Page 10 - Luke AFB edition Aerotech 5-22-15
P. 10

Veteran’s News


DOD News                                      point, America remembers the sacri-                                                 KHULWDJH$PHULFDQ FRPEDW DYLDWLRQ
   They may move more slowly than             said. She remembered the allies from                                                represents the technical prowess, in-
WKH\ GLG LQ  EXW :RUOG :DU ,,    Britain, Poland, France and resistance                                              QRYDWLRQDQGEUDYHU\RIDJUHDWJHQ-
                                              PRYHPHQWV WKURXJKRXW (XURSH 6KH
veterans were out in force at the Na-         remembered the sacrifices of Russia                                                 eration,” she said. “As we face future
WLRQDO:RUOG:DU,,0HPRULDORQWKH          and the nations that then made up the                                               FKDOOHQJHVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVZHFDUU\
                                              Soviet Union.                                                                       WKHLUOHJDF\LQWRWKHIXWXUH,DPKXP-
National Mall here May 8 to remember
WKHLUFRPUDGHVRQWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\       7KHÀ\RYHU                                                                          bled to stand in the shadow of these

   0RUHWKDQYHWHUDQVWXUQHGRXW         WKDQQLYHUVDU\RIWKHHQGRI¿JKWLQJ                                             valor they represent.”
²WKH\RXQJHVWLQWKHLUODWHV²WR        in Europe, or V-E Day, aircraft from
                                              VNLHVGXULQJWKH$UVHQDORI'HPRFUDF\                                                 ³7RGD\ ZH FDQ FHOHEUDWH WKH OHJ-
war to save liberty and democracy.            Flyover.
   Susan Rice, the U.S. national se-                                                                                              FRXOGQRWLPDJLQHLQ´5LFHVDLG
curity adviser, represented President
%DUDFN2EDPDDWWKHFHUHPRQ\.DWK-                                                                                               of peace in Europe, but also the way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DOD photograph by Glenn Fawcett
                                                                                                                                  around the world,” she said.
                                                                                                                                     The American and Russian soldiers       WKH$UVHQDORI'HPRFUDF\HYHQWFRPPHPRUDWLQJWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RI9(
                                                                                                                                  who met at the prisoner of war camp        in the spectacle, which followed a path along the Potomac River and passed
                                                                                                                                  LQ7RUJDX*HUPDQ\$SULO       over landmarks including the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.

