Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, June 2021
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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen” June 2021
Vol. 20, No. 6
INSIDE Denmark F-35A in training soars over Luke
Story and photos by A Royal Danish air
Airman 1st Class force F-35A Lightning
StorIES DominiC TYLeR II fighter jet assigned
Committed to family, country, 2 56th Fighter Squadron to the 308th Fighter
Squadron at Luke
Luke Airman saves 28 lives, 3 The Royal Danish air force Air Force Base soars
Luke AFB improves launch, achieved a milestone in the over Bagdad, Arizona,
recovery, 3 F-35 training program by us- May 5. RDAF recently
Chaplain’s thoughts, 4 ing a Denmark-owned F-35A received two of seven
Lightning II for the first time in
Updated Air Force fitness test, 4 a training flight over Luke Air F-35s that will support
Asian American, Pacific Islander Force Base, May 5. Danish pilot training at
Heritage Month, 5 During the flight, a Danish Luke.
Bringing home silver medal, 6 pilot flew alongside U.S. Air
Joining Forces for Arizona, 7 Force and Royal Netherlands air A U.S. Air Force, a Royal Danish
air force and a Royal Netherlands
force F-35s. Lt. Col. Matt “HAIL”
Police Week, 8/9 Cisar, 308th Fighter Squadron air force F-35A Lightning II fighter
From the outside in, 12 commander, said this mission jet assigned to the 308th Fighter
underscores the cooperation be- Squadron, Luke Air Force Base fly
tween the allied countries. in formation May 5 over Bagdad,
“Today is yet another mile- Arizona. The flight marked the first
stone in the progression of train- training sortie featuring a Danish
ing for all our F-35 partners,” pilot flying a Denmark-owned F-35.
said Cisar. “Now that we have Denmark is one of many countries
the Danish flying their own participating in Luke AFB’s F-35
Continue to get Luke’s latest jets, we will continue receiving training program, which is de-
signed to integrate pilots, foreign
news and information from more of their aircraft to instruct and domestic, into a common set
these sources: https://www. the next generation of pilots in of tactics and advanced technolo- Denmark.” gies and enables them to execute Two Danish officers, enrolled the mission as one unit.
and social media
in the F-35 program since No- to have seven RDAF F-35s for
Luke56thFW @LukeAFB
vember 2020, have been train- Denmark pilot training by 2023.
Luke is currently training
Date of publication ing in U.S. and RNLAF aircraft. fighter pilots from other coun-
The first two RDAF jets arrived
First Friday at Luke AFB for pilot training tries such as Italy, Norway and
of the month April 13. Singapore.
RDAF pilot “MON,” 308th FS “It’s truly remarkable to come
Submission deadline F-35 test pilot, shared his experi- into a fighter squadron in which
15th day of the month ence flying the first RDAF F-35. a U.S. pilot might fly a Danish
“I’m truly humbled to be cho-
prior to date of publication sen as the first Danish pilot,” said jet alongside a Dutch pilot flying
a U.S. jet,” said Cisar. “It shows
Veterans MON. “This is the beginning of a all the work that’s gone into the
F-35 program, the partnerships
new era for the Danish air force
and our partnership with the and how much we rely on each
Tell us Your Story United States. Since I arrived other to get the mission done.”
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees at Luke, I have received truly The F-35 training program
All military branches are included amazing support from the 308th is designed to integrate pilots,
Email name, phone number and a and everyone here on base.” foreign and domestic, into a com-
brief description of your service to Georgia Lord, Goodyear mayor, greets Royal Danish air force According to Cisar, two ad- mon set of tactics and advanced pilot “MON,” 308th Fighter Squadron F-35 test pilot, after his ditional Danish F-35s were ex- technologies enabling them to
first flight in a Danish F-35, May 5 at Luke Air Force Base. pected in May. Luke is projected execute the mission as one unit.
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