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From the street to a home of one’s own

   by Alisha Semchuck
   staff writer
     For the Antelope Valley’s population
   of low-income and homeless veterans
   and their families, some hope prevails
   that they can move from the precarious
   housing situations they endure night
   and day, to a secure dwelling complete
   with kitchen, bedrooms, a living room
   and indoor plumbing — essentially a
   place to call home.
     That vision is becoming possible
   through the efforts of an organization
   called Homes4Families, a nonprofit
   group, and its network of corporate and
   community partners. After successfully
   constructing Veteran Enriched Neigh-
   borhoods in several Southern California
   communities, most recently in Santa
   Clarita, fundraising is underway for the
   newest Homes4Families development
   in the city of Palmdale. Hunt Braly,
   Homes4Families Board of Directors
   chairman, outlined the financial needs
   for the project to a group of more than
   100 community leaders and dignitaries
   who attended an informational lunch
   March 26 at the Antelope Valley Coun-
   try Club.
     According to Braly, the organization
   is seeking corporate, foundation and                                                                                                    Courtesy photograph
   community contributions of $56,000   An artists’ rendition of a Palmdale Veteran Enriched Neighborhood home. Homes4Families has broken ground on a 56-home Veteran Enriched Neighborhood
   per home, with $40,000 of that go-  for low-income veteran families. The 10-acre site at Avenue R and Division Street will include a community garden and a community playground. All the homes
   ing toward construction and $16,000   will be single-story, and several will be fully ADA accessible units.
   for enrichment services and the com-
   munity common areas. The Palmdale
   project will include 56 units, with 10   We want to prevent homelessness, to   CalVet and other foundations, we can   also get invited to special events and   Palmdale City Councilwoman Laura
   of them being fully ADA compliant,   the extent we can. We have a model   build quicker and get these families in   have their participation announced to   Bettencourt said she not only supports
   to accommodate veterans with special   where we can build homes and charge   faster.”     the media. A contribution of $5,000   the project as a city official, but also
   health needs. Braly said only 2 percent   the same amount as a one-bedroom   “I carry my own general contrac-  allows them up to 20 TEAMBuild par-  backs it for personal reasons. “We
   of the funding raised for the Palmdale   apartment,” Deutchman said.  tor’s license,” said Brailey Franco, the   ticipants, with packages available for   have the Air Force Base as our neigh-
   community will go toward administra-  That means veterans can afford the   general site superintendent. He told the   groups of up to 60 participants.   bor.” In addition, Bettencourt said her
   tive and overhead costs. The balance of   homes “and move up the economic   crowd that 40 percent of the work is   “We’re all here for the common   father and her stepfather served in
   funds go toward services and construc-  ladder,” Deutchman noted. “They also   handled by volunteers. With subcon-  good,” DeLeon said. “You become part   the same war, at the same time. Her
   tion costs. $3.1 million in total funds   need to have that continuum of care,”   tractors and volunteers at the construc-  of something bigger.”  grandfather, a World War II veteran
   are needed for the project.   in areas including financial literacy,   tion site, Franco said, “it’s great to work   “We build a community,” Braly said.   and part of the Greatest Generation,
     “The city of Palmdale has been tre-  health and wellness, child develop-  beside each other. It keeps the costs   “They are veterans. They are neigh-
   mendously supportive,” Braly said of   ment and trauma care to treat the invis-  down when volunteers come out. Grad-  bors.”  suffered severe Post-Traumatic Stress
   the project planned for construction at   ible wounds of war. “That’s why we’re   ing is one job volunteers do. We have   “They develop a support system for   Disorder. Because he dealt with finan-
   Avenue R and Division Street. Palm-  doing the Enriched Neighborhood   footings we have to put in. Volunteers   each other within their community,”   cial hardships, he lived in a Quonset
   dale contributed the land, he noted.  Program for veterans.” The program   help put down sandbags. It’s blood,   said Bridgett Mills, senior director of   hut, where he committed suicide. That
     This project also has the backing of   is based on proven results, as well as   sweat and tears in every one of these   Program Design and Urban Planning.   experience makes the Homes4Families
   local elected officials including As-  over 10 years of research, and includes   homes. Volunteers love our program.   They also have support from the larger   project deeply personal to her.
