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Partnerships lay foundation for a vet’s new home

          by Alisha Semchuck                                Afghanistan. He had been awarded a Purple Heart. He also left the
          staff writer                                      military diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which likely
                                                            contributed to his bleak financial picture.
           Sometimes it takes a village to lift a veteran’s family up from the   The family’s third child is due to be born within the next two
          depths of poverty, or at least the joint efforts of civic-minded folks   months. The veteran’s wife had been working, until she suffered
          running nonprofit organizations.                  some complications with the pregnancy and her doctor ordered her
           Vets4Veterans recently joined forces with Homes4Families and   to rest until the birth. For this family, it seemed everything that could
          other partnering entities to accomplish that venture for one veteran,   go wrong, did.
          his wife and their children, a family that hit a rough spot in life.  Then again, curve balls can go straight. Hilzendeger said the vet-
           The family’s identity is being withheld for privacy reasons, but   eran “got hired on at Edwards (Air Force Base), but he was still
          their living conditions have been documented by the folks that res-  homeless. He’ll be able to work there and retire there. On that basis,
          cued them. Tom Hilzendeger, president and founder of Vets4Veter-  we decided to give him a chance.”
          ans, said the administrators from Homes4Families approached his   The family has been living in the Vets4Veterans transitional house
          organization after learning they had purchased and refurbished a   since early March, Hilzendeger said. They can stay in that temporary
          small transitional house in Lancaster, the first of a few projects they   dwelling from six months to one year — the maximum.
          plan to attempt in coming years.                    A representative from Homes4Families “came out and interviewed
           “We had a meeting a year ago,” Hilzendeger said. “We found out
          that we complement each other.”                   (the veteran) at our request,” Hilzendeger said.
                                                              “Now we nurture the relationship further,” said John Wartinger, a
           That’s when the common mission of both organizations began.  Veteran Services Specialist with Homes4Families. “Our representa-
           Enter another nonprofit — representatives from Mental Health
          America of Los Angeles in the Antelope Valley. That agency works   tive found ways to help them qualify (for a mortgage), and met with
          with adults and transition-age youth dealing with mental health issues,   the family within the first month of them being in the temporary
          people who are financially strapped — including homeless veterans.  home. Hopefully a year from now, they’ll qualify to buy a (Homes-
           Mental Health America provides health care services and various   4Families) home.”
          other benefits such as housing services and life skill programs. Hil-  “If they have credit issues,” Wartinger said, “they’ll be working on
          zendeger said a representative from Mental Health America referred   cleaning those up. We are not FICO-based. That’s an important thing.
          the veteran and his family to Vets4Veterans, primarily because of   We check their income to their debt (ratio) and suggest ways to lower
          the transitional house.                           that debt.” “If this works out,” Wartinger said, “they go from a car
           “We’re the first step for somebody that’s homeless. We’re the first   to temporary housing, getting on their feet and ultimately qualifying
          step to get them off the street,” Hilzendeger said. “We interview the   for their own, brand new home.”
          veterans. If we like what they have to say, if it sounds like they want   Miracles are possible, but they needn’t be spectacular, like win-  Photograph by Alisha Semchuck
          to better themselves,” then they can move forward. “They have to   ning millions in the lottery. For some people, finally having a place   John Wartinger (left), a Veteran Services Specialist with
          show some initiative to better themselves.”       to call home is a miracle — simply put, the basics that most people   Homes4Families, and  Tom Hilzendeger (right), president
           In the case of the veteran referred by Mental Health America, who   take for granted.              and founder of Vets4Veterans, were both on hand for the
          served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 2007 to 2014, he was living   If you’d like to support the Vets4Veterans transitional     Homes4Families event March 26.
          in a car with his pregnant wife and their two children. During his   home, visit their website at, or
          service, he had been stationed in Okinawa, Japan, then deployed to   call 661-714-0545.

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