Page 8 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, September 2021
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8 High Desert Warrior High Desert Warrior 9
September 2021
September 2021
Community News
From BOX TOUR, Page 1
Everything I Learned In Life - I Learned Playing Video Games to the Village of Razish where the 11th Armored Cavalry Regi-
ment hosted an urban warfare demonstration with dismounted
infantry and large “Hollywood” style explosions. Following the
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Terrell L. Jones that is what I still believe! demonstration the guests test red assault ri es with blanks,
• Choices Have Consequences — In the real world and explored U.S. Army vehicles and dined on an individual eld
11th ACR Chaplain Chaplain’s ration, also known as the Meal, Ready to Eat (MRE).
(760) 380—5458 also in video games, you are forced to make di cult deci- “It is a realistic taste of the conditions our Soldiers face in
One of my new routines I added to my weekly activities sions. Most choices in video games are morally clear, one is a combat,” said Busch “I felt like I was in another world! It’s an
was to visit the Soldiers who live in the barracks; to check on good choice, and the other is bad. Depending on the choices opportunity I believe everyone should experience, including
the morale and to o er encouragement if needed. As I was you make, there are di erent endings you can achieve. Just our children.”
interacting with the di erent Soldiers, it was an honor to like in real life, everything you do has a consequence; so it’s when to move and understand that patience is a virtue. Like Visitors can personally experience how the National Training
listen and talk with these great young people. We discussed unwise to haphazardly make decisions about what you should in life, knowing how and when to move and being patient Center and Fort Irwin trains Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) to
some of the things that they did to keep themselves busy be doing. When you do make a decision, think through all with yourself is important. Once you get the timing down, win the rst ght on a regular basis by registering for the Box
during the COVID—19 pandemic. Many shared about the possible rami cations because you don’t want your game you can move forward by leaps and bounds. Take some time Tour on the Fort Irwin website. To nd out more about NTC
working out more to improve their PT score, others shared to end unexpectedly. and study the game. Figure out the way to move forward. Box Tours, visit:
with me about taking some college and/or correspondence • Take Advantage of The Pause Button — In the real Even if you’ve got to go backwards a little, that’s all right, visitor-information/ntc-tours
courses. Some even shared with me about their plans once world, we don’t have a magic button that can stop time and you’ll get to your destination eventually.
they get out of the military. halt the action. So we have to do that ourselves. Don’t forget • Sometimes it’s not about winning, but having a good
As I was walking down the hall I heard cheering and to take a moment, relax, “take a knee, and drink some water.” laugh — Having your mind constantly burdened with the Used car issues? Consider a claim under California ‘lemon’ laws
excitement coming from one of the rooms, so I knocked on If all you do is put your head down and trudge through life, notion of winning and stressing over a loss or slight failure is
the door. Inside, were some Soldiers (two) playing a video you’ll miss all the beauty. e “Big Ranger in the Sky” spent not really going to be healthy for you in the long run. Yeah,
game. ey put the game on pause and greeted me. “Hey a lot of time to render the beautiful graphics we see each yeah, I know the whole “winning mentality” spiel – you need By CPT Ethan T. Dick individual. Private used car be addressed with the dealer. properly? Is there any
Chaplain.” I thought to myself, I have about a couple of day. Make sure you take them in, as much as possible. Take to keep your eyes on the prize and make sacri ces if you want Buying a used car can be sales are not covered under the 3. e pre-owned vehicle leakage, including any
minutes to try to engage these young minds. So I said to a second to sit back and marvel at the wonders all around to be the best, yadda, yadda, yadda – but you know what? a smart financial decision, California Lemon Law. From has a substantial defect. is is from the radiator?
them, do you know almost “Everything I Learned In Life you. It may seem silly, but you’ll feel better, more refreshed. Sometimes it’s not about being the greatest, nor is there a especially compared to pur- a private seller you are likely highly fact speci c. Schedule Electrical system:
— I Learned Playing Video Games.” — With that, I could We can tackle all the problems in front of us if we have a clear set of objectives that you complete to win – it’s about chasing a new car. A new car buying the vehicle “As Is,” an appointment if you are not Does the battery leak?
