Page 5 - Luke AFB edition Aerotech 5-22-15
P. 5

Air Force implements automated evaluation,

decoration processing via myPers

   %HJLQQLQJLQ0D\VXSHUYLVRUVRIDFWLYH                                               DWWKHFOLFNRIDEXWWRQ´6WLQJOH\VDLG                                          Achievement Medal, Aerial Achievement                                                   improvements that better serve our airmen and
duty Airmen will be able to initiate, process,                                                                                                                                Medal, Combat Readiness Medal and Military                                              enable us to focus on customer service.”
WUDFNDQGVLJQRI¿FHUDQGHQOLVWHGHYDOXDWLRQV                                           Reserve, a system used by the Air Reserve Per-                                      2XWVWDQGLQJ9ROXQWHHU6HUYLFH0HGDO                                                       $OODLUPHQFDQDFFHVVP\3HUVXVLQJWKHLU
¿FLDOVDQQRXQFHG0D\                                                                  sonnel Center to support Reserve and Guard                                             “The new process eliminates delays with                                              FRPPRQDFFHVVFDUGWRORJLQ)RUDFFHVVIURP
                                                                                          SURJUDPV                                                                          V F D Q Q L Q J  D Q G  P D L O L Q J   D Q G  V D Y H V  P D Q  K R X U V      D SHUVRQDO FRPSXWHU DLUPHQ FDQ JR WR WKH
   $GGLWLRQDOO\EHJLQQLQJLQ-XQHVXSHUYL-                                                                                                                                  WKURXJKDVWUHDPOLQHGVLQJOHSHUVRQQHOV\V-                                            P\3HUVSDJHDQGFUHDWHDQDFFRXQWYLDWKHDF-
                                                                                             ³7KHLPSRUWDQWWKLQJDERXWY3&LVWKDWWKHUH                                                                                                                            FHVVLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKHORJLQ
sors of active-duty members will be able to                                               ZLOOEHQREXJVWRURRWRXWRUZRUNDURXQGVWR                                      tem that performs transactions and updates to                                           SDJH
                                                                                          LPSOHPHQW´VDLG%ULJ*HQ6DPXHO0DKDQH\                                        DPHPEHU¶VUHFRUG´6WLQJOH\H[SODLQHG³8O-
use myPers to initiate and track decorations                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2QFHORJJHGLQWRP\3HUVDLUPHQZKRQHHG
                                                                                          the ARPC commander. “vPC is a tried and true                                        timately, personnel specialists will be able to
as well.                                                                                                                                                                      VSHQGPRUHWLPHDVVLVWLQJ$LUPHQ´                                                      assistance can select the “Contact Us” link
                                                                                          application courtesy of the world-class devel-                                                                                                                              IURPDQ\P\3HUVSDJHWRUHDFKWKHP\3HUV
   “Airmen can view their personnel records,                                                                                                                                     3URFHVVLQJDQGVXEPLWWLQJDFWLYHGXW\HYDO-
X S G D W H  D V V L J Q P H Q W  S U H I H U H Q F H V   X S G D W H  W K H L U    opment team at ARPC.”                                                               XDWLRQVWKURXJKP\3HUVZLOOEHPDQGDWRU\IRU                                           Total Force Service Center.
WKURXJKWKHµ$FFHVV$)3&6HFXUH¶OLQN´VDLG                                                                                                                                 -XQHDQGIRUHQOLVWHGHYDOXDWLRQVEHJLQQLQJ                                            “Select ‘Email Us’ to correspond electroni-
&KULVWLQH6WLQJOH\WKHPLOLWDU\IXWXUHRSHUD-                                            rations will save members time since it will                                        ZLWKWKHVHQLRUPDVWHUVHUJHDQWVWDWLFFORVHRXW                                        FDOO\RUFKRRVHµ2WKHU&RQWDFW,QIRUPDWLRQ¶WR
W L R Q V  E U D Q F K  U H T X L U H P H Q W V  D Q G  W H V W L Q J  F K L H I   LQFOXGHSUHSRSXODWHGFHUWL¿FDWHVDQGPHPR-                                                                                                                                  ¿QGSKRQHQXPEHUVDQGRWKHURSWLRQV´6WLQJ-
³(QDEOLQJ$LUPHQWRPDQDJHWKHLUSHUVRQQHO                                                                                                                                   date of July 31.
                                                                                          randums, online “Décor 6” forms, automatic                                             3URFHVVLQJDQGVXEPLWWLQJDFWLYHGXW\GHFR-                                          ley said. “Personnel specialists are available to
information and perform transactions electron-
LFDOO\FUHDWHVHI¿FLHQFLHVDOODURXQG´                                                   updates to Military Personnel Data System and                                       U D W L R Q V  W K U R X J K  P \ 3 H U V  Z L O O  E H  S K D V H G  L Q  D V  help with a wide variety of career questions
                                                                                          DXWRPDWLFWUDQVIHUVWRRI¿FLDOUHFRUGV                                             EDVHFHUWL¿FDWHVWRFNLVGHSOHWHG                                                      DQGSURFHVVHVVRJLYHP\3HUVDWU\<RXPD\
   $GGLQJWKHDXWRPDWHGHYDOXDWLRQDQGGHFR-                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EHVXUSULVHGDWZKDW\RX¿QGWKHUH´
UDWLRQ SURFHVVLQJ SLHFH WKURXJK DQ DSS RQ                                             Active-duty decorations will be initiated,                                          ³ 7 K H V H  D U H  M X V W  W Z R  R I  V H Y H U D O  D X W R P D W H G
                                                                                          S U R F H V V H G  D Q G  W U D F N H G  W K U R X J K  W K H  Y 3 &  D S S  LQLWLDWLYHVXQGHUZD\ULJKWQRZ´6WLQJOH\VDLG                                           $OWKRXJKVXSHUYLVRUVRIDFWLYHGXW\DLUPHQ
myPers called the virtual Personnel Center                                                GDVKERDUG ,QLWLDOO\ WKH DZDUG DXWRPDWLRQ                                     ³$)3&WHDPVDUHFRQVWDQWO\ORRNLQJDWSURFHVV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      will not be able to use the vPC until it is imple-
will further improve Airmen’s access to per-                                              will include the Meritorious Service Medal,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mented in May, they can review details on vPC
sonnel processes, she explained.                                                          Air Force Commendation Medal, Air Force                                                                                                                                     E\HQWHULQJ³Y3&´LQWKHVHDUFKZLQGRZ