   semblyman Tom Lackey, R-Palmdale;   a partnership with the California De-  It is the true American Dream.”  community, she added.  In addition to larger financial con-
   State Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita;   partment of Veterans Affairs. More   Donielle DeLeon, director of Corpo-  Braly emphasized that partnerships   tributions and the corporate and group
   Los Angeles County 5th District Su-  than 380 families have been served in   rate and Community Engagement, fo-  are key to the success of the Homes-  TEAMBuild programs, opportunities
   pervisor Kathryn Barger; Congress-  five Enriched Neighborhoods to date.  cused on TEAMBuild, a program for   4Families program. In addition to the   for individuals to get involved with
   woman Katie Hill, D-Acton; and the   This program gives recipients af-  corporate and association groups to get   city of Palmdale, the Vets4Veterans   Homes4Families are also available. A
   entire Palmdale City Council. Former   fordable, permanent housing. Deutch-  involved. Corporations like Northrop   organization became a partner.   “Hard Hats for Heroes” Club is avail-
   Congressman Steve Knight and wife   man said they build equity over time   Grumman, Lockheed Martin and An-  Tom Hilzendeger, president and   able, which accepts monthly contribu-
   Lily, Homes4Families volunteers, also   and they can’t flip the homes. That’s   telope Valley Chevrolet in Lancaster   founder of Vets4Veterans, said he has
   showed their support by attending the   part of the agreement. Also, if they are   decided on an amount of money they   a veteran family that was homeless   tions of between $10 and $50, which
   event.                        physically capable, they must contrib-  want to contribute and then a group   already living in a Lancaster home   go directly to building homes and
     “Why did we do this in the Antelope   ute 500 hours to some part of the build-  of company employees and managers   his group purchased and renovated —   futures for low-income veterans and
   Valley?” Donna Deutchman, chief ex-  ing process “as part of the deal.”  spend a day working at the construction   that group’s first home. It is meant as   their families. Opportunities for indi-
   ecutive officer and president of Homes-  Grading of the Palmdale site is un-  site — a sort of pay-to-play approach.  a transitional dwelling for temporary   vidual build volunteers are also avail-
   4Families asked rhetorically. “There’s   derway, with utility installation to fol-  DeLeon said participants kick off   residents. That family is expected   able throughout the year.
   more than 15,000 veterans in the Ante-  low. The first 15 families will be able   the day with a continental breakfast   to eventually move into a house in   Veterans who are in need of hous-
   lope Valley,” she said, answering her   to move into their homes in 2020,   and they receive TEAMBuild T-shirts.   Palmdale’s Veteran Enriched Neigh-  ing are invited to begin the application
   own question. “That’s more than six   Braly said. “As we can raise money up   Then they have lunch with a veteran   borhood.  process at any time. To qualify, you
   times the national average. That says   front, and leverage what we get from   family who qualified for a home. They   Veteran families that qualify for the   must have a DD-214 with an honor-
   something about your community. You                                                       Homes4Families program must be at   able discharge or code equivalent, be
   have a spirit.”                                                                           a low-income status, and have some   low-income, and a first-time homebuy-
     Deutchman said Homes4Families                                                           source of income to pay a mortgage.
   makes every effort to collaborate with                                                    They must also be first-time home   er (must not have owned a home in the
   the various veterans’ programs that al-                                                   buyers willing to contribute 500 hours   last three years). Lack of creditworthi-
   ready exist locally. “We never want to                                                    in the construction process.  ness is not an obstacle to applying. As-
   take away. We want to add. The city is                                                      Sophia Reyes, the housing coordi-  sisting applicants with financial coun-
   behind us. The county is behind us. The                                                   nator in Palmdale’s Neighborhood Ser-  seling and credit repair is part of the
   state is behind us.                                                                       vices Department, said both her sons   service offered by Homes4Families.
     “There is a desperate problem of                                                        are Marine veterans and the Homes-  To get involved, visit www.Homes-
   homelessness amongst our veterans.                                                        4Families program gives them hope., or call 818-884-8808.
                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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