Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, May 2021
P. 11

10  May 2021  News
 Becoming brand ambassadors

 by Tech. Sgt.    been able to connect Airmen with jobs in some cases —
 CouRTneY RiChARDSon    or at least information about jobs.”
 & Staff Sgt. mATTheW BRuCh  During their visit, the newest members of the 944th             Borrow up to 133%
 FW were given  a windshield tour, making stops at
 944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
 multiple mission areas to learn and understand the
 Community leaders passed through the front gate of   capabilities of the Wing.              of your home’s value.
 Luke Air Force Base April 10 to get a behind-the-scenes   “As a business owner, I’m excited to see how operations
 look into the 944th Fighter Wing and the respective units   are run and how I can learn and take some things back   Better Legs today!
 for which they will serve as honorary commanders over   to my own business,” said Mike Stohler, a new honorary
 the next two years.    commander and local business owner. Stohler will be
 The 944th FW formally welcomed their incoming   serving as an honorary commander to the 944th Mission   We are Military experienced!  Cash is hidden in your new home and it’s not under the
 honorary commanders during a base tour and induction   Support Group.                       cushion. Unlock your home’s value even without the equity
 ceremony.    He went on to reiterate one large benefit is coming                            with a Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan from Credit Union West.
 This program reaches out to the local community   together as private business leaders and military to   accepting New Patients!
 and invites both civic and business leaders to become   learn how each entity works through various issues —             So, even NO EQUITY means
 honorary leaders of organizations within the wing. The   especially today with work issues relating to COVID-19.  Call Now for a Free screening  high potential.
 intended goal of this program across the service is to   As part of the tour, honorary commanders were given   Courtesy photo  HOME   •  Put in a pool
 create awareness and increase community leaders’   hands-on demonstrations from the Security Forces mili-  Col. James Greenwald, commander of the 944th Fighter   EQUITY LOANS  •  Make a major purchase
 knowledge of Air Force operations.  tary working dogs team, services field operations, and   Wing, listens to a field services briefing while hosting   RATES AS LOW AS  •  Consolidate debt
 “You will have an impact on the Airmen of the 944th   briefings from various unit members regarding opera-  a tour for new honorary commanders at Luke Air Force   For over 15 years we’ve built our practice with
 Fighter Wing,” said Col. James Greenwald, commander   tions and capabilities within the wing.  Base April 10.  %
 of the 944th FW, during his speech at the induction cer-  “We get honorary commanders who are business and   our patients’ health and comfort in mind!  3.75 APR *
 emony Saturday evening. “Your being here will remind   non-profit leaders in all sorts of fields,” said Kreis. “One   cited to see the new airframes and get an inside look at
 members that what they do truly matters.”  of the biggest benefits of this program is the professional   operations on Luke AFB.”  Tricare aNd Medicare accepTed  TERMS UP TO 240 MONTHS
 The honorary commander’s program is widely used   development for our leaders interacting with these hon-  The new members soon hit the ground running with
 around the Air Force in all components of the service.   orary commanders.”  their responsibilities by being part of a welcome home
 More significantly and specific to the Reserve component   Additionally, the tour included an inside look at the   party for Reserve Citizen Airmen’s children participat-  13628 W. Camino del Sol
 of the Air Force, the honorary commanders often lead   F-35 Lightning II and F-16 Fighting Falcon — airframes   ing in Operation Reserve Kids, a family resiliency event   Apply online today. Visit
 and employ these Airmen in a civilian capacity as well.       which the Airmen of the 944th FW are charged with   held the same day.  Sun City West, AZ
 “This benefits the Airmen by providing so many re-  maintaining and flying as part of the Wing’s training   After the honorary commanders finished their tour, the   * Annual Percentage Rate. Actual APR based on borrower’s credit history and loan terms. Rate is
                                                                                                   current as of April 1, 2021. New Credit Union West membership accounts require a $5 minimum
 sources in the communities where our Airmen live,” said   mission.  induction ceremony, led by Greenwald, commenced, and   (623) 584-7874  balance and are subject to normal approval process. For additional account details please visit
 Major David Kreis, a Chaplain with the 944th FW and   “This is a way for me to continue to give back,” said   the newest members of the wing were officially inducted
 sponsor to one of the honorary commanders. “We have   Stohler.  “I am a veteran and former pilot, so I am ex-  into their respective units.

                                                                                              HONORING  OUR

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                     change without notice. This advertisement is for illustration purposes only and not part of a legal contract. Models do not reflect racial or other demographic preferences. Eligibility: The program
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