Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
P. 10
July 17, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
This week in history
1945: Gadget detonated, history made
Hopeful observers stood in the dark 70 years ago at and morphed the asphalt surrounding the tower into a Courtesy photo
a calculated safe distance of 10,000 yards from Trinity. thin layer of green glass. The massive, super-hot blast
About a half an hour before dawn, at 5:30 a.m. July 16, wave scorched the desert and tumbled the observers. Today the Trinity Site is part of the White Sands Mis-
1945, a plutonium device named Gadget detonated over sile Range. In the center of a slightly depressed area
a stretch of New Mexican desert known for centuries A mile-wide bright green ball of light lit up the desert several hundred yards across is a bronze plaque on an
as the Jornada del Muerto or “Expedition” or “Journey for miles. obelisk of black lava rock marking ground zero. Most
of the Dead.” of the green glass is gone.
As the seconds ticked by, the ball rose into the sky.
For more than 300 years before the Santa Fe Trail As it did, it began to change colors from deep purple Being an active test range, the site can only be visited
opened in 1821 all manufactured goods traveled over to orange. Observers compared its brightness to the by the public twice a year.
that barren desert to reach the Spanish communities VXQ7KDWÀHU\EDOOZDVWKHUHVXOWRI\HDUVRIODERUE\
north of what is now known as El Paso. Gadget produced 130,000 workers at a network of super-secret sites at &RXUWHV\RI5LFN*ULVHWWK):+LVWRU\2I¿FH
sky and almost six miles away knocked those observers
to the ground. But, what should they tell the public? Written ahead
of time, the prepared statement went out over the radio
Prof. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the technical director of that there had been an ammunition dump explosion.
the Manhattan Project, picked Trinity as the name for The truth was the denotation and resulting explosion
the site of the detonation. Trinity was on the Alamogor- was much larger than any ammunition dump explosion.
do Bombing Range, 60 miles north northwest of what is In fact, it was much greater than anyone expected.
now Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, the home Breaking the atom released more power than anyone
of the 56th Fighter Wing’s 54th Fighter Group. At the had imaged.
time, the base was called Alamogordo Army Air Field.
The success of Gadget led to the military use of
Dropped from a 100-foot tower, Gadget released 18.6 atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in an effort
kilotons of power. The explosion vaporized the tower to shorten the war. It also colored the decisions that
followed during the Cold War.
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