Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, May 2021
P. 5

4  May 2021  Spotlight  Thunderbolt               News                                       5
                                                                                                                                               May 2021
 Chaplain’s thoughts ...  Civilians can submit retirement   FSS Airman receives                                                               Senior Master
                                                                                                                                              Sgt. James
 forms electronically using myPers                                                                                                            Smith, 944th
                                                                                                                                              Force Support
 Hurry up and slow down  for at least 24 days in the fiscal year.                                                                             Squadron force

 by Chaplain (Capt.)    Working within this context allows me   Air Force Personnel Center    Graydon Williams award                          development
 JeSuS PRADo  to see the uniqueness of the civilian   Public Affairs                                                                          superintendent,
 and military worlds. It allows me to                                                                                                         poses for a photo
 56th Fighter Wing IMA Chaplain  better understand how they’re similar   Submitting civilian retirement applications just be-                 April 9 at Luke
  A phrase that we’ve all become too   and how they’re different. However,   came a little easier. Effective April 1, civilian Airmen and   by Tech.    “I  consider myself  fortunate to have   Air Force Base.
 familiar with is COVID-19. Many of   what I keep recognizing is the pace of   Guardians can now submit their electronically-signed   SgT. neSToR CRuz  worked closely with him,” Smith said.   Smith was rec-
 us are well acquainted to this name,   acceleration within both contexts. Most   retirement forms using myPers.  “There are truly no words to express how   ognized for his
 which fundamentally changed the   of us sustain this arduous pace with an   The first and most important step in the retirement   944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs   honored I am.”  exemplary work
 course of our world within months   incredible juggling act. I’ll be the first   process remains employees notifying their supervisor   Senior Master Sgt. James Smith, 944th   Smith said he’s grateful to his leaders   in support of the
 of its onset. What’s startling to me is   to say that not only can this pace be   or local civilian personnel office of their intent to retire.   Force Support Squadron force develop-  in the wing and his squadron for selecting   wing’s mission
 The recipient of the employee’s request will then submit
 how far we’ve moved from its insidi-  exhausting, it’s also not sustainable. I’d   ment superintendent, was recognized   him for this award.  as recipient of
 ous arrival and where we’re at today.   venture to assert that these sustained   a retirement Request for Personnel Action to the Air   for his exemplary work in support of the   Maj. Jessica  Takashige, 944th FSS   the 2021 Graydon
 Force’s Personnel Center to initiate the formal process.
 It’s hard to believe that this name is   periods of exhaustion not only keep us   Once AFPC completes its action, the employee will   wing’s mission as recipient of the 2021   commander, considers Smith a crucial   Courtesy photo  Williams award.
 already antiquated and relegated to an   from stopping to smell the roses, but   receive a myPers message to the email account(s) on   Graydon Williams award.  member of her team.
 onset from two years ago. Where does   also appear to make time disappear.   Courtesy photo  file, with instructions on how to submit the electroni-  The  award, sponsored and  presented   “Senior Master Sergeant Smith regu-
 time go? The big take away for me is   The potential outcome is that life may   Chaplain (Capt.) Jesus Prado  cally signed retirement forms and documents directly   by the Tempe Chamber of Commerce, is   larly goes above and beyond expectations,
 that time really does fly. Since our time   be passing us by as we’re too busy to   through myPers.  named after Tech. Sgt. Graydon Williams,   quietly making an impact in the day-to-
 is flying, I encourage you to hurry up   stop and enjoy what we have here and   It is important to remember that employees will con-  an Air Reserve Technician who passed   day lives of Luke Airmen,”  Takashige
 and slow down. Slow down? Allow me   now — the beautiful gift of life.   effort to slow down. In fact, hurry up   tinue to use the Government Retirement and Benefits   away at an early age due to cancer.  said. “He personifies the character and
 to illustrate. Life is a gift and we’re   As I stop to contemplate these words,   and slow down. Decelerate your life and   platform for accuracy, said Sharon Mack, chief of the Ben-  Smith, who joined the wing as an ART,   traits of the late Williams, and I know
 not promised tomorrow. In fact, life is   I can’t help but bring an existential per-  use your time to appreciate what you   efits and Entitlements Service Team (BEST) here. Once   worked with Williams in 1994, a time   this award means a great deal to him
 already zipping by for those gifted the   spective to this seemingly simple, yet   have today. Go out for a walk. Stare into   forms are completed, employees can download them,   when the wing was transitioning from   because he personally knew Williams.
 opportunity of today. This reflection   often ignored, observation. So, what’s   the clouds. Find nothing to do. Relax.   electronically sign the forms using their Common Ac-  helicopters to fighter jets.  “He is one of our best yet one of our
 calls to mind a relevant quote from a   my insight? Unfortunately, I’m not a   Enjoy what you have now and find the   cess Card/Personal Identity Verification card certificate   We had fun working together,” Smith   most humble,” she added.
 wise sage known as Master Oogway,   great sage like Master Oogway, but   leisure of simplicity that has been lost   credentials, and submit them electronically via myPers.  said. “I remember him as a fun guy to be   Even as the cancer progressed in Wil-
 who reminded the Dragon Warrior   I do know a great book that gives us   in our culture, for life is a vapor. What   The team recognizes everyone may not have access   around. He had a great sense of humor   liams, Smith remembers his positive,
 that, “Yesterday is history; tomorrow   some great words of wisdom. From my   you have today is a gift, so hurry up and   to file electronically, so employees can still mail their   and enjoyed pulling pranks. Of course,   upbeat attitude.
 a mystery; today is a gift — that’s   faith tradition, in the Book of Psalms,   slow down to enjoy it.    retirement package with original signatures to the BEST.  those were character traits we had to   “I don’t remember his being negative
 why it’s called the present,” (Kung Fu   we’re told to, “Be still, and know that I   For more information, or to speak   For more information, go to myPers at https://mypers.  have to survive maintenance back in   or down about his situation,” Smith said.
 Panda, 2008).   am God,” (Psalm 46:10). These ancient   with a Chaplain or Religious Affairs For   the day.”  “Willie’s legacy lives on in this award. I
 I give you this perspective as an IMA   words of wisdom still ring true today.   Airman, please contact Luke AFB   technical and functional questions, employees should   Smith is one of the last  ARTs who   am humbled and I share this award with
 Reservist, who drills on active duty   I encourage you to make a conscious   Chapel:  856-6211.  contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) at 1-800-  worked with Williams, making this award   the men and women of that special time
 525-0102.  especially significant on a personal level.  in our wing’s history.”

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