Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
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Thunderbolt                                                               NEWS                                                                     July 17, 2015                                                           7                                                                                           

944th ASTS Airmen saves child

                  6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                          OH\ DQG GRFWRUV DW WKH KRVSLWDO DOO DJUHH 2IÀFHU
                          Staff Sgt.                           Joseph’s immediate response to the home, his
                                                               calmness under great pressure and his training all
                LAUSANNE KINDER                                contributed to the recovery of the 1- and 2-year-old
                            944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  by the Phoenix PD.

  Tech. Sgt. Jude Joseph, 944th Aeromedical                       “My EMT training and CPR are what helped to
Staging Squadron medical technician, saved the                 remind me to keep the first baby’s airway clear
life of a child who was found at the bottom of a               due to vomiting,” Joseph said. “The second baby
swimming pool July 2.                                          was checked for C-A-B (circulation, airway and
  Joseph, eight-year veteran of the Phoenix
Police Department, responded to a 911 call and                    Joseph has been with the 944th ASTS for
was the first to arrive on scene. He entered the               almost 12 years and credits his success to both
backyard of a residence to find two small children             military and civilian training he’s received.
lying on the patio.
                                                                  “The streets of Phoenix are where I get to
  “My immediate thought was that I have two                    practice my EMT/CPR skills the most,” Joseph
babies who need help,” Joseph said. “I needed to               said. “This has not been the first time trying to
triage the worst injured but still provide some                save the lives of Phoenix citizens. Some situa-
care to the other baby and update Phoenix Fire                 tions have not turned out so well, but to be able
with information.”                                             to assist in saving the lives of two babies in one
                                                               incident, using my training as a med tech, was
  Quickly assessing the situation, he instructed               great.”
an adult male who was with the children to
monitor the child who was vomiting and then                    7HFK6JW-XGH-RVHSKWK$HURPHGLFDO6WDJ-
proceeded to administer CPR/rescue breathing                   ing Squadron medical technician and eight-year
to the other child who was unresponsive.                       YHWHUDQRIWKH3KRHQL[3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQWSRVHV
  Joseph continued to provide care until Phoenix               VHSKZDVWKH¿UVWRI¿FHUWRUHVSRQGWRDVFHQH
Fire Department personnel arrived on scene.                    where two children were found at the bottom of
  “Both children were transported to a local hos-              and calmness along with his training contributed
pital where doctors later reported the children                to the recovery of the children.
were expected to survive. The doctors were also
cautiously optimistic the children would fully
recover with no permanent effects of the drown-
ing,” he said.

  Phoenix Fire Department Capt. Scott Crow-

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