Page 7 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, January 2020
P. 7

6  January 2020  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News           January 2020                                                                    7                                            

 May ʻ19

 ‘Wise Guy’ rises again …
 A B-52H Stratofortress takes
 off May 14, 2019, at Davis-                                                                                     A friendly, private dental office where you
 Monthan Air Force Base. The   Working and Caring
 B-52H completed phase one                                                                                             will feel like part of the family!
 of its regeneration process    for you the whole                                                              • Adult and Children Dentistry
 at the 309th Aerospace Main-  deal through
 tenance and Regeneration                                                                                      • State of the Art Technology
 Group. The B-52 is sched-
 uled to complete its phase   Military Move                                                                    • “Metal-free” fillings
 depot maintenance in Febru-  Program matches the                                                                and crowns
 ary of 2021 as a completely
 restored, fl eet confi gured   USAA discount to                                                                 • Same-visit crowns
 B-52H.        military members                                                                                • Invisalign
 Courtesy photo                                                                                                                              Dr. Su-Wen Chang
              New Build Preferred                                                                              • Implants                      University of Southern
                                                                                                                                                California Graduate
                Listing Program
 Holocaust    Short Sale Certified                                                                               Preferred Providers for Military Insurances
 Remembrance 2019 …                                                                                             5340 E. Broadway Blvd., #150
 Wolfgang Hellpap, Holo-  Please contact me for any of your real estate needs.
 caust survivor, listens as                                                                                           Tucson, AZ 85711
 the master of ceremonies                                                                                          Phone: (520) 748-8186
 reads a script during the   520.390.3870                                                              
 candle lighting May 2,
 Airman 1st Class Kristine Legate  2019, at Davis-Monthan Air                         New Patients Welcome!
 D-M Police Week …   Force Base. The candle
 Airmen from the 355th Security Forces Squadron participate in a six-mile ruck   lighting was held to rep-
 march in honor of Police Week May 13, 2019, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.   resent the entirety of the
 Ruck weight was made up of non-perishable foods to be donated once the march   circumstance that symbol-
 is complete. The ruck march kicked off a week of events that paid tribute to local,   ized the millions who per-
 state and federal law enforcement offi cers who serve and protect every day.   Senior Airman Giovanni Sims  ished during the Holocaust


 June ʻ19

 68th RQS   ve-level   Discover all the ways
 upgrade jump                      you can GO!
 training …                                             at the museum
 U.S. Air Force pararescue-
 men prepare for their fi ve-            FREE
 level upgrade jump train-
 ing June 26, 2019, at the   ADMISSION
 Marana Regional Airport.
 Pararescuemen around the
 Air Force come to the 68th        SATURDAY,
 Rescue Squadron Formal          JANUARY 18
 Training Unit to participate
 in the Combat Team Mem-         10 am - 2 pm
 ber Course where they ac-
 complish various training
 scenarios to gain their fi ve   SPONSORED BY:
 Senior Airman Cheyenne Powers   or seven level certifi cations.

 DM honors fallen
 Chief Master Sgt. Kon-
 rad Schwinn, 563d Res-
 cue Group superinten-    Can’t make our free community event?
 dent, speaks at the wing        Come see us another day!
 retreat ceremony June
 27, 2019, outside the Leo   Present your military ID and get one child in free
 K. Thorsness Hall on   Airman 1st Class Kristine Legate
 Davis-Monthan Air Force   Joint e  orts reach new heights ...   with the purchase of an adult admission.
 Base. Schwinn spoke           One offer per each military ID
 about the sacrifi ces that   U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Miles Morissette, 79th Rescue Squadron aircraft loadmas-
 Senior Airman Bejamin   ter, and Senior Airman Eric Hust, 563d Operational Support Squadron aircraft load-  200 S. 6th Ave. Tucson AZ 85701
 White and Tech. Sgt. Mi-  master, perform parabundle drops during a Combat Search and Rescue training   520.792.9985
 chael Flores made when   mission, June 6, 2019. Loadmaster directed parabundle drops are roughly 15-20
 they were killed in ac-  pounds of necessary materials needed to resupply pararescuemen on the ground
 tion June 9, 2010.  Airman 1st Class Jacob Stephens  during rescue missions.
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