Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-17-15
P. 16
July 17, 2015
‘Four Rooms’ ‘Spy’
by Senior Airman Marcy Copeland by Senior Airman James Hensley
´)RXU5RRPVµLVDQDQWKRORJ\ÀOPGLUHFWHGE\$OOLVRQ$Q- Your weekly guide The comedy roles Melissa McCarthy played in “Identity Thief”
ders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tar- to entertainment and “Heat” weren’t really impressively funny. She was kind of
DQWLQRZLWKHDFKGLUHFWRUÀOPLQJRQHVHJPHQWRIWKHPRYLH funny but not side-splitting funny. “Spy” completely changed
Welcome to the Fly Over, Luke’s source for my opinion of her. McCarthy is hilarious in this movie.
“Four Rooms” begins with Sam (Marc Lawrence), the
previous bellhop of the Hotel Mon Signor, instructing his movie, book, video game, music and all things The movie takes place in several locations including the
replacement, Ted (Tim Roth), about being a bellhop and entertainment reviews. Using a four-point United States, Paris, Rome and Budapest. McCarthy plays
the things to avoid on the job such as night clicks, married scale, the Thunderbolt staff provides in-depth Susan Cooper who is a bored, Central Intelligence Agency em-
couples arguing, and children, and to never become roman- reviews allowing the viewer an opportunity to ployee assigned to monitor Bradley Fine (Jude Law) who is one
tically involved with hotel clients. Ted’s first night begins decide what new and classic entertainment op- RIWKHWRSDJHQWV+RZÀQH%UDGOH\)LQHLVEHFDPHDUXQQLQJ
on New Year’s Eve. tions are worth their time. The Know a Critic gag throughout the movie.
section helps the reader choose critics who
directed by Allison Anders. One by one, unusual women ar- about a nuclear bomb’s location. Fine works his way through
rive at the hotel. Ted escorts them to the honeymoon suite. 1/4 - Save your money the mansion with the assistance of Cooper in his ear piece who
Ted learns the women are a coven of witches trying to reverse lets him know when enemies are close through the use of several
a spell cast on their goddess Diana 40 years ago during her 2/4 - Wait for Netflix release cameras and thermal detection. Cooper clearly likes Fine and
honeymoon in the very same suite. Each witch was to bring several funny instances occur between them.
with them an ingredient to aide in the reversal of the spell. 3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater
With one ingredient missing, one of the witches (Lone Skye) $IWHU WKH ÀUVW PLVVLRQ WXUQV XS QRWKLQJ RQ WKH ORFDWLRQ RI
must obtain it from Ted to reverse the spell and set free their 4/4 - Bombs on Target WKHERPE)LQHLVVHQWLQWRÀQGWKHSHUVRQVHOOLQJWKHERPE
Know a critic I’m not going to spoil it, but this mission goes awry and
The second room is called “The Wrong Man.” After leav- Cooper brings new information to her boss, Elaine Crocker
ing the honeymoon suite, Ted receives a phone call for room Marcy Copeland was (Allison Janney), that the top agents’ identities are known to
VHUYLFHWR5RRP7HGDUULYHVDQGHQWHUVWKHURRPWRÀQG born to watch movies. The the person selling the bomb.
a man standing there with a gun pointed as his face. Sigfried ÀUVW9+6PRYLHVKHZRUH
(David Proval), the husband, maniacally accuses Ted of hav- out was “The Terminator.” Among these top agents is Rick Ford (Jason Statham) who
ing slept with his wife, Angela (Jennifer Beals). This room is Since then her movie col- VHHPVWRKDYHDFUD]\VWRU\IRUDQ\VLWXDWLRQKHÀQGVKLPVHOI
directed by Alexandre Rockwell and happens simultaneously lection has exceeded 600 LQLQFOXGLQJGULYLQJDFDURQÀUHRIIRIDWUDLQ)RUGE\IDULV
with the next room in the movie. titles, mostly DVDs. Her one of the most hilarious characters in the movie, alongside
“The Misbehaviors” features a husband (Antonio Banderas) wavered. Charlie Chaplin,
and wife (Tamlyn Tomita) who are preparing their children Tom Hanks, and Mor- :KLOH)LQHÀJKWVZLWKDFHUWDLQÀQHVVHLQWKHPRYLH)RUGLV
and themselves for a night out during New Year’s Eve. The Copeland gan Freeman have been almost the complete opposite. Statham really stepped out of his
husband changes his mind and decides to leave his children QRUPDOÀJKWHUPRYLHUROHVDQGJRWLQWRWKHHJRFHQWULFFKDUDFWHU
in the hotel room while he and his wife go to a party. He offers some of the guides in her journey through com- of Ford. He complains about Cooper being chosen to go on the
Ted $500 to keep an eye on his children. Throughout the eve- HG\GUDPDURPDQFHDQGKRUURUÀOPV mission instead of him, because he feels Cooper is unskilled in
ning, Juancho and Sarah (Danny Verduzco and Lana McKis- every way. Ford actually quits and goes rogue throughout the
sack) cause quite a bit of mischief that keeps Ted on his toes. James Hensley likes to movie appearing in random places in disguises.
