Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, May 2021
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12  May 2021  News  Thunderbolt                                                              13
                                                                                                                                               May 2021

                            A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.  Do you have family or friends coming to
                                                                  Luke Air Force Base to visit or stay?

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 Samuel King Jr.
 The Air Force’s newest fighter, the F-15EX Eagle II, was revealed and named during a ceremony April 7 at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The aircraft will be the first Air Force   13551 W. Glendale Ave., Glendale, AZ 85307
 aircraft to be tested and fielded from beginning to end, through combined developmental and operational tests. • 623-298-4100  A member of the Hilton family.  115 N. Balsam Street, #B Ridgecrest, CA 93555
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 by 1st Lt.    with a  proven platform that’s  modernized and opti-  and evaluation efforts. The 85th Test and Evaluation
 KARiSSA RoDRiguez  mized to maintain air superiority now and into the   Squadron will work closely with the 40th Flight Test   Thank you Mom.  Happy Mother’s Day
 future.”  Squadron to integrate testing, from start to finish.
 Air Force News Service
 The ceremony celebrated the historic arrival of the   The Air Force will procure up to 144 F-15EXs from
 egLin AiR FoRCe BASe, Fla.  — April 7 marked   dynamic new fighter aircraft. This process began sev-  Boeing, to replace F-15C/D models. The goal is to in-
 the unveiling of the name and the official role of the   eral years ago, as a combined Air Force effort to bring   crease the F-15 fleet fighter readiness.
 Air Force’s newest fighter, the F-15EX Eagle ll.  the best in response capability.  The 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field Air Na-
 Lt. Gen. Duke Richardson, Office of the Assistant   “Team Eglin and the 96th Test Wing are proud to be   tional Guard Base, Oregon, is in line to become the
 Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology,   a part of the rich history of this legendary aircraft,”   first F-15EX formal training unit in 2024. The first
 and Logistics military deputy, presented the F-15EX   said Brig. Gen. Scott Cain, 96th Test Wing commander.  operational F-15EX squadron will function in the Or-
 during an unveiling and naming ceremony at Eglin   The EX provides a unique opportunity for the test   egon ANG for critical homeland defense alert missions.
 Air Force Base, Florida.  enterprise, as it is the first Air Force aircraft to be   “Since 1985 the F-15 has had a home in the Guard
 “Undefeated in aerial combat, the F-15 Eagle epito-  completely tested and fielded through combined de-  and Guard Airmen have flown these amazing aircraft,
 mized air superiority in the minds of our enemies,   velopmental and operational test efforts.  both in the defense of the homeland and in every major
 allies, and the American people for over 45 years, but   The official role of the EX is to meet capacity require-  international conflict since the first Gulf War in 1991,”
 it was not meant to fly forever. We heard the demand   ments while bringing diverse technology, ensuring the   said Lt. Gen. Michael Loh, ANG director.  “Now that is
 signal from our warfighters,” Richardson said. “I’m   platform’s relevance for decades to come.  the battle-tested legacy of Guard F-15s — first to the
 pleased to say we’ve responded boldly and decisively,   The 96th TW and the 53rd Wing are set to begin test   fight, always ready and always there.”

 U.S. Air Force rolls out new mission statement

 by Tech. Sgt.    Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown,   ing military airpower for the nation.  a seamless team to operate, maintain, and   ALL TOGETHER NOW.
 JoShuA DeWBeRRY  Jr. said.  “As the new mission statement was for-  enable our mission and bring the unique   We’ve been hard at work reporting the latest news and informing you about a
 Since the domain of space falls under the   mulated, it was important to us that all   capabilities and effects of airpower to bear.”  pandemic that’s disrupted everyone’s lives. We’re proud of our brand of trusted journalism.

 Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs   Space Force, the Air Force can now focus   Airmen see where they fit in,” said Chief   In order to accomplish the mission of   Now, as our nation looks to reopen, rebound and resurge, our advertising representatives
 PenTAgon, virginia — The Air Force   solely on Airpower and maintain a sus-  Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S.   Airpower, Air Force leaders call on Airmen   are here to help your business. Hire us to help get your customers back and your
 released its new mission statement:  To   tained focus on core air domain missions.  Bass. “Every Airman,  from  every  career   to accelerate change and to think about   employees ready. Nobody cares more about your success than us.
                              No one has an engaged audience like ours. Our growth online,
 fly, fight, and win … Airpower anytime,   With a Total Force of more than 689,000,   field, is directly responsible for delivering,   future challenges before they are in front   combined with print, is impressive as more readers turn to us for local news.
 anywhere. This change emphasizes the   Airmen work to support all aspects of   supporting, launching and driving Airpow-  of them.  Newspapers are your best investment.
 primary competitive advantage and ca-  Airpower, which includes five core mis-  er, which is the culmination of our diverse   “Our national security is not just on the   We care about local.
 pabilities that Airpower provides to the   sions: air superiority; global strike; rapid   specialties, expertise and capabilities that   shoulders of the Chief of Staff of the Air
 nation and joint operations.  global mobility; intelligence, surveillance   make up our great Air Force.”  Force or other service chiefs,” Brown said
 The ability to fight and win with Air-  and reconnaissance; and command and   Gen. Brown also underscored the im-  during his 2021 AFA Aerospace Warfare
 power is key to facing emerging competi-  control. Airpower also requires people and   portance of the Total Force in making   Symposium fireside chat. “It’s all of us   NEWSPAPER POWER.
 tors and near-peer adversaries, according   resources dedicated to unit readiness, base   American Airpower a reality.  together that have an interest in this; and   Print, Digital & Social Solutions for your advertisers.
 to service leaders.  infrastructure and talent management.  “Delivering airpower for our nation   the way we work together on this; and
 “As we developed this new mission state-  The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air   requires more than just aircraft,” added   make progress together and understand
 ment, we consulted Airmen from across   Force emphasized that all Airmen, no   Brown. “It requires total force Airmen – ac-  what’s out there in the future, and really   15350 W McDowell Rd. Goodyear, AZ
 the entire spectrum — enlisted, officers,   matter what Air Force Specialty Code they   tive duty, Guard, Reserve, civilians – in all   appreciate that, will help all of us move   623-925-1815 •
 reservists, guardsmen and civilians,” Air   serve in, play an important role in generat-  Air Force specialties working together as   faster.”  Design by Metro Creative Graphics, Inc.
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