Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
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Thunderbolt                                        COMMENTARY                                                                                                           July 17, 2015

Receiving, passing baton wins relay of life                                                      Chaplain’s thoughts ...

        by Retired Master Sgt.                   tant to my father, I now see in my son. He      On the brink of disaster                       noticed that the road ahead had been
            JEROLD HAUPT                         has grown to be an amazing young man of                                                        washed out, leaving a chasm 200 yards
                                                 character and conviction and is determined         I found myself this past week with an       deep. In a panic he forgot his instructions
                  56th Security Forces Squadron  to leave the world a better place than he       unusual load of people going though “life      and cried, “Whoa, whoa” in vain several
                                                 found it. Just as when he was a little boy,     storms.” Dealing with those situations         times. The horse just kept a steady gallop.
   It’s funny, but as you grow older you         we continue to have long talks about life       ,·PUHPLQGHGRIWZRWKLQJVÀUVWZHQHHG     At the very last moment he remembered
RFFDVLRQDOO\ÀQG\RXUVHOIUHÁHFWLQJRQWKH      and the lessons we’ve learned through our       to take time to be thankful for all the        to cry, “Amen”… and the horse stopped
OLIH\RX·YHOHG7KURXJKWKDWUHÁHFWLRQ\RX    experiences. Many of our talks rekindle         blessings of life — big and little. Second,    just short at the very brink of the chasm.
develop a deeper appreciation of the many        memories of conversations I had with my         sometimes when dealing with heavy              The old preacher pulled a hanky out of
people who over the years have “passed           dad. I see so much of my father through my      emotional stuff, humor helps lighten that      his pocket wiped the sweat from his brow
WKHEDWRQµRQWR\RX7KH\LQÁXHQFHG\RX       son’s actions and realize, once again, the      emotional burden.                              and in a relieved tone, sighed, “Praise
invested in you, encouraged you and most         baton has been passed.                                                                         the Lord!”
importantly believed in you.                                                                        I reminded of a little joke that combines
                                                    I now clearly see that baton passes have     both of these thoughts:                           Thankfulness should be a natural part
   I’ve been thinking recently about the ba-     helped me grow both personally and profes-                                                     of our lives as it was for this old preacher.
ton passes that have occurred throughout         sionally. I owe so much to the many people         There was old country preacher who          It should be built into the very fabric of
my life. By that I’m referring to points in      who invested in me over the years. These        always praised the Lord for the blessings      our lives. Thankfulness has a way of
your life that you continue on where your        remarkable leaders wanted nothing more          of life. One day he decided to buy himself     removing the gloom from life. It is a way
predecessors left off.                           than to see me live up to my potential. They    a horse. The dealer assured him that the       of reminding ourselves and others that
                                                 were dedicated men and women who took           one he selected was a perfect choice.          things aren’t always as bad as they seem.
   My father and I had many long con-            the lessons passed on to them from previous                                                    It also tends to be infectious. A thankful
versations as I was growing up. Through          generations of Airmen and ensured they             “This here horse,” said the dealer, “has    spirit seems to produce a thankful at-
these talks, he was passing on to me the         were passed on to those who followed them.      lived all his life in a religious atmosphere.  titude in others.
life lessons his father had taught him. My                                                       So remember that he’ll never start if you
father was a man of honor, who saw each             Each of us carry the responsibility to pass  order ‘Giddyup.’ You’ve got to say, ‘Praise       If nothing else, I hope the joke put a
new day as a true blessing. To dad, every        batons to everyone we lead. The greatest        the Lord.’ Likewise, a ‘Whoa’ will never       smile on your face and lightened your
morning brought a new opportunity to make        tribute to those who invested in us is our      make him stop. You’ve got to say, ‘Amen.’”     load for a brief moment.
a positive difference in the lives of others.    mentorship to those inheriting our Air
My father died many years ago, but before        Force from us. Helping our young leaders           Having been warned, the preacher paid               Courtesy of Chaplain (Maj.) David Barns
he departed, he made sure the baton was          ÀQGWKHLUJUHDWQHVVZLOOHQVXUHWKH\JXLGH     for the horse, got on, and with a cheery,
SODFHGÀUPO\LQP\KDQG                         future generations of Airmen to theirs.         “Praise the Lord” took off in the direc-                                   56th Fighter Wing Chapel
                                                                                                 tion of his home. Suddenly, however, he
   Many of the values that were so impor-


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