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         Gazelle is part of continuous business improvement and we know there is still more to do. We will continue to drive efficiencies in our work, including the alignment of customer prices in bucket accounts to reduce the amount of promotions being raised and the subsequent activities in other areas. Meanwhile, we will also work at extending our planning horizon, which during the pandemic became a regular short term view and instead onsider the medium and long term position. This will help inform brand strategies, supply chain planning and ultimately put us in a better position to understand the focus areas of the business and deliver greater profits.
  The Sungard GetPaid tool was implemented over 10 years ago and is now end of life. We reviewed a number of options available to the Group to continue the management of debt issues that have a major impact on working capital. We were keen to add further efficiencies provided by new technology and collaboration workflow.
A number of factors were considered mandatory to enhance operations. Any new system selected needed to have the capacity to increase automation now and
in the future. Following an extensive review of options, Highradius (HRC) - a Credit, Collections and Dispute Management tool - was deemed to meet all the relevant criteria.
HRC will cover ledgers currently supported by Finance Shared Services within the Corporate Service Division. In the coming weeks more details on HRC will be provided to the relevant teams.
HRC will cover all aspects of:
• New Customer Application
• Credit Risk Management
• Cash Application
• Debt Collection
• Dispute & Deduction Management
• Reporting & Analytics
Many steps that have been manual within Sungard GetPaid will be automated within the new
HRC tool, saving time and effort!

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