance of early detection of breast
 refusal to print advertising from that source. The appearance
 NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs  of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an   Awareness Month.  cancer, spread the word about mammograms and encourage

 FORT IRWIN, Calif. — When a di-  of the family members and how they interact   endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products   Capt. Megan Jensen, a clinical sta  nurse, organized the  community organizations, families and other to get involved,”
 vorced couple with children remarries to new   with one another,” he said. “I would do the   or services advertised.  event with the hospital’s Breast Cancer Awareness Committee.  she said.
 Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.  (877) 247-9288,
 same with any family, actually, although a
 partners, the process of reacclimating kids   blended family may (or may not) bring dif-  “Weed Army Community Hospital hosts this event be-  Local organizations and programs from WACH set up
 to their new stepfamilies, can be di cult.   ferent items to the table.”  cause [Fort Irwin and the National Training Center]’s health  booths at the event to share information and resources. One
 But Bonnie Conrad’s family has blended   Family Life Chaplains receive training at   NEWSPAPER AWARDS   is important to us and we want to ensure all soldiers and their  booth speci  cally highlighted male breast cancer.

 smoothly.  one of three universities. Ehrke got a Masters   2nd Place, 2017 U.S. Army IMCOM  families have all the resources and education they need regard-  “ ere are more than 2,000 men diagnosed with breast
 “Co-parenting is never easy, and it is   Newspaper Competition — Feature Photograph   cancer each year,” Parson said to those who

 something that a lot of blended families   of Science in Psychology and Counseling   Honorable Mention, 2009 U.S. Army IMCOM-West  attended the event.  U.S. Army photo by Kimberly Hackbarth, Weed ACH Public A airs O ce
 have a hard time coping with,” she said.   from Texas A&M University, Central Texas.  Newspaper Competition — Tabloid category  Several groups focused on physical   Fort Irwin, Calif. Soldiers, family members and community
 “My story, however, is not a negative story.   He recently arrived at the National Train-  3rd Place, 2008 Dept. of the Army   activity gave out information to interested   members register for the Breast Cancer Awareness 5k
 My ex-husband’s wife and I are very close   ing Center and Fort Irwin and brought those   Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware    attendees.  Run/Walk October 24 hosted by Weed Army Community
 friends. We talk all the time on the phone.”  skills to chaplain team.  Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category  Jensen coordinated the run/walk and   Hospital.
 Blended family and co-parenting success   “Although not every chaplain can receive   SEND US FEEDBACK  community health fair based on what is  three youths, top three men, and top three women received
 stories like Conrad’s are possible, although   an MS in Psychology and Counseling, I can   Send your questions, suggestions, or problems to:  done nationally in recognition of breast    rst, second and third place trophies. However, the event was

 sometimes it takes years of discussion, com-  share some useful insights to help chaplains   1. Your chain of command  cancer awareness.  about more than winning.
 2. ICE (Interactive Customer Evaluation)
 promise and counseling.  improve their counseling skills,” Ehrke said.  3. CG’s Hotline: 380-5463  “A 5k walk/run has become a popular-  Jensen said the event means a lot to her, personally.
  e Religious Services O ce at Fort Ir-  According to reports released by the Pen-  ized tradition and thanks to the Susan G.
 win has trained Family Life Chaplains who   tagon, married troops are divorcing at about   SOCIAL MEDIA  Komen Foundation’s ‘Race for the Cure’ ini-  “My mother passed away from cancer, my stepmother passed
 are available to help families navigate these   the same rate as they have for the previous     Instagram: @ntcfortirwin  tiative,” Jensen said. “Additionally, physical   away from breast cancer, and my father currently has cancer,”
 familial roads.   ve years, which is 3%.  Facebook (NTC/Ft Irwin): @ntcFortIrwin  exercise is shown to reduce risks of cancer,  Jensen said. “Cancer awareness of any kind is important to me,
 “ e therapy models remain the same,”   The overall divorce rate is higher for   Facebook (Public A airs): @FtIrwin  and Weed Army Community Hospital en-  and as a healthcare provider I in turn want to share the resources
 Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Donald Ehrke said.  enlisted troops (3.5%), compared to the   Twitter: @NTC_Update  joys promoting physical activity and overall   and information that I have to help others.”
 “ ere is no, ‘blended family therapy’ or ‘not  divorce rate for o cers (1.7%).  David Dupree, Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs  health for our soldiers and their families.”  Parson also shared a personal story of a friend’s diagnosis with
 blended family therapy.’”  Recent data from the United States Cen-  Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Donald Ehrke and   To ensure physical distancing guidelines   breast cancer and encouraged those who have a family history
  e models Ehrke refers to relate to Cog-  sus Bureau shows more than four million    U.S. Army photo by Kimberly Hackbarth, Weed ACH Public A airs O ce  for coronavirus safety, walkers and runners

 nitive Behavioral  erapy, Emotion Focused  children in U.S. live with a stepparent, and   Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Terrell Jones study a  separated into di erent waves that started   of breast or ovarian cancer to talk to their doctors.

 book on counseling.
  erapy, Narrative  erapy, etc., which he  approximately 15% of all households are   Participants of the Breast Cancer Awareness 5k Run/Walk hosted by Weed   one minute apart.  “Please remember that breast cancer impacts families every
 said applies to all people.  categorized as ‘blended families.’ Although   See FAMILY, Page 4  Army Community Hospital start the race October 24 on Fort Irwin, Calif.  At the conclusion of the race, the top  day,” she said. “Not just during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”
 For more information go to                                                                          For more information go to
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