Page 14 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, June 2021
P. 14


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       MONDAY @ NOON          All real estate advertised
     the week of publication.  in this publication is subject
                             to the Federal Fair Housing          Local • Regional • National
   The Thunderbolt is published   Act of 1968, which makes it
    the 1st Friday of the month.  illegal to advertise any
                               preference, limitation or
           Services          discrimination based on race
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                               origin, or an intention to
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                              A CFC participant - provided as a public service

                     A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
        CURE       PREVENT          TREAT


                            Have an entrepreneurial spirit?
                            Searching for new challenges?
                            This  is  an  established,  full-
                            service,  B2B  signage  business
                            for  sale,  owner  is  planning  for
    retirement. Company specializes in custom B2B signage, including
    fabrication and installation. Over 15 year history in the West Valley and
    has significant repeat business. All employees are fully trained and
    capable of handling day-to-day operations.  Great opportunity in an
    expanding and growing Phoenix metropolitan market. Owner will stay
    on to train you!  This is a trusted brand with a proven business model.
    SBA pre-approved for qualified buyers.  For more information call
    John Byrne, 480-579-4688, HUB Commercial.
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