   Once the automated process is activated in                                             “Unlike the existing system, once the evaluation                                                                                                                               0\3HUVLVWKHRI¿FLDOVLWHIRUDOO$LU)RUFH

May for active duty, supervisors will be able                                             is signed by the ratee, the military personnel sec-                                                                                                                         personnel topics and has hundreds of informa-

to initiate Airmen’s evaluations and route them                                           tion will be able to receive and forward it to AFPC                                                                                                                         tive articles on military and civilian personnel
WKURXJKWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHUHYLHZHUDQGDSSURYDO                                           WKURXJKP\3HUVY3&IRU¿QDOSURFHVVLQJLQWRDQ                                                                                                                             SURJUDPVVXFKDVSURPRWLRQVUHHQOLVWPHQWV
RI¿FLDOVPXFKOLNHWKHH[LVWLQJ(YDOXDWLRQV                                             LQGLYLGXDO¶VRI¿FLDOUHFRUGDWWKHFOLFNRIDEXWWRQ´                                                                                                                      EHQH¿WVDQGDVVLJQPHQWVDVZHOODVDFFHVVWR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      transactional personnel processes.
DWLRQLVVLJQHGE\WKHUDWHHWKHPLOLWDU\SHU-                                                                                                                                                                                                                          For more information about personnel pro-
sonnel section will be able to receive and for-

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May 22, 2015                                                                              Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
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