Page 3 - April 2018 UKPHA Newsletter
P. 3

So come along and let your dreams start to come true
There will be two hi-point awards at the show up for grabs :-
• UKPHA Hi-Point Walk/Jog Award
• UKPHA Hi-Point Open Award
(Show schedule & entry on shows)
PARADE OF PAINTS: Mid-day during the show, we would like all paint horses both in-hand & ridden to enter the ring and have a parade of paints. This will be entirely at walk so no one need be worried and you don’t even need to be tacked up or entered into the show itself. This parade is FREE TO ENTER with pre- registration.
UKPHA would like to see how many paint horses we can get into the ring at ‘one time, in one class’. Who knows maybe we will start a new record !!!!
This will also be a great opportunity to show off our horses and all their beautiful colors and patterns, together, without being under show pressures etc.
You will find attached to this email the flyer for the Gathering that was used to launch our event at the Sovereign Quarter Horses Open Day on April 8th.
Please everyone, save the date, load up and come along. Join the fun and be part of the paint horse family.

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