Page 5 - MAGAZINE 9
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hink of some words that will inspire you. ou can dictate your action and thoughts, if
Say them, using your beads to help count it is important to you.
Thow ever many times you wish to do it YWhen you have a negative thought or
(Start with your bracelet and move on to a action, try stopping yourself with a pause and
necklace if you want to do it longer). counting down
5- 4 -3 -2- 1
You can repeat your mantra for as long as you
want to, I think any amount of time you spend Interrupting your thought like this is also inter-
focusing on this will make you feel better. rupting a habit (a habit is encoded in your brain
as a closed loop pattern/repeated behaviour in
Mantra Example your Basal Ganglia part of the brain)
I am Counting backwards helps to break the cycle and
HAPPY interrupt the behaviour, by moving the thought
HEALTHY to the Pre-Frontal Cortex of your brain.
WEALTHY & By counting backwards, you have to concentrate
BEAUTIFUL and this interrupts the thought process, e.g.: self-
doubt, interrupts you yelling at your kids, inter-
WEALTH & PROSPERITY rupts reaching for alcohol, interrupts procrastina-
FLOW EASILY INTO tion and interrupts you reaching for comfort food.
MY LIFE Counting backwards requires you to focus
Repeat however many times feels right. This is a proven method that will help change a
behaviour and trick your brain and take positive
GorgeousTeal Tassel
Meditation Beads for help
reminding you to meditate by
wearing and seeing them every
single day
Julie Johnston Magazine 5