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In the last seven months our society has changed dramatically! We are living through a pandemic and coping with evolving restrictions that impact on all of our jurisdictions. On behalf of the Drinks Board, I want to thank you all for embracing our Spirit values. Your continued support and commitment have been phenomenal. As a business, we have met increased volumes, dealt with market volatility and introduced and adapted to new ways of working.
      Innovation has been a key driving force. In this edition,
we showcase our reinvented WKD MIXD cans. Our cocktail in a can has generated a lot of interest amongst consumers, influencers and superfans. In addition, WKD has welcomed two new variants - Lemon and Raspberry & Lemonade - which are gaining momentum. Indeed, congratulations are in order for everyone involved in the Bestway
WKD Lemon Launch which achieved the Group
quarterly award! This is a fitting
recognition from the other Group MDs and Group
Board members, to achieve a nine
week launch during lockdown
is simply fantastic.
The bottlegreen team recently
unveiled a rebrand
reinforcing the brand’s contemporary
premium positioning and differentiated flavours. A new fuller flavour pressé range
is now available in Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons, with an exclusive Bramble Sparkling Pressé featured in 388 Sainsbury’s stores. It is also great to see Winter Spiced Berry cordial back on the shelves ahead of the Winter season. Exciting brand plans are in place for 2021 and we will showcase these at a virtual briefing over the coming weeks. So, watch this space!
Another business challenge that we are set to face in just over two months is Brexit. As we prepare for one of the most disruptive legislative changes the Group will ever experience, it is essential you review all the information relevant to your area of business. Please highlight issues, respond promptly to queries the Brexit team pose and support them so we are ready within the designated timeframe.
Our Gazelle programme is also an example of how business change can enhance efficiency. It is great to see teams using the new CBP tool to build 2021 plans, in addition to utilising the reports available to assess performance and make informed decisions. There is still some work to do around reporting dashboards and further enhancements are in the process of being rolled out. Only by familiarising ourselves with the tools and adhering to
the processes will we realise the full business benefits.
During these challenging times it is essential that we all pay attention to our health and wellbeing. To assist us, the Group recently launched a 12-month mental wellbeing campaign. There will be lots of great resources available to support mental wellbeing and signpost people to support networks. Please do take the time to read the resources and engage with the toolbox talks. Remember to take care of yourself and your colleagues. Together we can start the conversation.
Finally, as we enter the Christmas selling period, please continue to work together to meet year end targets and finalise our 2021 plans. The next few months may bring further restrictions and lockdowns so it is important
we play our part in trying to slow down community transmissions by practicing good hygiene regimes and following social
distancing guidelines.
Stay Safe!

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