Page 7 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 2-12-16
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BULLSEYE                                        Feature                                                                                      7February 12, 2016                                                                                                    

THEN, NOW, from page 6 _______                  and exercise directors to monitor the mis-        Red Flag has grown exponentially since    Aggressor Squadron, here at Nellis, a ‘tax’
                                                sion and keep track of simulated “kills”       the first one in 1975.                       has been imposed on blue forces to provide
working together, these Blue forces are able    while viewing the simulated air battle as                                                   the red forces with pilots,” said Imonti.
to utilize the diverse capabilities of their    it occurs.                                        It has expanded to include all spectrums  “Normally blue pilots average 6.5 sorties
aircraft to execute specific missions, such as                                                 of warfare (command, control, intelligence,  per exercise but that will now be reduced
air interdiction, combat search and rescue,        “The benefit of Red Flag is the ability to  electronic warfare) and added night mis-     due to the effects of the red air ‘tax’.
close air support, dynamic targeting and        plan, execute and debrief face to face for     sions to each exercise period. The combi-
defensive counter-air.                          2 to 3 weeks in a simulated combat envi-       nation of NACTS, improved tactics, and          “A one sortie per pilot tax would equate
                                                ronment,” said Steve Imonti, 414th CTS         increased aircraft/aircrew capabilities has  to a 15 percent reduction in training while
   These forces use various tactics to at-      director of plans.                             improved flying safety.                      a two sortie per pilot tax would equate to a
tack NTTR targets such as mock airfields,                                                                                                   30 percent reduction in training.”
vehicle convoys, tanks, parked aircraft,           “A cyber operator plans next to an F-22        The training exercise also includes con-
bunkered defensive positions and missile        pilot, a space operator plans next to a C-130  tested, degraded and operationally limited      Red Flag has provided training for more
sites. These targets are defended by a vari-    Pilot, all domains, all aircraft, all Com-     (CDO) training for maintenance personnel     than 440,000 military personnel, including
ety of simulated “Red” force ground and         mand and Control and all Intelligence,         on the flight line.                          more than 145,000 aircrew members fly-
air threats to give participant aircrews the    Surveillance, and Reconnaissance [RGL3]                                                     ing more than 385,000 sorties and logging
most realistic combat training possible.        assets working together to leverage each          The Red Flag exercise is constantly       more than 660,000 hours of flying time.
                                                other’s capabilities to achieve the mission    evolving to meet the demands of modern
   The Red force threats are aligned under      objective,” said Imonti.                       day warfare.                                    All four U.S. military services, their
the 57th Adversary Tactics Group, which                                                                                                     Guard/Reserve components and the air
controls seven squadrons of U.S. Air Force         Tasked to plan and control this train-         “Red Flag has changed over the years      forces of other countries participate in each
Aggressors, including fighter, space, infor-    ing, the 414th CTS’s mission is to maxi-       as the U.S. Air Force and the world has      Red Flag exercise. Since 1975, 28 countries
mation operations and air defense units.        mize the combat readiness, capability          changed,” said Wheaton. “It has moved        have joined the U.S. in these exercises.
The Aggressors are specially trained to rep-    and survivability of participating units by    from mainly instructing participants         Several other countries have participated
licate the tactics and techniques of potential  providing realistic training in a combined     on how to survive the first ten combat       as observers.
adversaries and provide a scalable threat       air, ground, space and electronic threat       missions to focusing on composite force
presentation to Blue forces which aids in       environment while providing for a free         integration, allowing participants to plan      Since the first Red Flag, the U.S. Air
achieving the desired learning outcomes         exchange of ideas between forces.              and employ together.                         Force has lost approximately 43 aircraft
for each mission.                                                                                                                           in combat. A vast improvement from the
                                                   A typical Red Flag exercise involves a         “The training has expanded to include a   1,737 aircraft that was lost during the Viet-
   A “White” force in Red Flag uses the         variety of attack, fighter and bomber air-     more contested, degraded and operation-      nam War. Much of this can be attributed to
Nellis Air Combat Training System to            craft, reconnaissance aircraft, electronic     ally limited environment across the entire   the rigorous training members gain during
monitor this mock combat between Red            warfare aircraft, air superiority aircraft,    spectrum of tactical warfare, air, ground,   Red Flag exercises at Nellis AFB.
and Blue. NACTS is a sophisticated track-       airlift support, search and rescue, aerial     space, and cyber warfare in an asymmetric
ing system for combat training exercises        refueling aircraft, Command and Control        battlefield. “                                  This mock battle in the skies over the
and allows commanders, safety observers         aircraft as well as ground based Command                                                    NTTR has yielded results that will increase
                                                and Control, Space, and Cyber Forces.             A new hurdle has been introduced into     the combat capability of our armed forces
                                                                                               Red Flag 16-1 as well.                       for any future combat situation.

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