Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, June 2021
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10     June 2021                                                  news                                                                Thunderbolt                                                                                             11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         June 2021

   DAF releases update on telework, remote work guidance                                                    ARizoNA                        (from Page 7)

                                                                                                             “We had to be very judicious about where we go and
                 by                  by the squadron commander, or       “Although not everyone will be a   how many people we can commit to any particular site,
          SeCReTARY oF               equivalent, with input from super-  candidate for tele- and remote work, al-  because the numbers were low. But, when we got the
          The AiR FoRCe              visors. Commanders, or equivalent,   lowing this flexibility to those who are   944th Fighter Wing Airmen, we were able to send them
                                     will consider the nature of the work   makes it easier to serve,” Kelly said.  out to the smaller counties where they have vaccine sites
              Public Affairs                                                                                that are only open one or two days a week,” Leeper said.
                                     performed, and assess whether per-  Remote work differs from telework
     WAShinGTon  — The  Depart-      mitting telework or remote work   in that it is a permanent arrangement   One of these Airmen explained that being able to use
   ment of the Air Force recently re-  would diminish the ability to perform   in which employees perform official   her annual tour in this way was not just rewarding,
   leased updated guidance concerning   successfully or negatively impact the   duties at an approved alternative   but educational.
   the use of telework and remote work   mission. Even if a specific position is   location, but not necessarily in the   “As a nurse, I already had the skills to administer the
   for all civilian employees and service   determined ineligible for telework or   vicinity of the unit to which they are   shots, but what I got from this experience is seeing how
   members worldwide, to include active   remote work, there may be circum-  assigned. For civilians, this location   these PODs operate and how the organizations came
   duty, Guard and Reserve Airmen and   stances when the Airman/Guardian   may be in or outside of the local com-  together to set up and operate a incident command
   active duty Guardians.            in this position may be considered   muting area of the regular worksite,   system for a big response like this,” said Reserve Air-
     The DAF guidance memorandum,    for telework on an emergency or situ-  but they aren’t required to report to   man Senior Airman Danielle Ippolito, 944th Medical
   DoDI1035.01_DAFI 36-816 Telework   ational basis.                   the regular worksite on any frequent,   Squadron. “It’s tiring but it’s rewarding. Knowing that
   Program, provides necessary clarifica-  “Telework and remote work pro-  regular or recurring basis. For service   I am helping slow the spread and helping normalize
   tion and expands the Department’s   vides additional tools and options to   members approved to work remotely,   things again makes these 12 hour days worth it.”
   use  of telework and remote work   help us recruit and retain the right   they will perform work in an operat-  The relief these communities felt when service
   based on current lessons learned,   talent to compete in the high-end fu-  ing location that is geographically   members began showing up was immediately noticed
   pending a comprehensive review of   ture fight,” said Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly,   separated from their  assigned  unit.   by fellow staffers.
   the Department of the Air Force tele-  Air Force deputy chief of staff for man-  Arrangements would be made to gain   “Having that availability of qualified staff to be able
   work program.                     power, personnel and services. “With   support from the closest installation.  to come into the community and provide their services
     “The Department of the Air Force   remote work, we can now attract   The updated guidance also outlines   is critical for us,” Nelson said.  “It was really a plug
   is using lessons learned about tele-  someone with the specialized skills we   conditions for designation of an of-  and play situation. The service members are very mis-
   working and remote work during    need and not require them to relocate   ficial worksite, equipment and office   sion and orders driven so that makes it easy for us.
   the pandemic as an opportunity to   when it makes sense for the mission,   supplies, emergency situations, work   They have been training and operating in larger scale
   grow,” said John  Fedrigo, acting  as-  the individual and a member’s devel-  schedules and compensation, time   scenarios throughout their careers, so they can easily
   sistant secretary of the Air Force for   opment. We recognize the value these   and attendance, telework training,   jump in, get directions, and perform without hesitation.”
   manpower and Reserve affairs. “The   flexible work arrangements can have,   performance management, and tele-  Army Guard Spc. Karston Gardner, Combat Medic,
   pandemic has shown we can be suc-  in some circumstances, to enhance   work and remote work denial and   856th Military Police Company, expressed how easy it
   cessful using telework in many areas   work-life balance and maximize or-  termination.                  was to work alongside the Reserve Airmen.
   of our mission, and it helps to bridge   ganizational productivity.”  For more information, see the DAF   “The overall goal for this task force is to get these
   our current force structure to the force   The duties and tasks of staff posi-  Telework and Remote Work Guide or   communities and Arizona to the other side of this
   we need for the future.”          tions are generally more suited for   reference the DAF guidance memo-  COVID-19 pandemic and we will continue to work at
     Position eligibility is determined   full-time telework and remote work.  randum.                      it,” Leeper said.

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