give a movie a chance be-
After the end of the last room, Ted has reached his break- fore taking the critic’s word By the end of the movie, Statham will probably be your
LQJ SRLQW DQG FDOOV KLV ERVV %HWW\ .DWK\ *ULIÀQ WR WHOO KHU on it. He enjoys watching favorite character, because he really surprises you with how
the events of the night that led up to his phone call and as action, thrillers, shooters funny he can be.
his reasons for quitting. After a prolonged conversation with and more. He also enjoys
Margaret (Marisa Tomei), he gets Betty on the phone. As they gaming and dominates in $ORQJ ZLWK )RUG WKHUH·V $OGR $W ÀUVW $OGR DSSHDUV WR EH
converse, the penthouse phone rings and Betty pleads with the Titanfall multiplayer just a taxi driver who picks up Cooper from the airport to drop
Ted to answer it. game and the Halo fran- her off at the hotel, but he appears throughout the movie as
The next room is called “Penthouse - The man from Hol- Hensley on-one, but believes the probably my second favorite character. He constantly tries
lywood” and is written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. to get with Cooper and even backs her up on a mission in a
The room is about a big time movie director from Hollywood UHDO WHVW LV WHDP ÀJKWLQJ +LV JDPHU WDJ RQ ;ER[ hilarious fashion.
named Chester Rush (Tarantino) who is there partying with Live is Overwhatch. That’s right, it has an extra “h.”
his friends Norman (Paul Calderón), Angela from the room The villain of “Spy” is Rayna Boyanov (Rose Byrne). She is
“The Wrong Man” and Bruce Willis (Leo). In this room Ted very cold-hearted and goes back and forth with Cooper being
is presented with a very odd and unique offer that could earn her friend at times and her enemy at other times.
him $1,000 if he can muster the courage and remain impar-
tial to the situation and carry out the demands of Rush and Cooper in the meantime tries to keep Boyanov alive from
his drunk friends. multiple assassination attempts even though she herself wants
to kill her. If Cooper were to kill Boyanov, she’d never be able
“Four Rooms” is a great movie that will keep you laugh- WRÀQGWKHERPE
ing as Roth delivers a spectacular performance. With amaz-
ing cameos such as Madonna and Salma Hayak, throughout Boyanov is clearly evil throughout the movie but at times
the movie, Taratino does not fail to deliver an amazing movie seems to connect with Cooper on misunderstood characteristics.
that leaves you with your mouth wide open saying “oh my Boyanov is a neglected daughter and Cooper is viewed as un-
relationship which results in hilarious jokes and encounters.
Of the Quentin Tarantino movies, this one makes my top
three list. It focuses on a single character and ties the random Byrne plays Boyanov perfectly as a great villain and is very
events of a New Year’s Eve night through him. Almost anyone believable in both serious and funny situations.
can relate to the bellhop. How many of our days or nights
seem like no matter what, chaos or karma seeks us out? With “Spy” is not for people who are easily offended by strong
the last room, I could see myself acting the same as him. After language. There is also plenty of violence and action. If you
the night he’d just had, I would have no issues doing what he can get past all of that then the movie is truly entertaining.
did to Norman. You should stay until after the end credits roll, because there
is a funny, blooper scene between Cooper and Ford. The cred-
7KLVÀOPLVUDWHG5DQGLVQRWVXLWDEOHIRUFKLOGUHQ its also show missions Cooper takes possibly in a sequel. As
exhausting as sequels are nowadays, this could be a pretty
funny one.
some sexual content including brief graphic nudity.