Page 5 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, November 2020
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4  High Desert Warrior                                  High Desert Warrior        5
 November 2020
                                                                                                                                   November 2020
 Community                                                                                                                                 News

 Thanksgiving at NTC/Fort Irwin  From FAMILY, Page 2  First Ever hybrid air show  ies over Fort Irwin

 there is no data showing the number for a   “I tell my chaplains all the time, who cares

 NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs  blended military family, Military One Source  what you think about it,” he said. “I’m not

 data shows more than 40% of remarried ser-  coming to get your thoughts, I’m coming to   By Brianna Sheats    e air show showcased various types of

  is year, Fort Irwin will continue its tradition of providing holiday meals for  anksgiving  vicemembers have children from a previous  get your help.”  Contributor  aircraft like the F-16, F-22 and C-17, which
 on post.  marriage and more than two million children   Jones uses caution when counseling from   was piloted by Lt. Col. Zack Scha er, com-

 • On Nov. 24, the meal will be served in DFAC #2 Bldg. 271 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.  are classi ed as military dependents.  the biblical perspective because he said the   FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Dozens of   mander of the 418th Flight Test Squadron.

 • On Nov. 25, the holiday meal will be served in DFAC Bldg. 254 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.  With no standard laws addressing the chal-  Bible is interpreted di erently from so many   people at the National Training Center and   “I’ve been fortunate enough to  y more

 lenges of military life, like constant relocations,   people.  Fort Irwin watched in awe on Oct. 10 as   than 25 di erent airplanes in my career

 military families often struggle more with child   “When I do counseling, I ask people, do   planes and jets took over the sky for the  rst   and the C-17 is my favorite,” Scha er said.

 custody and the road to blending families than   they want secular counseling or spiritual coun-  ever “hybrid” air show put on by Edwards    e C-17 has a maximum takeo  weight

 their civilian peers.  seling,” Jones said.  Air Force Bases’ 412th Test Wing.  of 585,000 pounds but still feels incredibly
 Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Terrell Jones has been a    ere are studies that say blended families   Edwards organized a hybrid show since   light.

 trained, Military Family Life Chaplain for more   should plan to take five to seven  years to   COVID-19 did not allow for any large   “It’s easy to forget that you’re  ying an

 than 20 years, counseling dozens of families.   form a solid relationship, and even longer for   gatherings to be held to watch the air   airplane that can hold an Abrams tank,”
 His advice to families is for parents to remain   military families, although Jones said there’s   show. To accommodate the guidelines set   Scha er said.

 mature and professional, staying focused on   no average timeline for families to acclimate   in place for the pandemic, Edwards decided   Although the air show featured aircraft,

 what is most important—the youth involved—  to one another.  to have virtual showcases and  yovers to   it was also a way for the Air Force to pres-
 by setting a good example.  “ ere are so many variables—the age of   allow everyone to view the air show from   ent all the di erent options they have for

 “It’s not about you or us, it’s always about   their homes.   careers.

 the kids,” Jones said. “Co-parenting can be kind   the kids…for military, moving a family and    e event took place on Oct. 9-10 and    ey had NASA, test pilots and engi-

 of rough. You have to set some boundaries.”  kids from one environment to another, like   featured  yovers across several High Desert   neers give a breakdown of what their  eld

 He said one of the reasons couples divorce   overseas…getting used to another person of   cities, including Fort Irwin, Victorville and

 is because they may have di erent life perspec-  authority in the home,” he said. “So to put   Barstow.  entails by having the  rst four days of the

                                             air show feature online classes.

 tives, which could be an initial hinderance in   that on a timeline, it can be di cult. In my   On the Oct.10 show, pilots took o  at
                                                ese classes had more than 13,000 sign-

 co-parenting.  experience, the more aggressively the family   Edwards Air Force Base and later would   ups and included hands-on experiments,
 “We’ve got to set some ground rules,”   wants the help, the more it lessens the time.”  land at Fort Irwin.

 Jones said. “We may have to deal with some   During the COVID-19 environment, Jones    e noise of the aircrafts took over the   lectures and personal testimonials from

 unresolved issues, maybe we have to agree to   said chaplains have seen a rise in divorce, mar-  sky as they  ew over the hundreds of people   experts who use STEM every day.

 disagree and be able to move on, but it always   riage con ict and blended family counseling,   that watched out of their homes.  “We’re agile, we’re innovative by na-
 starts with agreeing with what’s best for the  but he doesn’t have a negative perspective on   “That was the most awesome sound  ture,” Brig. Gen. Matthew Higher, 412th
 kid.”   this.  EVER!” Fort Irwin resident, Lesly Shults  Test Wing and Edwards Air Force Base
 Upcoming  and Jones said parents need to be on the same  seling load has been up but to me that’s a good   said, as other community members chimed  commander, said in an interview for the

 Youth go through stages of development
 “ e numbers have been up and our coun-
                                             Edwards AFB Paper. “Our organizations are
          in on the sights they were seeing overhead.
 Events  page and in agreement for the home environ-  thing because if my counseling load is going   book and YouTube and hit a total 266,795  example of how we pivot when our nation
                                             dynamic, and this air show is just another
            Others watched the event live on Face-
 ment, including homework management,  up, it may hinder the domestic violence before
 screen time, etc.
 “It should look like the only thing di erent   things get out of hand,” he said.  views.   needed us to and led the way.”    Photos by Carlo Casem, Edwards Air Force Base PAO