tell in their eyes that I had them hooked. clear mind. feeling good, having fun, and being ful lled and content at loses over 10 percent of its meaning there is no warranty, sure whether your defect is Do the alternator,
I told them that in almost every video game, it contains • Failure Is Not The End Of The World, It’s An Oppor- the end of the day. Games, just like life, have a competitive value by the time you get it and you may have to pay for ‘substantial.’ generator, battery, and
some elements of ‘real—life’, and if we can understand and tunity To Learn — To be good at a game, you need to get to component to them. But being obsessive, strict, and nar- home from the dealership, and repairs yourself. 4. e pre-owned vehicle starter work properly?
apply them in our personal lives, then you will be on the know the rules and to develop the necessary skills, timing, rowly—focused on one thing to the exclusion of everything continues to lose on average 2. ere is an active manu- has spent an excessive amount Fuel system: Is there
path to a more meaningful life. You see, if you can connect dexterity, resource allocation, etc. To master this, you may 10-15 percent per year after facturer new car warranty on of time in the shop being any visible leakage?
lessons learned from di erent things and experiences, your fail a bunch of times. Sometimes you fail miserably or have else is not the way to go if you want to be truly happy. that. at said, not all used the vehicle. If this warranty is repaired. This is satisfied if Accessories: Do
journey in life will be less problematic. I then started sharing to scratch everything and start all over from level one with Well, these have been some of the lessons I have learned cars are such a great purchase. still in e ect the lemon laws the vehicle has been in shop gauges and warning
some lessons I learned as a teenager that still ring true today a new character. Once you get into this mindset of “failure during my gaming journey. I also told them, I may never be For those “sour” deals, there apply. at said, every used for more than 30 days, and devices work? Do the
because I played video games: can merely be a teaching tool,” you’ll start to apply it to other the best gamer in the world, nor do I claim to have gured are California Lemon Laws. vehicle purchased in Califor- defects have not been repaired. air conditioner, heater,
• Patriotic — Feeling unstoppable as I played the arcade aspects of life without even realizing it. You can develop a lot out all of life’s mysteries, but I have certainly learned to keep California Lemon nia will have at least a 30-day 5. Despite a “reasonable and defroster work?
game “Galaxian,” as I protected the earth from waves of space of patience and focus as you go through life if you see failure my eyes, mind, and heart open, because life is full of hidden Law Quali cations or 1,000-mile warranty. Most number” of repair attempts, vehicle. Examples of serious Avoid Needing a Lemon Brake system: Do
aliens. Never has saving the world been more honorable. as not the end, but an opportunity to learn. lessons, and these “Life Lessons” can come from the strangest To be protected under dealers provide a better war- the car is still not xed and issues include faulty brakes, Law Claim: Follow is Used the warning lights work? Is
e game taught me the importance of taking a stand and • Keep Going Despite Obstacles — One of my favorite of places, as we journey through life. California Lemon Laws, you ranty than this, especially if the problem persists. If it is steering, or engine. If it is not Car Inspection Checklist the brake pedal rm under
pressure? Does the vehicle
ghting for the homeland, even in the face of uncertainty. games when I was a teenager, was the game Frogger. e “If you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stu you learn. must meet the following con- the vehicle is Certi ed Pre- a serious issue that affects a serious issue then four or When you shop for a used stop in a straight line? Check
It’s inspiring to know that one person can try and make a object was to get the frog to the other side without getting Oh, the most wonderful stu .” ditions: Owned. Although in these the safety of the vehicle, the more attempts to x the issue car, you may nd the follow- the hoses, drum, and lining
di erence. Maybe that’s true in the real world too. At least, run over. You can accomplish this if you know how and — Dr. Seuss 1. You must buy the car cases a lemon law claim is not manufacturer only gets one must be allowed to meet this ing checklist helpful. Make for soundness. Are structural
from a retailer, not a private appropriate the issue may still or two attempts to fix the standard. sure you or your mechanic and mechanical parts solid?
