Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, May 2021
P. 3
2 May 2021 News Thunderbolt News 3
May 2021
PHONE NUMBERS Rep. Debbie Lesko visits 944FW Airmen Future Airmen reporting for duty
Airman and Family Readiness Center .................... 623-856-6550
Airman’s Attic ......................................................... 623-856-6415 by Tech. Sgt.
Armed Forces Bank ................................................ 623-535-9766 neSToR CRuz
Base Exchange main store ...................................... 623-935-2671
Base taxi .................................................................. 623-856-6866 944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs by Tech. Sgt. deployment line gave them a great view of
Beauty shop ............................................................. 623-536-1897 U.S. Representative Debbie Lesko, CouRTneY RiChARDSon how their parents are not only concerned
Chapel ..................................................................... 623-856-6211 with getting themselves out the door but
Chapel (after duty hours) ........................................ 623-856-5600 Arizona’s 8th congressional district, 944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs also taking care of the family they are
Child development center ....................................... 623-856-6338 visited Luke Air Force Base April 10 The 944th Fighter Wing called a differ- leaving behind,” said Master Sgt. Christina
Clothing sales .......................................................... 623-856-6310 for a closer look at the 944th Fighter ent set of team members to duty in support Enterkine, 944th Mission Support Group
Club Five Six .......................................................... 623-856-6446 Wing mission. of the “Forge and Fight” mission April 10. command support staff and Operation
Command post ........................................................ 623-856-5600 During the visit, the congresswom-
Commissary ............................................................ 623-935-3821 an met Reserve Citizen Airmen from During the latest deployment recall, the Reserve Kids team lead.
Community center ................................................... 623-856-7152 throughout the 944th Fighter Wing, as Reserve Citizen Airmen traded places with After taking care of their administrative
Computer IT service desk ..................................... DSN 945-2900 their children as part of the 944th Fighter responsibilities, the children were split into
Crime Stop .............................................................. 623-856-6666 well as children participating in this Wing Operation Reserve Kids. separate groups. Half of them started their
Dental clinic ............................................................ 623-856-2273 year’s Operation Reserve Kids event. “April is Month of the Military Child, so mission getting up-close and personal with
Dermatology ........................................................... 623-856-2273 “I’m very impressed with the Air- this is the perfect occasion to highlight our an F-35 Lightning and F-16 Fighting Fal-
Dining hall .............................................................. 623-856-6396 men here at Luke AFB and the dedica- military kids and families,” said Jessica con, learning about the flight gear, weapons
Dorm management .................................................. 623-856-7841 tion they have,” Lesko said. “I met Air-
Education center ...................................................... 623-856-7722 men who are full-time Reservists here Maldonado, Airman and Family Readiness load, and the body of the each airframe.
EMERGENCY ONLY ............................................................. 911 and traditional Reservists who come director. “The purpose of Operation Reserve “I learned the top speed of these aircraft,
Equal opportunity .................................................... 623-856-7711 out one weekend a month to train, who Kids is to help children of our military how old they are, the suits the pilots wear,
Eye clinic ................................................................ 623-856-7965 families gain a better understanding and
Falcon Dunes Golf Course ...................................... 623-535-9334 also deploy and serve alongside our appreciation of not only the deployment
Family health clinic ................................................. 623-856-2273 active-duty military.” process their parents go through, but to also Courtesy photos
Family housing ........................................................ 623-388-3515 Some Airmen unexpectedly had the to learn more about what their parents do in Reserve Citizen Airmen of the 944th
Fire station .............................................................. 623-856-6641 opportunity to meet Congresswoman
Firestone Car Care .................................................. 623-271-8104 Lesko and talk about their respective the military. This event also helps enhance Security Forces Squadron give a demon-
Fitness center .......................................................... 623-856-6241 jobs. the bond between the parent and child as it stration and let military children fire M4
Flight medicine ....................................................... 623-856-2273 “I was caught a little off guard, Courtesy photos relates to their military career and opens paintball training rounds at targets while
Food court ............................................................... 623-935-2671 their eyes to all the career opportunities participating in Operation Reserve Kids
Fort Tuthill .............................................................. 623-856-3401 not knowing I was about to meet a U.S. Representative Debbie Lesko available to them if they chose to join the on Luke Air Force Base, April 10. Dur-
Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................... 623-856-6149 congresswoman,” said Senior Airman (right), Arizona district 8, meets Air Force.” ing the Month of the Military Child, the
Hobby shop ............................................................. 623-856-6722 Bijon Davis, 944th Force Support Capt. Sparkle Overstreet, 944th Upon arrival, the children went through 944th FW hosted and gave a tour to raise
Housing assistance section ...................................... 623-856-7643 Medical Squadron clinical nurse
Housing facilities section ........................................ 623-856-3007 (center), and her son Mareon, 14, registration to obtain their identification awareness for the children of what their
Housing maintenance .............................................. 623-935-2676 during a visit to Luke Air Force and swore in as a military child ready for parents do as part of their Reserve duty.
