Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, May 2021
P. 7
6 May 2021 News MEMORIAL DAY
America’s ‘Airpower Reservoir’ celebrates 75 years
by Staff Sgt. later is an incredible role that we play. The
giovAnni SimS work we do will continue for at least another
75 years.”
355th Wing Public Affairs The AMARG’s 800-member workforce has
The 309th Aerospace Maintenance and since adopted the Air Force Sustainment
Regeneration Group celebrated 75 years of Command’s Art of the Possible philosophy
support for the warfighter April 1. -- a method of operations management and
Through every key military scene on the process improvement -- in order to support
stage of American history following World the many different types of endeavors to
War II up to present day, American airpower extend the service life of active aircraft.
has played a leading role. During its 75 “In 2020, Wichita State University’s
years, the 309th AMARG directly enabled National Institute for Aviation Research
the nation’s ability to rapidly respond. requested a B-1B Lancer aircraft for a
Although the name has changed over special project to study the effects of flight
the years, the organization has continued operations on aircraft structures,” Barnard
achieving its primary mission elements: said. “The disassembled aircraft shipped
aircraft storage and preservation, reclaim- overland to Kansas, where a WSU team Courtesy photo
ing and returning vital parts, regenerating scanned every individual structural part Pictured above is a sign for the Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center at
valuable aircraft to flying service, providing down to the nuts and bolts and reassembled Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. The 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration
limited depot maintenance and modifica- the virtual aircraft parts to create a “digital Group was formerly known as the MASDC on Feb. 1, 1965.
tion; and with the value of parts depleted, twin,” providing the Air Force with unprec- Brig. Gen. C. McCauley von Hoff-
aircraft disposal. edented information on this bomber.” man, Ogden Air Logistics Com-
“Many people do not realize that the Across the airpower reservoir’s desert plex commander at Hill Air Force
AMARG is a key force multiplier for the speed line, agile and skilled maintainers are Base, Utah, and Col. Jennifer
Department of Defense,” said Col. Jennifer performing system inspections, expedited Barnard, 309th Aerospace Main-
Barnard, 309th AMARG commander. “Often repairs, upgrades and modifications on tenance and Regeneration Group
simultaneously, the AMARG is enabling the active duty F-16 Fighting Falcon and A-10 commander, hold a plaque com-
nation to fight terrorism, conduct humani- Thunderbolt II aircraft. memorating the AMARG’s 75
tarian relief, fight forest fires, conduct drug “Our unscheduled depot-level mainte- years of service. Through every Far away
interdiction and defend the nation.” nance production line just completed ex- key military scene on the stage
In recent years, this key-force multiplier tensive repairs on several F-16s damaged of American history following
has supported the Coast Guard with updated during a deployment,” Barnard said. “They World War II up to present day, From all they knew,
C-27J Spartan aircraft for search and rescue, arrived in shipping crates; however, the American airpower has played a
the Forest Service with C-23 Sherpas to aid AMARG team was able to complete those leading role. During its 75 years, With hearts of pride
in fighting wildfires, an allied nation with repairs and reassembly, perform all of the the 309th AMARG directly en-
disaster relief capability in the form of KC- operational checks and return all of them Staff Sgt. Giovanni Sims abled the nation to respond.
130T Hercules, and the Air Force’s Global to their unit flight ready.” And courage true,
Strike Command with the regeneration of Whether returning C-47 Skytrain cargo in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. full production, being regenerated into the
two B-52 Stratofortress aircraft. planes to service for the Berlin Airlift, de- For the past 45 years, the AMARG has QF-16 FSAT under a new public-private
“I can’t thank this work force enough,” livering B-29 Superfortress bombers and supported American air warriors with a partnership between the U.S. Air Force Vowed to serve
said Brig. Gen. C. McCauley von Hoffman, critical spares to the warfighters in Korea, series of full-scale aerial targets. Beginning and Boeing. The first QF-16 FSAT to be
Ogden Air Logistics Complex commander. or putting B-47 Stratojet bombers on alert in the 1970s, with obsolete but plentiful fully converted at the 309th AMARG was
“The dedication in continuing to do the during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the 309th fighter planes, the AMARG has withdrawn delivered directly to Tyndall Air Force Base, As freedom’s light,
mission, regenerating aircraft, reclaiming AMARG has been a “warrior’s wingman” F-102 Deltas Daggers, F-100 Super Sabres, Florida, in 2020.
parts and storing what we might need for by rapidly projecting American airpower F-106 Delta Darts, and F-4 Phantom IIs As the DoD continues to adjust to na- And through their strength
around the globe.
During Operation Iraqi Freedom and from storage and returned to flight. Almost tional security threats and fiscal realities,
Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghani- 1,080 aircraft have returned, whose ma- the 309th AMARG will remain key in Our nation’s might,
stan, American air planners turned to this neuverability and speed permit American allowing the U.S. to rapidly adjust to the
national-level airpower reservoir for the Airmen to train in order to hone their skills global environment and provide world-class
essential spares and aircraft needed to at- in air-to-air combat. aircraft maintenance and logistics support They gave all
tain the stable battle rhythm necessary to This program has continued at the 309th for our nation and foreign allies — truly a
achieve the mission. The demand continues AMARG with the F-16 Fighting Falcon in national-level air power reservoir. Our brave defenders,
Where poppies lie,
We will remember.
Courtesy photo
Col. N. R. Laughinghouse (left) and Lt. Courtesy photo
Col. Robert F. Schirmer (right), com- A service member works on a gas turbine under the main-
manders of the 4105th Army Air Force tenance shelter at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and
Base Unit, Aircraft Storage, pose for Regeneration Group at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. For
a photo in 1947 at Davis-Monthan Air 75 years, the 309th AMARG has continued achieving its
Force Base. Through every key military Courtesy photo primary mission elements: aircraft storage and preserva-
scene on the stage of American history, Pictured above are U.S. Air Force aircraft sitting at the flush farm tion, reclaiming and returning vital parts, regenerating
the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group valuable aircraft to flying service, providing limited depot USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. © 2021 USAA. 269282-0521
Regeneration Group directly enabled at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. The 309th AMARG has been a maintenance and modification; and with the value of parts
the nation’s ability to rapidly respond. key-force multiplier for the Department of Defense for 75 years. depleted, aircraft disposal.