Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
P. 19
Thunderbolt NEWS July 17, 2015
The following is a list of administra- tiple minor disciplinary infractions. The 56th Security Forces Squadron YLFWLP DQG FRQGXFWHG WUDIÀF FRQWURO 7KH
tive actions issued at Luke Air Force $VHQLRUDLUPDQZDVGLVFKDUJHGIRU handled the following incidents at Luke member was transported to a local hospital.
Base in June. Air Force Base July 6 through 12:
drug abuse. Nonemergency responses
WK0HGLFDO*URXS July 12: Security forces responded to a
Articles 15 Security forces issued citations for report of an animal locked in a closet in
$ PDVWHU VHUJHDQW UHFHLYHG QRQMX- Articles 15 three moving violations and one nonmov- base housing. Security forces made con-
dicial punishment for wrongful use of $VWDIIVHUJHDQWUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDO ing violation. tact with the house owner who relayed
marijuana. The member received a re- punishment for assault consummated the animal was trapped. Security forces
duction to technical sergeant, forfeiture by a battery on a child under the age of 7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV was able to unlock the door and release
of $1,813 pay per month for two months 16. The member received a suspended the animal. There were no injuries to
and a reprimand. reduction to senior airman, 45 days ex- July 6: Security forces responded to a the animal.
$VHQLRUDLUPDQUHFHLYHGQRQMXGLFLDO tra duty, suspended forfeiture of $1,225 report of a minor vehicle accident involv-
punishment for wrongful use of marijua- pay per month for two months and a ing a government-owned vehicle and a July 9: Security forces stopped an indi-
na and dereliction of duty. The member reprimand. À[HGREMHFWDWWKH%OGJSDUNLQJORW vidual attempting to gain access to Luke
received a reduction to airman, 14 days Administrative discharges There were no injuries. Air Force Base by using a fake laminated
$867 pay per month for two months and abuse. July 10: Security forces responded to a the individual’s sponsor. Security forces
a reprimand. Punishments for similar offenses report of a minor two-vehicle accident at FRQÀVFDWHGWKHIDNH,'DQGHVFRUWHGWKH
$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVUHFHLYHGQRQMX- may vary from case to case based on the Bldg. 1130 parking lot. There were individual off the installation.
dicial punishment for dereliction of duty the circumstances of the offense and no injuries.
due to violating safety standards while factors such as an offender’s age, Alarm activations
performing maintenance on aircraft. The military and disciplinary record, Emergency responses
member received a suspended reduction financial condition, and suitability Security forces responded to nine
to airman, 14 days extra duties, sus- for continued service. To ensure fair July 12: Security forces responded to alarm activations on base.
pended forfeiture of $125 pay per month administration of justice throughout and assisted with a medical emergency
for two months and a reprimand. the Luke AFB community, the legal at Bldg. 1540. Medical personnel re- Tip of the week
Administrative discharges office reviews all cases. sponded and transported a dependent
$QDLUPDQZDVGLVFKDUJHGIRUPXO- of a retired military member to a local If you believe you are being followed by
&RXUWHV\RIWKHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ/HJDO2I¿FH hospital. someone, do not drive home. Go directly
July 6: Security forces responded to a or well-lit public place and seek help.
report of a medical emergency of a retired
military member at Bldg. 1550. Security Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian Lefevre
forces directed medical personnel to the 56th SFS
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