Page 6 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, September 2021
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6 High Desert Warrior High Desert Warrior 7
September 2021
September 2021
News News
From HERITAGE, Page 1
ment lowered the ag at Downs Barracks, folded it neatly, “When I found out the Heritage Center was going to be
tor in January of 1982. e feature story, by Norm Brotham, the world’s best Army to ght our enemies abroad and return and presented it to the Mayor of Fulda, Germany, ending the named after Bob, I felt great emotion. I heard about it from
explains how the “original concept” of Operations Group was home safel,” Darin Christopher said. Regiment’s service in the country. one of his former aides, Lt. Col. Mike Ziegelhofer. He is like a
about to come to life and started gearing up to run the show Christopher has been a part of the Operations Group con- In 2004, Cone became the Commanding General of the brother/son. We rst met him at Fort Irwin when Bob selected
at the NTC. e unique multi-million dollar operation had tractor support since 1991. Until 1995, he worked as a com- United States Army’s National Training Center at Fort Irwin,
one goal, to better train the Army’s combat units. Technicians, puter operator, monitoring the live battle data being feed into California. During his 33 months in command, he implemented him to be his aide. Since Bob has died, Ziggy has been an in-
operators and observer controllers will be equipped with state the Operations Center, also known as the Star Wars building. many changes to include reorienting training on counterinsur- credible support to me. ese kind of friendships are the thing
of the art computer systems, video/audio equipment to include He then transitioned to the Brigade Tactical Analysis Facility gency operations (COIN) and establishing the Joint Center of I miss the most about the Army.”
Mobile Video and After Action Review vans and provide the or TAF to become part of the Bronco Team. Excellence to train for the defeat of improvised explosive devices. e Museum at Fort Irwin was originally stood up at a for-
best method of critiquing the Rotational Units to ultimately save As the National Training Center prepares our Army for fu- “I remember talking to General Cone about the museum mer Dining Facility in 1999 and closed on July 1st, 2018 for
lives during real combat. Army o cials, at the time, believe that ture con icts, keeping up with the ever advancing technology when he was in command of the National Training Center,” said an extensive remodel and conversion to a “Heritage Center.”
the National Training Center’s concept would be the greatest has become a necessity. To ensure the relevancy of the training, Kenneth Drylie, the current heritage center curator. “He took Highlighted in the Heritage Center is the rich history of the
improvisation to training history. Operations Group has modi ed the rotational scenarios to great pride in the fact he had been there to oversee the departure 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Displays trace the history of
Once in motion, the Observer Controllers, now called OC/ include electronic warfare and cyber reconnaissance. of the regiment from Germany. He talked about packing up the the 11th ACR from its beginnings in 1901 through its many
Ts played the important role of mentor, coach and trainer to task Operations Group soldiers, civilians and contractors work Regimental historical displays and shipping them to the U.S.” deployments to the mission of the 11th ACR to train America’s
force level combat units. With the establishment of the “Green together like a well-oiled machine. Many of the civilians and General Cone saved almost every piece of military memora-
Team” or Scorpions Observer Controllers, Operations Group Control Center. bilia he received during his 35 years in the United States Army, ghting forces.
was able to provide the mechanized units with the knowledge e creation of additional specialized OC/T teams and contractors are prior military or have more than fteen years on from his uniform when he attended the United States Military New to the Heritage Center are displays highlighting the
and guidance from seasoned leaders. Within just a year they Headquarters sta made it possible to make the transition from the job. eir skill and consistency has provided the Observer Academy to plaques that he received from all of the units he mission and history of the Operations Group and the 916th
added the “Blue Team” or Cobras to do the same for the armored battalion to brigade level operations. e training landscape has Controller Teams and the organization with the foundation served in or commanded. Mrs. Cone decided to donate a selec- Support Brigade. Future plans include adding displays celebrat-
units rotating through the National Training Center. changed over the decades at the National Training Center. In that has aided in its success for almost 40 years. During the tion of his belongings to Fort Irwin. ing the US Army Garrison, U.S. Army Medical Department Ac-
Operations Group has come a long way from its two original the beginning training scenarios primarily focused on Russian rotation the control centers provide 24 hours of constant sup- tivity (MEDDAC) and U.S. Army Dental Activity (DENTAC).
“I’m donating Bob’s things because I want people to get a
OC Teams, now having more than fteen teams supporting a Military Doctrine and conventional war ghting functions. As port and feedback to the RTU. ey monitor all radio tra c, glimpse into the incredible person he was,” says Ms. Cone. “I e Military and Civilian Spouses Club Gift Shop has also
full spectrum of operations ranging from infantry to logistics. the Army looked ahead to meet the needs of military opera- collect battle data, record and broadcast live footage from the could no longer live with my walls full of all of his things; it been relocated to Heritage Center in building 222.
“It is a great honor to be able to be trained, train, and sup- tions around the world, the NTC and the Operations Group eld, create AAR training material, mentor and coach during Mrs. Cone joined other special guests on Aug. 28, 2021, for
port the training of our great Armed forces that will improve senior planners would have to adapt the training scenarios. each battle period AAR and so much more. All of this ensures was too much of a reminder of my loss.” the opening of the General Robert W. Cone Heritage Center
the Army’s success on the battle eld,” Sgt. First Class Ret. Tom e counter insurgency or COIN rotations were developed that the RTU goes back to their home station fully prepared Leadership at the National Training Center made the deci-
Gambrell said. to prepare soldiers and leaders for the complex social and for what lies ahead. sion to name the Heritage Center after General Cone before which coincided with the celebration of the National Training
Gambrell has performed several functions in the Operations political environments that they would face on deployment As the 400th rotation here at the National Training Center she chose to donate the memorabilia. Center’s 400th rotation.
Group from being a Soldier training in “ e Box” to being to Iraq and Afghanistan. Currently, the rotational units are comes to a close, it is clear that the Army’s concept of creating
stationed at the NTC in faced with insurgent, counterinsurgent and criminal activities a premier training facility was brilliant. It has contributed to
1997 as an OC/T. After leaving the Army, Gambrell contin- during the Decisive Action Training Environment replicating the betterment of thousands upon thousands of U.S. Soldiers
ued to work at the National Training Center in the Wolf Team future warfare. and leaders. It has and will continue to be the most realistic and
for six years and now serves as a supervisor in the Operations “I am proud to be a part of the soldiers training. We train adaptive training scenario environment in the world.
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