Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
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Thunderbolt News July 17, 2015 3
Move up in world with education IN BRIEF
by Senior Airman 56th MDOS change of command
Col. Constance Jackson will relinquish command of the
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs “Having an education is impor- Staff Sgt. Staci Miller 56th Medical Operations Squadron to Col. Stephen Boden in
tant not only to help you progress a ceremony at 7:56 a.m. July 24 in Hangar 999. To RSVP, call
Education — it’s something that’s through the ranks, but it’s a part help get your mind back into the Master Sgt. Meshawn Guevara at 623-856-7579.
important not only to be competitive of being a well-rounded person in math mindset. From the results of
in one’s military career but also in the Air Force,” she said. “You won’t the test, a specialized program will Feds Feed Families
the civilian sector. always be in the military, and be designed addressing the areas
education helps in getting a good of need.” The 7th Annual Feds Feed Families Food Drive is now
“A diploma or college education paying job.” under way and runs through Aug. 31. Defense Department
shows you not only have the educa- For those unsure of the enroll- employees have been asked to participate. Luke Air Force Base
tion but you also have critical think- The time to enroll in school is ment process, there are guidance has donated 3,091.61 pounds of food to St. Mary’s Food Bank
ing skills, and that you can analyze, now, Cooper said. counselors to help in the Luke Air Alliance. Online donations can be made by purchasing food at
be objective and have a perspective Force Base Education Center in Costco, Safeway, Peapod, Amazon or any other online retailer
on different issues,” said Sandy Coo- “Take advantage of tuition as- Bldg. 1150. and delivered directly to the food bank of choice. Donations
per, 56th Force Support Squadron sistance,” she said. “Active-duty can be delivered to St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance at 2831 N.
guidance counselor. “It also backs members are given $4,500 per year “An appointment with a Luke 31st Ave., Phoenix, 85009. For more information, call Master
up the fact that you have knowl- to use toward their education. As counselor can open your eyes to Sgt. Jeremy Roberts at 623-856-3112.
edge behind what you’re saying. It long as they’re up to date on their many things, and we can help so
doesn’t always matter what school ÀWQHVVDVVHVVPHQWWHVWGRQ·WKDYH much,” Cooper said. “It’s a good day Community Center gets renovation
you have graduated from but that DQXQIDYRUDEOHLQIRUPDWLRQÀOHDQG when someone comes in and we see
you have a degree and that shows their supervisor approves it, they the light go on in their eyes when The Luke Air Force Base Community Center is undergoing
discipline and commitment.” can go to school.” they realize they can do it. That’s a renovation with a completion date sometime in May 2016.
what we want for everyone who During the renovation, Subway and the barbershop will remain
Education is also important in a Additionally, the Air Force pro- comes in.” open. The barbershop is now located adjacent to Bldg. 700 in
military career. vides free programs for active-duty a large trailer with restroom facilities. The phone number is
members to help them excel in sub- Cooper also recommends the fol- 623-935-5742.
“Is there ever an enlisted perfor- jects in which they are weak. lowing tips for success:
mance report or a package to submit Order books early to review ma- Thunderbolt Thursday Game Night
that doesn’t ask you, ‘Where are you “On the Air Force Virtual Educa-
with your education?’” Cooper said. tion Center, under the information terial before class start date. Choose a favorite game — spades, dominoes or poker — at
“With all the racking and stacking tab, there are two programs — an Review a College-Level Exami- Thunderbolt Thursday Game Night 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Club
these days, this is an area for Air- online academic skills course and Five Six. Burger baskets are $5. For more information, call
men to excel in.” the college placement skills train- nation Program on the subject 623-856-6446.
ing,” Cooper said. “Both are put in before the class starts.
/XNHÀUVWVHUJHDQWVDOVRVKDUHG place to not only get your academic 6FKHGXOHVWXG\WLPHDQGÀQGD Adult ceramics class
their thoughts. skills up, but to help you test well place suitable in which to study.
for promotions. If you need to work The education office is open 8 An adult ceramics class is 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the
´(YHU\RQH FDQ EHQHÀW IURP DG- on math, you can click math, and a.m. to 4 p.m. and is also available Arts and crafts center. The cost is $7 and includes one kiln-
ditional education even though the it will provide a pretest, which can for walk-ins. For more information ÀULQJ IRU WKH LQFODVV SLHFH RQO\ 3DUWLFLSDQWV PXVW SURYLGH
expectations of education in the or to make an appointment with a their own green ware or bisque pieces and supplies. For more
military have changed,” said Master Luke guidance counselor, call the information, call 623-856-6502.
Sgt. Sara Abel, 56th Operations HGXFDWLRQRIÀFHDW
“Military education and training,
which includes the Community NCO Professional Enhancement Course offers staff and
College of the Air Force degree, is technical sergeants an opportunity to interact with their peers
intended to improve an individual’s while enhancing supervisory skills in enlisted performance
capabilities in their respective roles. review writing, mentoring/counseling, standards/discipline and
If we look beyond the military, the more. It is a developmental course with a focus on the NCO
experiences and skills learned on tier who have completed Airman Leadership School three or
active duty may not land us the per- more years ago and but have not yet attended NCO Academy.
fect job in the civilian sector. This The course is four full days and requires leadership approval.
is why education is very important The class dates are July 27 through 31, Aug. 10 through 14
and can make you competitive when and 24 through 28 at the ALS auditorium, Bldg 156. For more
you separate.” information, call Master Sgt. Ida Bushey at 623-856-2985.
Education makes a person com- AFROTC commissioning packages due
petitive and well rounded, according
56th Component Maintenance packages are due in the upcoming months. The Scholarship
6TXDGURQÀUVWVHUJHDQW for Outstanding Airman to ROTC packages are due to Air
Education and Training Command by Sept. 15. The Airmen
THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC Scholarship & Commissioning Program and Professional Of-
been many recent changes to the programs. Airmen interested
61st FS............................................................ 0 425th FS .................................................... N/A LQWKHVHSURJUDPVDUHUHTXLUHGWRDWWHQGDEULHÀQJKHOGRQFHD
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 66 month at the 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center.
308th FS ....................................................... 21 607th ACS ..................................................... 0 For more information about applying for this program, go to
309th FS ....................................................... 21 372nd TRS, Det. 12................................... 205 WKHHGXFDWLRQRIÀFHRUFDOO
310th FS ....................................................... 39 56th OSS (IFTU)......................................... 47
311th FS ....................................................... 28 Youth summer camps
+RXUVÁRZQ 6RUWLHVÁRZQ T-Bolts 85 Luke Airmen Science camp
F-16 15,274.6 11,590
11 countries a better battery — lemons or oranges, and more 1 to 4 p.m.
around the world. July 20 through 24.
Music recording, video production camp
Youth learn how to create, write, produce and record a
song, and make a music video, ages 9 to 12 from 9 a.m. to
noon and teens from 1 to 4 p.m. July 27 through 31.
The cost is $25 per youth program member and $35 per non-
member. Parents can register youth at the Luke Air Force Base
Youth Center. For more information on the above programs,
call 623-856-7470.