Identification cards .................................................. 623-856-7832 Base April 10. duty.
Information, tickets and travel ................................ 623-856-6000 “Your parents take an oath, or an alle- LEFT: Maj. Jordan Levine, 944th Opera-
Law enforcement desk ............................................ 623-856-5970 giance, every time they take on new rank tions Group instructor pilot, explains
Legal assistance ...................................................... 623-856-6901 to-eat and unitized-group-rations.” I will be asking the same of you before you how pressure affects the body while fly-
Library ..................................................................... 623-856-7191 Congresswoman Lesko took time leave to complete your mission,” said Col.
Lodging office/switchboard .................................... 623-856-3941 Lesko meets delayed entry program ing the F-35 Lightning during Operation
Maintenance control center ..................................... 623-856-5469 trainees during her visit to Luke Air during her tour to congratulate ORK Sean Rassas, 944th Fighter Wing vice com- Reserve Kids at Luke Air Force Base,
Marine Corps .......................................................... 623-856-2417 Force Base April 10. participants on a successful mock mander. “You are promising to follow a cer- April 10. The children were given the op-
Marine Corps 24-hour duty desk ............................ 602-421-5806 deployment. tain set of rules and as you go throughout portunity to hold the helmet, see the G-
Marketing ................................................................ 623-856-3245 “One of the most important things your day today think about them. So can suit and walk around the air frame.
Medical appointments ............................................. 623-856-2273 Squadron services apprentice. “But I can do as a member of Congress is all military children please stand and raise
Military equal opportunity ...................................... 623-856-7711 once we met, I was ready for her to make sure that our military service your right hand …” Rassas said.
Military pay ............................................................. 623-856-7028 questions, and that was my moment members are taken care of, including After the oath, the newest Airmen re- and it’s really cool to see what kind of stuff mail call and PT challenge, and received a do some of the things he has to do when he
Navy Operations Support Center ............................ 602-353-3008 of resiliency.” ceived their mission brief and shortly after
OB/GYN clinic ....................................................... 623-856-2273 their families,” she said. “It was really they drop from these aircraft,” said Ryan tour of an ambulance. comes to work.”
Office of Special Investigations .............................. 623-856-6821 Davis talked with the congress- great to see something I hadn’t seen they took off to get their affairs in order in Chambion, 14, son of Capt. Pierre Cham- “This is all new and fascinating to us,” The day wrapped-up with a welcome home
Optometrist ............................................................. 623-856-2273 woman about the role of services in before, a deployment program for the the pre-deployment line. They talked with bion, 944th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron said Kristina Telles, wife of Master Sgt. Abel party attended by the wing’s honorary com-
Orthopedic clinic ..................................................... 623-856-2273 a deployed setting — similar to what kids and how it worked. It was a really and received activities from legal, finance, officer-in-charge. Telles, 944th Logistics Readiness Squadron manders, 944th FW Reserve Citizen Airmen,
Outdoor recreation .................................................. 623-856-6267 was set up for Operation Reserve Kids. special touch.” medical, Airman and Family Readiness, The other half of the children started at and mother of Cruz, 6. “To learn the process and U.S. Representative Debbie Lesko, AZ-8.
