Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, June 2021
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6 June 2021 news Thunderbolt news 7
June 2021
Bringing home silver medal Joining forces for Arizona
by Tech. Sgt. bilities of the Arizona National Guard and is
CouRTneY RiChARDSon considered Defense Support of Civil Authori-
by Tech. Sgt. “Gunsmoke” was the USAF’s air-to- tactical problem scenarios with moving ties mission.
CouRTneY RiChARDSon ground gunnery and bombing competition vehicles while dealing with multiple restric- 944th Fighter Wing and Arizona National Guard “Our mandate — the Adjutant General
with multiple airframes held at Nellis AFB, tions and timing constraints, and finally a Public Affairs
944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs of the Arizona National Guard, also called
Nevada. When they discontinued that event combat search and rescue scenario.” SALT RiveR PimA-mARiCoPA in- TAG — is to fill gaps that exist in the com-
Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 924th in 1995, Col. Cliff Latta of the Michigan Air The maintenance units often compete in a DiAn CommuniTY, Ariz. — COVID-19 munity in response to COVID-19,” Leeper
Fighter Group competed in Hawgsmoke National Guard initiated “Hawgsmoke” and Marshalling and Spot on Parking Competi- took the world by storm, forcing everyone to said. “Over the period of one year we have
2021 at Moody AFB, Georgia, April 13-17. held its first competition in 2002. tion, however, unique to this year’s event prepare for the worst kind of emergency — the been adjusting our focus on what the most
This biennial aerial competition is de- This competition is traditionally held was the addition of the first-ever Weapons unknown. Countries were forced to put their important need is for the community and
signed to test the bombing, missile and biennially at the previous winners’ instal- Load Crew Competition. emergency preparedness and response train- what the gaps are.”
tactical gunnery skills of the pilots and lation. However, due to COVID-19 restric- “It was an excellent addition,” said Lt. ing to test on a real-world scale. As vaccines were released, communities
maintainers of the U.S. Air Force A-10C tions, the host delayed the 2020 event Col. Whitney Lee, 924th AMXS commander. Once scientists began to dissect the virus, around Arizona were faced with the challenge
Thunderbolt II aircraft. The 47th Fighter opting to host it in 2021. “The maintenance community, especially the vaccine was created. The struggle for many of setting up and staffing locations that were Courtesy photo
Squadron and the 924th Aircraft Mainte- The competition consists of A-10 Thun- weapons, takes a great deal of pride in communities was how to efficiently distribute accessible to the majority of their residents for Reserve Senior Airman Danielle Ippolito, 944th Medical Squadron nurse, and Army
nance Squadron, under the 924th Fighter derbolt II four-ship teams from around the mastering their craft and displaying their it without breaking the safety recommenda- them to obtain the vaccination. Guard Spc. Karston Gardner, Combat Medic, 856th Military Police Company, pre-
Group, made up one of 13 units from world, fighting to be considered the “Best comradery amongst their teammates. Any tions set forth by the Centers for Disease “When we got the demand of 1,200 vaccines pare to administer COVID-19 shots to Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
around the world to compete at this year’s of the Best” in ground attack and target opportunity to showcase their teamwork Control. That is how the military got involved. for one day, our core group of employees that residents at the Salt-River Point of Dispensing site, March 26. As part of the Arizona
Hawgsmoke. destruction. and loading skills is a privilege.” The U.S. Armed Forces are constantly had to be able to pull that off was strained,” National Guard Task Force Medical, servicemembers are augmenting vaccination
“Hawgsmoke is the last great aerial “The 47th FS participated in the flying The Airmen participated in a squadron- The 47th Fighter Squadron competed training on emergency preparedness. They said Terry Nelson, a Salt River Pima-Maricopa sites for communities with low staffing and a high demand.
gunnery competition,” said Col. Abel Ra- competition,” Ramos said. “It consists of level competition to earn the right to take against 13 other A-10 Thunderbolt II practice often and are tested on their ability Indian Community Point of Dispensing man-
mos, 924th FG commander. “It was built airborne bombing and gunnery — because part in Hawgsmoke 2021. teams, winning 2nd place overall, dur- to respond accordingly. Communities within ager. “We definitely reached out and used our Then, we fill in and help them until they get of the ways was to reach out to the Army, Air
upon the ashes of the classic Gunsmoke it’s the Hawg of course, and everyone wants “This encourages Airmen to continue to ing the Hawgsmoke 2021 competition Arizona sought help from their federal first Federal partners to be able to augment some their operations going fluidly for themselves.” Force, and Navy Reserves.”