                                                                                       Army photograph by SSgt. Bernardo Fuller   were also witnesses of some of man-        7KHIDPLO\VHWWOHGLQ(QJODQGZKHUH         GXJLQSRVLWLRQVDPLGUDLQDQGPXG
Ray Weaver, an Air Force veteran, salutes as historic aircraft sweep over                                                         kind’s most unconscionable acts, Rice                                                   and blood and darkness, winnable only
WKH 1DWLRQDO 0DOO LQ :DVKLQJWRQ '& 0D\   GXULQJ WKH$UVHQDO RI                                                                                        ment in exile, and as they endured the       WKURXJKXQEHOLHYDEOHFRXUDJHDQGZLWK
'HPRFUDF\)O\RYHUWRFRPPHPRUDWHWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RIWKH(XURSHDQ                                                            said. Hardened soldiers were sickened      %OLW]LQ/RQGRQ$OEULJKWEHOLHYHGWKDW
theater victory in World War II.                                                                                                                                                                                          unbearable losses.”
                                                                                                                                  by what they saw in Dachau and Aus-        no one else would stand up to the Axis.
HULQH .RUEHO VWRRG LQ IRU KHU VLVWHU     Coordinated by the Commemorative                                                                                                                                         Hallmarks of the WWII generation
                                                                                                                                  chwitz, and “as one world we pro-             “Then one day, wonderful news                &RXUDJHLQJHQXLW\IDLWKDQGLQGXV-
former Secretary of State Madeline            Air Force based in Dallas, more than                                                FODLPHGµQHYHUDJDLQ¶´VKHVDLG         FDPHIURPDFURVVWKHVHDDEUDYHQD-
$OEULJKWDWWKHFHUHPRQ\                    DLUFUDIWUHSUHVHQWLQJWKHHYROXWLRQ                                                                                                                                    try “are the hallmarks of the World War
                                              RIDYLDWLRQWHFKQRORJ\WKURXJKRXWWKH                                                 5LFHDGGHG³7KDWOHJDF\FRQWLQXHV     tion had answered the call and was on        ,,JHQHUDWLRQ´.RUEHOVDLG
   Rice told the crowd that on V-E Day        ZDUÀHZRYHUWKHFDSLWDOUHJLRQ7KH                                              WRGULYHXVWRVWDQGDJDLQVWDWURFLWLHV   LWV ZD\ WR UHVFXH IUHHGRP´ .RUEHO
                                              DLUFUDIWÀHZLQKLVWRULFDOO\VHTXHQFHG                                                                                                                                        She said Americans can never for-
celebrations were mixed with sorrows          IRUPDWLRQVVLJQLI\LQJWKHGHFLVLYHEDW-                                             and acts of mass inhumanity.”              said. “Soon, American soldiers arrived       JHWWKDW³ZHDUHUHFLSLHQWVRIDSUH-
                                                                                                                                     7KHZDUFKDQJHG$PHULFDDWKRPH       LQ %ULWDLQ EULQJLQJ ZLWK WKHP WKHLU   FLRXV JLIW IURP WKRVH KHURHV ZKRVH
for what was lost.                            tles of the war. The aircraft represented                                                                                      ERXQGOHVV HQHUJ\ FRQILGHQW ZLVH-
                                                                                                                                  5LFH VDLG QRWLQJ$IULFDQ$PHULFDQ      FUDFNVDQGIXQQ\ZD\RIZDONLQJ2Q         conscience could not accept the theft
   “As the news spread, and people            battles from Pearl Harbor and Midway                                                6ROGLHUV FDPH KRPH DQG IRXJKW IRU                                                 RIOLEHUW\RUWKHUHDOLW\RIDJJUHVVLRQ
                                              WR''D\DQG,ZR-LPDZLWKDILQDO                                                MXVWLFHDQGWKHLUULJKWV:RPHQWRR     the streets of British cities and towns,     DQGJHQRFLGH´
poured into the streets to celebrate in       PLVVLQJPDQIRUPDWLRQ                                                                                                         FKLOGUHQOLNHPHWUDLOHGDORQJEHKLQG
1HZ<RUN/RQGRQDQG3DULVFKHHUV                                                                                               looked at their contributions in the mil-                                                  .RUEHODGGHG³7REHWUXHWRWKRVH
DQGODXJKWHUPL[HGIUHHO\ZLWKWHDUV´          $FWLQJ6HFUHWDU\RIWKH$LU)RUFH                                               LWDU\DQGLQIDFWRULHVDQGVRXJKWPRUH    them in awe of their uniforms and all        KHURHV ZH PXVW QHYHU IRUJHW ZK\
VKHVDLG³%XWHYHQLQWKHPLGVWRI                                                                                                                                                                                    :RUOG:DU,,ZDVIRXJKWDQGKRZLW
RQHWULXPSKZHYRZHGWR¿JKWRQDQG         Lisa A. Disbrow represented the Air                                                 WWII vets will be remembered               that they represented.”
¿QLVKWKHZDULQWKH3DFL¿F´                                                                                                        5LFHORRNHGDWWKH:RUOG:DU,,YHW-                                                 was won. We must maintain solidarity
                                              Force at the event.                                                                                                            Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied             ZLWKRQHDQRWKHUQHYHUDOORZLQJRXU
   1RZ  \HDUV IURP WKDW WXUQLQJ                                                                                           erans and said America owes them an        (XURSH
                                                 “This impressive aerial display of                                                                                                                                       differences to interfere with the most
                                                                                                                                  unpayable debt. She thanked them in           .RUEHOQRWLFHGWKDWLQ-XQHDOO
                                                                                                                                                                             WKH$PHULFDQVZHUHJRQHVXGGHQO\RII       profound values we share. And we
                                                                                                                                  the president’s name and said the story    WRWKH¿JKWLQ)UDQFH                       PXVWEHZLOOLQJWRXSKROGWKDWSULQFLSOH
                                                                                                                                  RIWKHLUJHQHUDWLRQZLOOQHYHUEHIRU-                                                  E\GHIHQGLQJGHPRFUDWLFLQVWLWXWLRQV
                                                                                                                                  JRWWHQ                                       ³,QWKHPRQWKVWKDWIROORZHGDOPRVW     DQGYDOXHVWKURXJKRXWWKHZRUOG´

                                                                                                                                     “We will continue to tell it to chil-   an entire continent lost to evil had to be
                                                                                                                                  dren blessedly untouched by war, so        VKH VDLG ³,W ZDV DQ DVVDXOW DJDLQVW

                                                                                                                                  they understand … the price of free-

                                                                                                                                  dom,” she said.


                                                                                                                                  Josef, was a Czechoslovakian diplomat
                                                                                                                                  PDQ\ LQYDGHG LQ  .RUEHO VDLG

                                                                                                 DOD photograph by Glenn Fawcett                                                                                                          Army photograph by SSgt. Bernardo Fuller

9LQWDJH:RUOG:DU,,DLUFUDIWÀ\RYHUWKHQDWLRQ¶VFDSLWDODVWKH\SDUWLFLSDWHLQ                                                                                           Left: Former Capt. Bernie Dupuis, who joined the Army Air Corps
WKH$UVHQDORI'HPRFUDF\HYHQWFRPPHPRUDWLQJWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RI9(                                                                                                    DWLQDWWHQGVWKHKLVWRULFDLUFUDIWVZHHSRYHUWKH1DWLRQDO
'D\0D\LQ:DVKLQJWRQ'&0RUHWKDQWZRGR]HQDLUFUDIWSDUWLFLSDWHG                                                                                             0DOO LQ :DVKLQJWRQ '&0D\   GXULQJ WKH$UVHQDO RI
in the spectacle, which followed a path along the Potomac River and passed
over landmarks including the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.                                                                                                   Democracy Flyover to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the

                                                                                                                                                                             during the Arsenal of Democracy Flyover to commemorate the

                                                                                                                                  Army photograph by SSgt. Bernardo Fuller

10                                            Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                                                                    May 22, 2015
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