Pass and registration ............................................... 623-856-4880 “I told her how our mock setup Overall, the tour was a success for chaplains and the Logistics Readiness the more physical portion of the tour. They and what service members go through is The 944th FW commander presented each
Patient advocate ...................................................... 623-856-8968 correlates with our services duty in a both the visiting congresswoman and Squadron. shot at targets using paintball guns, met eye-opening and this little guy is ecstatic. child a certificate of appreciation for their
Pediatric clinic ........................................................ 623-856-2273 contingency setting,” said Davis. “We the Airmen she met. “Having the children go through the pre-
Pharmacy refill call-in ............................................. 623-856-3969 Lesko speaks with honorary com- use tents we can set up at a bare base retired military working dogs, completed a Cruz idolizes his daddy and is excited to continued service in support of their parents.
Photo services ......................................................... 623-856-6168 manders during her visit to Luke “I really appreciate the men and
Post Office ............................................................... 623-935-1343 location in about an hour or two that women here at Luke and their service
Public affairs ........................................................... 623-856-6011 Air Force Base April 10. During can withstand a variety of weather to our country, because as a congress-
Recycling information ............................................ 623-856-4749 her visit, the congresswoman met conditions. We also talked about our woman my number one job is to pro-
Retiree Activities office .............................................623-856-3923 Reserve Citizen Airmen throughout mission for Airmen to have the energy tect our nation, too,” Lesko said. “Our
Rodgers Travel ........................................................ 623-856-6894 the 944th Fighter Wing, as well as to complete specific roles in the mis- Reserve Citizen Airmen play such a
Safety ...................................................................... 623-856-6941 children participating in this year’s sion. Our job is to feed every Airman, key role in that and I saw it firsthand
Security forces .........................................................623-856-5970 Operation Reserve Kids event. including pilots, using meals-ready-
Security incidents .................................................... 623-856-7777 here today.”
Service calls CE maintenance ................................. 623-856-7232
Sexual Assault Prevention/Response ...................... 623-856-4878
Shoppette ................................................................. 623-266-0040 Thunderbolt editorial staff Luke Air Force Base website and social media and is the source for articles and
Sick call ................................................................... 623-856-2273 Publisher ....................................................Aerotech News and Review photos published in the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt editor is authorized to use
South Gate VRC ...................................................... 623-856-4768 Editor ....................................................................................... Amy Lamb photos and articles from other .mil or .gov websites.
Submission deadline is at noon the 15th day prior to the month of publication.
Straight-Talk line ..................................................... 623-856-7064 Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie Contributions for the Thunderbolt can be made via email to amy@aerotechnews.
Telephone repair (Base) .......................................... 623-856-4400 Advertising sales ................................................................ 877-247-9288 com. The editor can be reached at
Thrift store .............................................................. 623-935-5782 Luke Air Force Base The Thunderbolt uses material from the Armed Forces Information Service, Air
Ticket/tour office ..................................................... 623-856-6000 Commander.................................................Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder Force News Service, AETC News Service and other sources. All advertising is han-
Travco ......................................................................855-896-7939 Public affairs chief ................................................Capt. Candice Dillitte dled by Aerotech News and Review. They can be reached by calling 877-247-9288.
Travel management office household goods ........... 623-856-6425 Command information ...................................... Tech. Sgt. Clint Atkins Contents of the Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or en-
TMO passenger travel ............................................. 623-856-7035 dorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department
Transient alert ......................................................... 623-856-6204 Editorial Information of the Air Force.
Travel pay ............................................................... 623-856-7028 For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-
Vehicle maintenance ............................................... 623-935-6576 and click on PDF edition ments, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by Reserve Citizen Airmen children listen to their team lead, 2nd Lt. Solomon Waddles,
Veterinary services .................................................. 623-856-6354 The Thunderbolt is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no the DOD, the DAF or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this
Weather ................................................................... 623-856-6805 way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 56th publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard 944th Maintenance Group, as he introduces himself during Operation Reserve Kids
to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
Wellness center ....................................................... 623-856-2273 Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. This civilian enterprise Air Force news- political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. All at Luke Air Force Base, April 10. The children got a behind-the-scenes look at an
paper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. military services.
Youth center ............................................................ 623-856-7470 The 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office prepares all editorial content for the photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated. Waddles teaches little Airmen how to salute during Operation Reserve Kids at Luke F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-35 Lightning, met some retired working dogs, ate field
Air Force Base, April 10. rations, and shot at targets with paintball guns.