Competition.” to hear the mighty BRRRTTT — solving perform at their highest level and challenge at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., April 13- line of defense, the Arizona National Guard. of the vaccinations (and this POD as a whole) As the need across the state continued to It is not a common practice for medics
one another to be the best maintenance 17. The units were tested on airborne “We stood up Task Force Medical about a to meet that demand.” grow, Leeper realized he didn’t have the man- from the U.S. Air Force Reserve to work
professionals and teammates they can be,” bombing and gunnery, solving tactical year ago — right at the beginning of the out- Leeper explained that his task force only ning to facilitate the request. So, he began to alongside members from the Air and Army
Lee said. “Load competitions will now be a problem scenarios with moving vehicles break,” said Col. Tom Leeper, Arizona Army steps in to assist when requested, and that’s use his resources to get more assistance. National Guard stateside, which made his
regular occurrence at future Hawgsmoke while dealing with multiple restrictions National Guard State Surgeon and Task Force what began to happen all over the state. “About four months ago, things were ramp- his request a unique one. However, Leeper
competitions and my Airmen are already and timing constraints, and finally a Medical commander. “Since then we’ve done “We do all sort of things, like helping the ing up pretty quickly and Task Force Med is had no problem getting Reserve Airmen
strategizing on how they will win the next combat search and rescue scenario. personal protection equipment procurement community with the flow, setup, and planning pretty small. We don’t have a whole lot of medi- from the 944th Fighter Wing at Luke Air
one.” and distribution, nursing home support, test- of their PODs,” Leeper said. “There are 15 cal professionals and medics that can just go Force Base to volunteer their assistance
Although they were there to face up Hawgsmoke with a ‘Lost Hawg’ ceremony.” ing, and now we’ve moved into the vaccination counties in Arizona and 15 different ways of all over the state,” Leeper said. “As we started during this pandemic.
against other maintenance teams, these During that ceremony the attendees business.” doing things. No POD is the same, and we help running low on folks, I had to figure out other
“Outlaws” didn’t let the drive to win over- gather and call out the names of each Hawg This level of response is one of the responsi- when asked. The agencies plan their PODs. ways to get more boots on the ground. One See ARizoNA, Page 10
ride their duty to wingmanship. Driver that they have lost over the years,
“There was an Indiana Air National paying tribute to their sacrifice.
Guard load crew that showed up to par- “This is an emotional event that reminds
ticipate but did not have a certified team us of our friends that have preceded us,”
chief so one of my senior noncommissioned Ramos said.
officers stepped up and volunteered to lead At the end of the day, the 47th Fighter
them so they were able to compete,” Lee Squadron finished on the competition po-
said. “This type of above-and-beyond effort dium.
and team spirit is one of the many reasons “Of the 13 teams, the ‘Terrible Termites’
I am so proud of my Airmen and their con- finished in 2nd place overall,” Ramos said.
tributions to one another as a maintenance This year’s winner was the 190th Fighter
family.” Squadron out of Gowen Field Air National
While this event serves to rack and stack Guard Base in Boise, Idaho. They now have
these elite A-10 teams, it also brings the the privilege of hosting the next competi-
community together for another purpose. tion, allowing the Termites and Outlaws to
“While the competition is worthwhile, try and win their fourth Hawgsmoke title.
the comradery is really the highlight of “Regardless of the competition, we will
Hawgsmoke,” Ramos said. “Every com- continue celebrating the ‘Hawg’ culture,
petition is a Hawg Driver Reunion. We mindset, and those who have come before
take advantage of this and open up each us,” Ramos said.
Courtesy photos
(Left to Right) Majors Robert Carpenter, Daniel Levy, James Buchanan, and Ryan
Cummings, 47th Fighter Squadron pilots, pose for a photo before stepping to their
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs during the Hawgsmoke 2021 competition at Moody Air Force
Base, Ga., April 13-17. The competition consisted of A-10 Thunderbolt II four-ship Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 924th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron wait for the
teams from around the world fighting to be considered the ‘Best of the Best’ in Weapons Load Crew Competition to begin during the Hawgsmoke 2021 competition
ground attack and target destruction. These pilots brought home 2nd place over- at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., April 13-17. In past years’ events the maintainers par-
all. The 47th FS, a flying squadron in the 924th Fighter Group at Davis-Monthan Air ticipated in the Marshalling and Spot on Parking Competition, however, unique to
Force Base, Arizona, is a Geographically Separated Unit of the 944th Fighter Wing. this year’s event was the addition of the first-ever Weapons Load Crew Competition.