Fort Irwin Legal check for cracks, leaks, breaks, Steering system: Is there
From PREHISTORIC , Page 1 Assistance Attorneys abnormal noises, and miss- too much free play in the
Can Help! ing or inoperable parts in
likely re ect use on relatively light spears, materials, but the points made are less likely addition, a range of artifacts indicate connec- If you are having issues the systems of the car listed steering? Are the front wheels
called darts, which were thrown with a spear- to break during use. Grinding stones—which tions to California’s coast and the American with a used car and you be- below. Being diligent in the aligned properly? Check the
thrower. Smaller and later points are generally can be used for processing small animals and Southwest at this time. lieve these factors are met, buying process can prevent power unit belts for cracks
or slippage and the unit uid
associated with use of the bow and arrow. pigments, but were often used to process plant Gypsum—beginning by about 4,000 years please call the Fort Irwin headaches later. levels.
Clovis—in some parts of North America, foods—date to this period and later. ago, groups in the area of Fort Irwin were Legal Assistance Office to Frame and body: is the Suspension system: Are
points associated with Clovis are dated to Pinto/Deadman Lake—the relationship apparently making more use of non-volcanic schedule an appointment. It is frame straight and solid? the ball joint seals intact?
more than 12,000 years ago. In the Fort of these two periods or complexes, which local rock, including chert, for making stone important that you maintain Engine: Is there excessive Are the structural parts solid
Irwin area at that time, the landscape was both date from about 9,000 to 5,000 years tools such as points. With generally drier and provide detailed records oil leakage? Are the belts in and straight? Are springs and
dotted with large lakes and would have o ered ago, is not clear. Deadman Lake seems to be conditions, smaller animals such as rabbits and of the warranty and any and place? Is the block or head shocks properly connected?
relatively plentiful large game such as deer, an- mainly associated with higher elevations in the hares appear to have become more important all repair attempts that have cracked? Is the exhaust nor- Check shock absorbers for
telope, bighorn sheep, and potentially a variety Twentynine Palms vicinity southeast of Fort as a food source. been made to date. We will mal? leakage and loose mountings.
of now-extinct animals such as mammoth. Irwin. Do di erences in the types of artifacts Rose Spring (a place as well as a point need to know how many Transmission and drive Tires: Check the tread for
Waterfowl would also have been present. re ect di erent cultures, or di erent “toolkits” type)—possibly by about 1,750 years ago, repair attempts have been shaft: Is the transmission depth of wear, sizes for match,
Lake Mojave—starting about 10,000 used by the same people? points are generally smaller, a change thought made, when they were made, uid level proper and seepage and for any other obvious
years ago, prior to the drying of the lakes, An important trend for Pinto was that to re ect use of the bow and arrow. Grinding and for how long the vehicle normal? Is the transmission damage.
prehistoric peoples in the Fort Irwin area volcanic glass, called obsidian, became a more stones were in common use. was in the shop for. You will solid? Is the drive shaft in Wheels: look for any vis-
emphasized ne-grained volcanic rocks in common material for making stone tools. Late Prehistoric—by about 850 years ago, likely need to draft a letter to good shape? ible cracks, damage, or repairs.
making points. is type of rock is more dif- Often used in modern intknapping because pottery (generally very fragmented) made an the manufacturer, which our Differential: Does the Check for loose or missing
cult to work in intknapping (the process of it is relatively easy to shape into stone tools appearance in the general area. Most on Fort o ce will assist with. differential operate quietly mounting bolts.
making aked stone tools by using other tools, (with caution, since freshly broken edges are Irwin is plain, but a few decorated sherds sug- Contact the Fort Irwin without excessive seepage? Exhaust system: Check
such as hammerstones or antler tines, to break sharper than surgical steel), obsidian can be gest cultural ties with other areas, such as the Legal Assistance Office at Cooling system: Does for leakage and exhaust smoke
the rock in a controlled way) than other local sourced to the areas where it was obtained. In Colorado River and the American Southwest. 760-380-5321. the water pump function while the engine is running.
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