Page 6 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, January 2020
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6 January 2020 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News January 2020 7
May ʻ19
‘Wise Guy’ rises again …
A B-52H Stratofortress takes
off May 14, 2019, at Davis-
Monthan Air Force Base. The
B-52H completed phase one
of its regeneration process
at the 309th Aerospace Main-
tenance and Regeneration
Group. The B-52 is sched-
uled to complete its phase
depot maintenance in Febru-
ary of 2021 as a completely
restored, fl eet confi gured
Courtesy photo
Remembrance 2019 …
Wolfgang Hellpap, Holo-
caust survivor, listens as
the master of ceremonies
reads a script during the
candle lighting May 2,
Airman 1st Class Kristine Legate 2019, at Davis-Monthan Air
D-M Police Week … Force Base. The candle
Airmen from the 355th Security Forces Squadron participate in a six-mile ruck lighting was held to rep-
march in honor of Police Week May 13, 2019, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. resent the entirety of the
Ruck weight was made up of non-perishable foods to be donated once the march circumstance that symbol-
is complete. The ruck march kicked off a week of events that paid tribute to local, ized the millions who per-
state and federal law enforcement offi cers who serve and protect every day. Senior Airman Giovanni Sims ished during the Holocaust
June ʻ19
68th RQS ve-level
upgrade jump
training …
U.S. Air Force pararescue-
men prepare for their fi ve-
level upgrade jump train-
ing June 26, 2019, at the
Marana Regional Airport.
Pararescuemen around the
Air Force come to the 68th
Rescue Squadron Formal
Training Unit to participate
in the Combat Team Mem-
ber Course where they ac-
complish various training
scenarios to gain their fi ve
Senior Airman Cheyenne Powers or seven level certifi cations.
DM honors fallen
Airmen …
Chief Master Sgt. Kon-
rad Schwinn, 563d Res-
cue Group superinten-
dent, speaks at the wing
retreat ceremony June
27, 2019, outside the Leo
K. Thorsness Hall on Airman 1st Class Kristine Legate
Davis-Monthan Air Force Joint e orts reach new heights ...
Base. Schwinn spoke
about the sacrifi ces that U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Miles Morissette, 79th Rescue Squadron aircraft loadmas-
Senior Airman Bejamin ter, and Senior Airman Eric Hust, 563d Operational Support Squadron aircraft load-
White and Tech. Sgt. Mi- master, perform parabundle drops during a Combat Search and Rescue training
chael Flores made when mission, June 6, 2019. Loadmaster directed parabundle drops are roughly 15-20
they were killed in ac- pounds of necessary materials needed to resupply pararescuemen on the ground
tion June 9, 2010. Airman 1st Class Jacob Stephens during rescue missions.