 Jones said it’s a positive sign because people
 *Live #FacebookRoundup every Wednesday at 2:30p.m., where the Garrison Com-  is the ‘environment’ but we’re on the same sheet  realize they need to speak to someone sooner.

 mand Team answers your questions on the o cial Fort Irwin Facebook page, Facebook.  of music on core things,” he said.  “I’d rather my counselor loads go up because

 com/FtIrwin and KNTC 89.5FM  e Heat radio.  In order for blended family counseling to be   that may stop the domestic violence numbers   Teacher Spotlight:  Student Spotlight:

 November 2020 Calendar:   successful, Jones said adults must drive the ses-  from going up,” he said. “ at means that   Ashley Hartel, TVIS  Ellie Sandoval, 3rd grade, TVIS
 -11/2: Combined Federal Campaign: Sam Adams and live on   sions and compromise. He conducts counseling   someone is saying we need to talk to somebody. (10-10:30a.m.)   sessions with the ex-spouse, using telephone    ey’d rather speak to someone than get to a   Ms. Ashley has been   Ellie Sandoval is a model
 conferences or video conferences when neces-
 -11/3: Election Day: Contact your UVAO or the Post Voting Assistance O cer   sary because with military families, many are   point where they’d get in trouble.”  working at Tiefort View   student. She comes to class

        at 380-3498  not in the same state.  Chaplains are often asked about matters of   Intermediate School for   every day with her materials
 -11/11: NTC/Fort Irwin Veterans Day Observance  “In situations when only one adult wants   child support or divorce decrees but they refer   four years. She is cur-  ready and a smile on her face.
 -11/11: Commissary reduced/holiday hours (9a.m. - 5p.m.)  to participate, I try to empower that one adult   parents to JAG (military attorneys) and Jones   rently the Media Tech   She loves to help her fellow
 -11/15 – 11/19: Mobile Dental Van: Sam Adams (8a.m. - 5p.m. Appointments are   with information on what to say when they   said he actually advises chaplains not to give   and helps all the students   students and participates in all
       full)  discuss it with the other parent,” Jones said.  advice overall.  with their technology   class discussions. She recently
 -11/17: Community Service Council Meeting: Sandy Basin Community Center   Jones reiterated the importance of having   “I don’t believe in giving advice, because   and learning materials.   collected diapers, clothing and
 (10a.m.)  boundaries within blended families, beginning   anyone can give advice, I give options,” Jones   She has been busy check-  toiletries for people a ected by

 -11/17: Post Retirement Ceremony: Sandy Basin Community Center (2p.m.)  with how to identify the stepparent.   said.  ing out class novels to the   the  res in Oregon. While on

 -11/18: EEO Observance- American Indian Heritage: Sandy Basin Community Center   “One of the simplest boundaries is, what   He believes that as a counselor, when you   students and she can’t   her road trip delivering dona-
        and (11:30a.m. - 1p.m.)   do I call this person? Stepdaddy or by their   give people advice, the chaplain takes owner-  wait to have the students   tions, she still came to class

 -11/18: Military Spouse Job Fair presented by ACS: Bldg. 109 (9a.m. - 2p.m.)   rst name or Mr. or Mrs.?” he said, which can   ship of their problem, so he tries to train chap-  return and be able to   prepared. We are honored that
 -11/19: Newcomer Spouse Orientation: Sam Adams Ballroom (9a.m. - 1p.m.)  be cultural.  lains to know their role is to, instead, provide   utilize the school library.   Ellie is a Timberwolf!

 -11/19: EFMP Parent Support Group: Bldg. 21 Recreation Room (10 - 11:30a.m.)  Jones also pointed to the reality of blended   options that  t the direction they want to go.

 -11/24:  anksgiving meal in DFAC #2, bldg. 271 (11a.m. - 2p.m.)  families in the 21st century.  Conrad said co-parenting did not start o
 -11/25:  anksgiving meal in DFAC bldg. 254 (11a.m. - 2p.m.)  “In 2020, what does ‘blended family’   easy for her but has some advice to get blended

 -11/26: Commissary Closed for  anksgiving  mean?” Jones said. “You can talk about adop-  families o  to a good start.
 -11/27: Black Friday at the Main Post Exchange (8a.m. - 8p.m.)  tion, same-sex marriage bringing a child in   “If I could give one piece of advice to
 *For more information, you can visit the NTC website at or   that family—there’s a lot of variables that, as  blended families in the military, I would say,

 contact the Public A airs O ce at 760-380-4511; the MWR at 760-380-5111 (Face-  counselors, we have to factor in.”  be the adult you want your kids to grow up to or the respective organization that is hosting the event*  Jones tells his chaplain team to leave their  be,” she said. “Family is family, whether it’s the
 personal thoughts out of their counseling to  one you start out with, the one that you end
 parents.  up with, or the family you gain along the way.”
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