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2 February 12, 2016                                        Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Staying true to the new you

By Senior Airman Jonathan Bass                             tines are the same year-round, it’s just                     patience. If someone looks like they                           put pride or fear aside and realize we’re
                                                           like any other day at the gym, except it                     could use a hand, offer one. Ask if it                         all in this together. Be aware of your sur-
20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                           seems like all they can do is attempt to                     would be all right for you to assist them                      roundings, learn from those around you,
                                                           wade through the flood of “resolution-                       on their form. Encourage them, rather                          and ask how they got started. But most
   SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. —                             ers.”                                                        than post embarrassing videos of them                          importantly, don’t quit.
Grizzled gym rats who have made the                                                                                     online. Remember, these are your wing-
gym their second home know what time                          For “resolutioners,” myself included,                     men; you may have to deploy with them                             For warrior Airmen, we should dream
of year this is: resolution season.                        this season can also be difficult. How do                    one day. Who better to get them to where                       of a day when none of us can find a park-
                                                           you stay focused when there are so many                      they need to be than you?                                      ing spot at the gym because everyone
   The season when there’s never a good                    distractions? Where do you even start?                                                                                      there is putting forth maximum effort to
parking spot, all the lockers are full, and                How do you learn to interpret the hiero-                        For us “resolutioners,” don’t be the                        be as physically fit as they can be. While
that one person who has no idea how to                     glyphic instructions on the machines?                        person who thinks they know it all. Start                      that dream may be far reaching, it’s still
use the leg press machine just won’t get                                                                                simple; you’d be surprised at what you                         possible, with some help and support
off the equipment.                                            We all have a role to play in this new                    can accomplish with a Stairmaster and                          from one fitness warrior to another, step
                                                           year. For those of you who have fitness                      a couple dumbbells. Ask for assistance,                        by step, pound by pound.
   It can be a tricky time of year for fit-                down to a science, try working on your
ness enthusiasts. For those whose rou-

My oath of enlistment

By Chief Master Sgt. Shawn Hughes                          into. Does the individual have an understanding of           officer regardless of my personal feelings or opin-
                                                           the oath they have taken and does it mean something          ions), according to regulations (written military
22nd Air Refueling Wing Command Chief                      to them, or is it just a bunch of words they parrot? I       operating guidelines and rules) and the Uniform
                                                           am sometimes a little slow on the uptake, so it took         Code of Military Justice (laws that govern military
   McCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. — I have                 me several re-enlistments to truly grasp the magni-          moral and ethical behaviors necessary for the good
been asked many times throughout my career why             tude of what I got myself into. I figured out the oath       order and discipline of a fighting force). So help me
I joined the military.                                     of enlistment when I personalized the phrases and            God.”  (War is ugly. When provoked, the fury we,
                                                           was able to recite the oath without crib notes.              my brothers and sisters, will unleash against our
   I typically answer, “For fortune and glory, isn’t                                                                    enemies will need justification, judgment and for-
that why everyone joined?”                                    This is my version of the oath of enlistment:             giveness. To quote Lt. Gen. Hal Moore, “Hate war,
                                                              “I, Shawn Michael Hughes (me, myself, and I),             love the warrior.”)
   My response usually gets a little chuckle, which        do solemnly swear (my word is my bond, on my
lasts long enough for me to change the subject. I          mother’s grave, cross my heart hope to die stick a              I serve because I choose to serve. I am making a
change the subject because I don’t believe why a           needle in my eye) that I (not my brother or sister,          conscious decision. When I recite this oath, I clearly
person choses to serve is relevant. Each individual        friend, neighbor, acquaintance, or any other person          understand the ramifications of my actions.
should have their own purpose for serving, and I           I pass on the street) will support and defend (stand
don’t believe one reason is better than the next. So,      with, guard, preserve, protect, fight for and if neces-
if why someone choses to serve isn’t all that im-          sary die for) the Constitution of the United States
portant, what is?  There are three things I believe        (an “Idea” for a better government of the people, by
truly matter.                                              the people, for the people, fueled by The Declara-
                                                           tion of Independence which hinges on the idea that
   First and foremost is the person volunteered.           all men are created equal, that they are endowed
They were not coerced, threatened and they joined          with certain unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and
of their own free will. When a person raises their         the pursuit of Happiness, which was won through
right hand and recites the oath, they join an elite        sacrifices and blood of ordinary citizens during
group of men and women, and I don’t want anyone            extraordinary times) against all enemies, foreign
in uniform who is not serving of their own volition.       and domestic (I don’t care who you are or where
                                                           you come from, if you threaten the “Idea” you are
   The second thing I care about is that our military      an enemy); that I will bear true faith and allegiance
men and women give their very best every single            to the same (I believe in and am loyal to the Consti-
day. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity          tution); and that I will obey the orders (directives,
to be a little better than the day before: to get right    guidance) of the President of the United States (the
today what was wrong yesterday, to clearly com-            Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces) and
municate today what could not be communicated              the orders of the officers appointed over me (every
yesterday, to achieve today those things that were
unachievable yesterday.

   The final thing I believe is that each individual
should clearly understands what they got themselves

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