Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, June 2021
P. 5
4 June 2021 spotlight Thunderbolt news 5
June 2021
Chaplain’s thoughts ... Air Force releases updated Asian American, Pacific Islander Heritage Month
However, fitness is not a mononym for physi- fitness test score breakdown
Maximize your fitness cal superiority. Fitness can include your mental,
Chaplain (Capt.) physical, social and spiritual pillars. It does not by by and contributions of Asian American and Pacific
ChASe RoTmAn matter how fast I can run if I do not have my SeCReTARY oF The AiR FoRCe 355th WinG Islanders.
spiritual foundation set upon my God to endure The rich AAPI heritage spans across the
IMA Chaplain, 56th Fighter Wing difficult seasons of life. Public Affairs Equal Opportunity Office world and through the depths of America’s his-
I have a goal to be- If I am to be the Air Force’s fittest Chaplain, WAShinGTon — The Air Force will resume physical fitness testing The Department of Defense celebrates Asian tory. Generation after generation, AAPI mem-
come the Air Force’s then my competitive drive must leak into my July 1 with only three components: push-ups, sit-ups and the 1.5-mile American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month bers have forged a proud legacy that reflects
fittest Chaplain. spiritual care and fortitude. I must have zeal run. every May. May was chosen as the dedicated the spirit of our nation — a country that values
This is a made-up for my spirituality that makes sure I am just as Without the waist measurement as a scored component, push-ups month to celebrate the anniversary of the first the contributions of everyone who calls America
game I created with ready as — or potentially more ready — than and sit-ups will increase from 10 to 20 points each, while the 1.5-mile Japanese immigrants to America in 1843. This home. America is known as a melting pot of dif-
no real award, but I the Airmen beside me. run will remain at 60 points. Scoring will fall into five-year age groups, dynamic celebration recognizes the various ferent ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds. It
created it because I In my faith tradition, the Apostle Paul writes as opposed to the previous 10. obstacles faced by Asian Americans, Pacific Is- has taken many years and many brave citizens
am driven by com- to a young man named Timothy, “for while The waist measurement will no longer be required as part of the landers, and Native Hawaiians and honors their to propel this nation in becoming a worldwide
petition. By nature, bodily training is of some value, godliness is of physical fitness test but a separate assessment of body composition, countless contributions in American history. influencer. The DoD would be remiss to not cel-
I am a competitive value in every way, as it holds promise for the as required by DoD Instruction 1308.3, starting in October. Testing for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage ebrate the Asian American and Pacific Islanders
person, and I want- present life and also for the life to come.” If we body composition may continue to use some form of waist measurement Month serves as an annual reminder of the that have gotten us here today.
ed to create a way to do not have the drive to hold fast to our spiri- and may be administered during PT testing to reduce scheduling and many individuals that put their life on the line For more information about Asian American
Chaplain (Capt.) Chase Rotman compare myself to tual core tenants, then the rest of our “house” administrative burdens, but body composition will not be a component to protect this great nation, dating all the way and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, please
my peers in terms of will begin to crumble, because we will lose the of the PT test itself. Further details on the body composition program back to the Civil War. One of the most highly contact the 355th Wing Equal Opportunity of-
good stewardship of body. The sport of CrossFit drive to know who we are and what we are for. will be released at a later date. decorated units in military history is an all- fice at 228-5509, or visit: https://www.deomi.
allows me to tap into that competitive drive and We lose the drive for this present life and the The Air Force has also worked on alternative strength and cardio- Japanese American unit from WWII that earned org/human-relations/special-observances.cfm.
work with the best athletes around me. life you hope to discover down the road. vascular testing exercise options with plans to announce them in the 9,485 Purple Hearts, eight Presidential Unit
However, though there can be healthy com- Do more than be competitive with your physi- coming weeks. Once announced, members and fitness monitors will have Citations and 21 Medals of Honor.
petition, sometimes it can be distorted and cal fitness. Be competitive with your spiritual approximately six months to familiarize themselves with use and execu- In 2017, Congress awarded Filipino WWII The Department of Defense celebrates Asian
misused. For example, when I was a young boy, fitness too, because it is of value in every way tion of the alternative testing options prior to having them available in veterans with Congressional Gold Medals for American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
I was considered a “poor sport” by everyone who as it holds the promise for the present life and January 2022. Members will have a choice of which testing options they their service and to honor the 260,000 Filipinos every May. May was chosen as the dedicated
knew me. Pouting, shouting and angry stomps (depending on your faith tradition) the life to choose for their physical fitness assessment components. The six-month that fought alongside of them. Our military month to celebrate the anniversary of the first
were common for me after a loss. Even today — come. timeline will help ensure fitness assessment cells are prepared to train history is rich in diversity and has had an Japanese immigrants to America in 1843. This
for the longevity of my marriage — my spouse For more information about Luke AFB Chap- physical training leaders to administer tests using the new options. abundance of like-minded people fighting for dynamic celebration recognizes the various ob-
and I do not play board games against each lain Corps programs and events, “like” us on These changes align under the Air Force’s Action Order Airmen, a greater cause. Equal Opportunity special- stacles faced by Asian Americans, Pacific Is-
other because we are too competitive and both Facebook @ Luke AFB Chapel. Feeling like people-first approach. ists are ensuring each American installation landers, and Native Hawaiians and honors their
hate losing. you need to talk? Give us a call: 623-856-6211. For additional information, Airmen can visit myPers or the Air Force’s is teaching its populace about the rich culture countless contributions in American history. Courtesy graphic
Personnel Center’s fitness program page.
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ENTERPRISE - B1122-013212-14 ENT MAFF Print Adaptation [ Studio Artist: Ruben Mejia ]
Client: USAA Bleed: 9.5" x 6.5" Job Colors: 4CP Ink Name:
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Issue Date: 2021 Keyline Scale: 100%
Creation Date: 5-6-2021 5:26 PM
Last Modified: 5-24-2021 12:09 PM